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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Been having a recurring issue with Shoutbox not refreshing on its own, but the issue is not present on other computers. It works just fine on my wife's and on the computer at my work, but not on my own desktop. I've tried disabling my extensions such as Adblock and such. I even went so far as to reinstall Chrome, but I am still having issues.


    Any ideas? =/

  2. I fail to see how a slightly rude, on-topic response is considered equal to the detrimental lashing of someone's social status, especially when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you honestly feel that both parties are equally at fault here, you probably should reread through that thread, because you missed something.


    Stop trying to use analogies to compare this situation. It's inaccurately representing what is happening here. This isn't a car crash or a fist fight. It's cyber-bullying, plain and simple, which is AGAINST our rules. Did Moosty respond in a rude way? Sure. Did he cyber-bully Kitty in that thread? Absolutely not. His posts were on-point and on-topic. It was KITTY who took it out of context. It was KITTY who dragged it to an unnecessary level. It is KITTY that causes these issues, has been causing these issues, and CONTINUES to cause these issues. She does not exemplify what we should be striving to achieve here at xG in the least and MUST be removed, lest this division loses a LOT of outstanding members. It is clear that her presence is no longer desired by a LARGE MAJORITY of our division. Something needs to be done about it. If the incorrect action is taken, or worse, if NO action is taken, we will lose members who are sick and tired of this same song and dance, week after week.


    It's not a threat, it's a reality. If this is handled poorly, the TF2 Division as we currently know it WILL LOSE a lot of people. Mark my words.

  3. Moosty beat me to it. That thread did not dwindle into a flame war because of Moosty's comments. It was taken there when Kitty decided to bring social class into a conversation where it had absolutely no bearing, to be used as ad hominem to gain some sort of imaginary higher ground. Unfortunately for Kitty, logical debates don't work this way.


    The notion that Moosty instigated this conflict is ridiculously laughable. All one has to do is read through that thread to realize that Kitty was given the honest feedback of the community for her idea, and instead of handling it in a level-headed way, decided to lash out against Moosty.


    The biggest difference between the two involved parties is that Moosty is able to own up to his mistakes. He did so earlier when he said he'd take responsibility for his actions, but to accuse him of something he did not cause is a disservice to not only him, but the members of this community who respect him.


    It's of my honest opinion that Kitty needs to stop this charade. She put herself in this situation and cried foul when someone else called her out on her words. I still stand by my +1 and ask for a Permanent Ban, for the sake of everyone in our clan.

  4. I hate to see our members reduced to this. I want to believe that we are better than petty insults and disrespect. It's a concept that even the 7-year-olds I teach can easily grasp, so why is it so difficult for the members of this clan?


    I understand tensions are high. I understand the "He Said, She Said" game, probably better than most of our staff considering my profession. I just want it all to end.


    SOLUTION: @Moosty, @Kittylicious ...there is an option on the forums to ignore one another. Use it. Don't interact. Don't further the issue. Just leave each other the fuck alone. It's escalated to an unnecessary level. Be the bigger person in this situation and just squash it. It's about time that this Jerry Springer drama shit come to an end. It's damaging much more than just to the two people involved.


    I want to feel sorry and support everyone involved, but I just can't do it. I want to find an appropriate solution for EVERYONE, but even I don't know what is appropriate for this meaningless bullshit. You're going to encounter assholes throughout life, but you don't have a right to silence them. They can be an asshole all they want. All you can do is ignore them, so let's do that here.


    Moosty put it very well in the thread that was derailed. "IMMATURITY IS FUN, ITS LITERALLY WHAT WE DO ALL DAY." But the issue here is that the amount of enjoyment from people being immature is very subjective, and it can turn to insult and hurt VERY quickly. I won't be one to deny that it is a hell of a lot of fun just to cut loose and act like a moron sometimes, but we have all got to learn a sense of control when we go about doing it. We have ALL got to learn where the line lies and how far we can toe it before "Immaturity" turns to "Disrespect."


    We're better than this. Our clan is capable of so much more than this. We should be able to compromise and work things out. We shouldn't have to resort to playing this bureaucratic game of favoritism and popularity just to get a point across. Stop digging the hole and just climb out and fill it. Please.

  5. Ever since the fallout that happened from the Kitty thread, I have begun to dislike her in greater increments with every single post she makes on these boards. I ignored her antagonizing after she lost her moderator privileges. I turned the other cheek when she began complaining about her terrible luck in MvM and how "bad" of a game TF2 is. I held my tongue when she began insulting and talking ill of others in this clan. But I can't stand by idly anymore and watch this shit happen, especially to someone who is as high of a caliber a person as Moosty is.


    @Kittylicious , you should be ashamed of your actions. If you aren't, it only goes to show how begotten and vile you are as a person. You have literally had EVERYTHING given to you on a silver platter; your mod powers included, yet all you can seem to do with that is brew trouble. You blatantly go out of your way to disrespect and antagonize the people of this community. I once stood by your side and supported you in the past, but I can't support someone who would laugh at someone else's misfortune the way you have done. If there's anything you need to learn from this, it's that you have a hell of a lot of growing up to do.


    I +1 Moosty's permanent ban request. Kitty is EVERYTHING we should be looking to rid ourselves from this clan if we are to make it a better community. Kitty "left" ages ago, but for some reason, she is still here. I think it's time we MADE her leave.


    I would wish you well in your future endeavors Kitty, but I don't believe you have shown that same courtesy to anyone else since you've been here. Just....leave. You are no longer welcome.

  6. "Waking up at 8am every day, going to a public school where no one understands you."


    Yeah, being the teacher isn't easy. =p


    Oh, and I guess I want a key because not all teachers are assholes. I make my kids actually want to come to school. That's gotta account for something, yeah?