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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Are you talking about this one in the thread kitty made?




    @Stickz @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @metalslug53 @Moosty @Rejects


    Oh damn, that's actually a thing?! I knew about the idea that was kicked around for a while of making a chat filter for Lenny faces, but I didn't think that'd work as people would just bypass the filter.


    But if we have a plugin that auto-gags someone for spamming the same thing 3+ times in a row, by all means, let's use it! :D

  2. Upside to being a teacher is that my summers are completely open. All I have to worry about over the next few months are entertaining my daughter.


    Other than that, I'm completely free! Unless I decide on a summer job. In other words, I'll be available MOST of the time.

  3. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




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    Put on those tags and enjoy it! Thread closed! ^-^

  4. So unless Silence's sage wisdom goes against me, I am unfortunately going to have to decline your member submission. Your application simply didn't receive the required vouches before the deadline of May 1st, making you too young in order to be accepted in xG. Feel free to post a member submission once you turn 16.




    I was under the impression that if a membership application was put in before the 1st deadline, it was given the entire 30 days like any other application before it was closed. I'm not 100% on that however, so let's ask @Rhododendron what he wants to do.


    Pending his answer, this thread may be reopened. I mean, Thunder had 13 +1s in less than a week. Only seems fair to give him the full 30 days like everyone else gets.

  5. Agreed. I've seen Gibus around lately on Pokemon and TGH. Seems like a chill individual.




    A: (insert relatively high number here)

    M: (See above bracket)

  6. I made my feelings pretty well known in our conversation, but I guess I can give the tl:dr version here.


    The Vector debacle was a big blended bowl of bowel movements. I think everyone had heated passions and may have hastily said things that weren't actually truthful or serious. Do I think there would be a mass exodus of leaving members if the CLs reversed on a decision? Possibly. But I know that for myself at least, and possibly a few of the other higher ranking staff members, those statements were made out of passion and frustration and not very well thought out.


    I think the main frustration was also the miscommunication and the thought that such a decision could easily be overturned, especially after such a long amount of time spent deliberating.


    That being said, after a good amount of time away from the forums to clear my head and give things a good thorough thought, I think the proposed alternative is a good solution to everyone involved. It was handled in a messy way, but the conclusion we ultimately came to was a good one.

  7. I actually agree with Moosty on this one. If we were more attentive and closed his last submission when it should have been closed, he would have been able to submit his application sooner, before the new age requirements were put into place.


    @Rhododendron , would it be okay if we made this ONE acception?


    EDIT: In the case that Rhodo does allow this application, here's my tally:




    A: 8

    M: 8


    He's been playing with us forever. Totally ready to become a member.