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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. just gonna tag all the higher ups @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Moosty @metalslug53


    Oof. Yeah, that's quite a no-no in my books. +1 for closing the thread. Multi-accounting isn't really a good thing, especially if the age is not accurate.

  2. The Votekick command was added to suppress any and all rulebreakers while there is no staff members online. If people are abusing the system, please record demos of the abuse and submit it to us so we can deal with it. It's a tool to help the server and if people are exploiting it, we need to be dealing with those individuals, not removing the plugin.


    Thread closed.

  3. With the vouches from your other thread, which I did say would count towards your total, you've gotten enough vouches to be readmitted. Welcome back!







    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!


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    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

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    For a server list, click here.


    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/

  4. Just going to throw this out there, I was under the impression that it was intended that "only STAFF can deem a camp unbreakable" and that it is poorly written as admin. Since I have been directly told be leadership that I would be able to give myself special valve weapons to break a sentry camp like that and that that would be pretty much the only time I could use said weapons on people outside of a vote.


    Nope. Admins+. And, to make it clear, it's not my intention to break camps practically ever. ONLY if it is literally impossible for the team to do so themselves, as mentioned earlier, on maps that involve teleports to leave spawn.


    Anyways, since everyone seems to be in agreement with an official warning, we will make that official.


    Flareon, I'm sure you've realized your wrongdoings and won't do them again. Let's consider this your first, official warning. Don't let it happen again, mkay? =)


    Thread closed.

  5. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!


    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!


    Want to get Moderator?


    There are a few ways to earn admin!

    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.

    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


    For a server list, click here.


    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/





  6. Thanks for that Dethman, but since this is the first DOCUMENTED incident we've seen, I think we can safely give Flareon an official warning about his actions.


    Flareon, it's probably best to ensure that if you are engaging the enemy team AT ALL, don't have any active commands that could potentially give you an edge to the fight. Make sure things like resize commands, low gravity, speed, and the such are all reset before actually fighting and trying to affect the enemy teams. Also, that goes for God/Buddha mode too. Since this is your first offence, I don't think any drastic measures will be taken, but should it happen again, there will be a possible ramification you'd face, up to and possibly including demotion.


    If this is sufficient to the other DMs/DLs, I think we can close the thread and move on. Flareon has received his warning, and should he receive his warning and change his actions, I feel no further punishments need to be given at this time. Just don't let it happen again, yeah? Consider this a probationary period of sorts where you'll be monitored for any additional wrongdoings.


    @Moosty @Rejects @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz


    If sufficient, we can close the thread and be done with it.

  7. Okay, after speaking to the other DMs about the rule, we have come to the decision to keep the rule as it is, in which Admins+ have the discretion to deem the spawn camp as unbreakable.


    HOWEVER, I would HIGHLY SUGGEST that spawn camps are left alone and only broken if it is literally impossible to get around, such as if you head through a teleport to get out of spawn, like in Nimbus. xG has been known for a long time for its allowance of spawn camping, and the last thing we want to do is get rid of it.


    So, in the given scenario, Flareon using low gravity to drop sappers on the buildings would constitute as abuse. Admins+ are the only ones who can deem if a camp is unbreakable, so if you think it qualifies, you should be seeking out an Admin+ to make a judgment call on it.


    PLEASE don't take it into your own hands. Let one of us make that call.

  8. Vector said it best.


    Don't break spawn camps using donator perks or any other plugins. It's that simple.


    You had no authority to decide if the spawn camp was unbreakable or not. 12 hours is NOTHING. Be glad you didn't lose donator perks, because that constituted as serious abuse.


    This thread is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary, considering the ban is already expired. You're just stirring the pot now.



  9. Hell, even ADMINS don't really have the power to deem if spawn camps are unbreakable usually. Back in my Admin days, there were times where I found pretty powerful spawn camps, and when turning to Kbraszzz or our acting DMs, they always told me to let it lay. I was always under the impression that there really isn't a level of "unbreakable" anymore. That's been a thing since before I became a DM.


    Either way, Gigyas is NOT an admin and this is clearly abuse of his donator perks. Giving yourself powerplay and Valve Rockets to take out a nest is a big no-no. It definitely isn't an issue with ALL donators, so removing it is fairly unjust. +1 to punishing Gigyas for his obvious abuse, with a possibility of a revoking of his donator privileges.


    I'll have words with the other DMs and get a clarification on the spawn camping rules, but until further notice, I'll just go on record and say NOBODY BREAKS SPAWNCAMPS. Our servers have a dedicated rule to ALLOW this kind of thing, so it'd be redundant to make exceptions to the rule. Getting camped? Get some Medics and pop some ubers, or RTV from the map. That way, it's nice and clear until a decision can otherwise be made.


    Cool with that @Rejects and @Moosty? We'll discuss it further.

  10. Remaining neutral on this one. Frost has been a long-time member, but the debacle with Banana Shoes is pretty iffy. That caused a lot of headaches for a good friend of mine, and it didn't end well in his favor. T.T

  11. Oum y'know that the unusual server's gone right?


    I do now.


    RIP in purpleonees Unusual Trade. Underrated map on a server that never got the love it so desperately deserved. T.T

  12. +1


    A: Quite a bit, actually. 8

    M: Always seems to be trying to help out. 9


    Lucy Mcellion has been a LONG TIME active member on our TF2 servers, mostly TGH. I'm kind of surprised it took her this long to submit a Membership application, but she has my full support.


    I've checked SourceBans and located her former ban information. Link below:


    Xeno Gamers


    It was done by Kitty and the reason given was for "Admin disrespect." Not really anything to prevent Lucy from getting membership in my eyes, especially since it was almost a year ago, and she has been active on our servers since then with no offenses or complaints.


    Hope you get the membership! :D

  13. Agreed. Prophunt is very cut and paste. The general rules that are everywhere else will apply fine to that.


    TF2x10 will be just chaos. Best to let that go on and see if there are any plugin issues we need to address. Once again, blanket the general rules on that one.


    I have zero experience with Hidden. I guess I'll have to learn that mode and get back to you.

  14. Tanner's been pretty helpful over the past few days contacting me whenever there are issues on JB. I know he wants to do right by our clan and help out to show that he genuinely cares.


    But, that being said, he's admitted to the very reason he was banned from being CT in the first place. Sorry Tanner, but we've got to keep the ban in place.


    Perhaps in the future, things can be reassessed. Continue contributing to a healthy Jailbreak experience. Hell, apply for xG membership and contribute to the clan if you are old enough. Show everyone else that you care and perhaps some day in the future we can re-evaluate the ban.

