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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Pre-built machine here as well.


    ASUS Z87-PRO Motherboard

    Intel Core i7-4770k Quad-Core 3.4GHz Processor

    Corsair Dominator 16GB Ram

    ASUS 7950HD 3GB 384-Bit GPU (BEFORE Bitcoin made this thing stupid expensive.)


    After screen, peripherals, and OS, the build came to about $1,600. #PCMasterRace

  2. Foxy is nothing to worry about. Any of the first 6 nights, if your routine includes checking Freddy's position, then switching to the cove to check Foxy, you are pretty much set.


    The key to Foxy is to wait for his curtain to be completely open, then check the screen right underneath it, drop the screen immediately and close the left door. After you hear the second knock, it's safe to open.


    The REAL challenge is night 7 at 20/20/20/20, where you literally have to close the right door EVERY TIME YOU CHECK THE SCREEN.

  3. As someone who has made it to night 7, and have a routine down that has ALMOST led me to victory on 20/20/20/20 countless times, this game stops being scary at around Night 4 and starts just being muscle memory.


    Good game though. Highly recommend.

  4. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, we could start trading again and bring back the name Nintendo Sixty Fortress. And get rid of non nintendo maps bring back some old ones. Nintendo was the draw.


    And stop being whiny chumps about everything.

    I'm beginning to believe this to be accurate. Searching Nintendo brings up practically nothing anymore. I think lots of people found us this way.


    Perhaps we should change our name back to Nintendo Sixty Force. Perhaps we should readvertise as a Nintendo server. Perhaps we should revert to Nintendo-only maps and restore some of the former glory ones. I think that would help.

  5. It's no secret that our TF2 servers have been very underpopulated as of late. Traffic has gone from our servers being full for nearly 20 hours out of the day to about halfway there part of the time, to nearly empty for the rest of the time.


    I remember a day where I had to actually FIGHT to get into the TGH server. I remember having to wait for quite the duration before I could even set foot in the server. Now, that's completely different.


    So what caused this downfall in popularity? Many would argue that Hub played an integral part of the decline of our server attendance. Some would argue that it was other factors, such as an increase of players actually playing the game vs going Friendly and just trading. Some would argue that it's in part the fault of the TF2 economy. Some would argue, in the case of TGH, that it was the inclusion of non-Nintendo maps. Whatever the reason, it is apparent that we are not the Trade servers we once were.


    So my question to you is this: How do we fix it? I hate going into my favorite TF2 server, only to find it only halfway populated. I hate seeing our servers being utilized only by the same handful of regulars, (No offense to anyone here.) I hate not being the central trade hub that made us popular to begin with. I hate that we have taken a downhill path that has come to this point.


    So, I'm asking you guys if you have any ideas on how we can fix this. How do we increase traffic to our servers? How do we reignite the interest? How do we draw attention to ourselves and bring our servers back to their former glory?


    I'd love to hear what you guys think.

  6. @KendrickLlama

    Did you read my post? I said "Going from what I've read since I haven't been on steam or xG servers in well over a year" I didn't have all the facts, I am stating my opinion based on what I read. How should I have known he has had 300 chances with you posting little to nothing on this case other than your pictures/gifs. & I never said since he donates he knows the rules, I said the donation part because it is showing his care for this community. I said the knowing the rules part because it was stated earlier in this thread.



    Trust me, I was a pretty big hard butt when it came to give respect, get respect when I was an admin, I'm just saying if he's "trolling" there's literally no reason to ban him since you're never going to be able to get rid of trolling & everyone trolls in their own way, whether it be to piss people off, or just in a fun manner. And I didn't basically say "He broke the rules. But he paid money, so we should ignore the rules he broke." , ^refer to above comment


    I don't know why he was banned other than what was stated here, like I said before. I could be completely off with what I'm saying, or there could be some people who are just overreacting. Don't put me out to be the bad guy or the asshole who is out to make everyone look bad, I'm just trying to give people fair chances and look at the bright side of some things.


    Lastly, based on looking at your profile showing you've only been a member since last year I don't know if you've been here quite as long, but nevertheless, you are still a valued member of the community, and I thank you for your relaxed and calm response. I am not trying to start fights with you, as you said, just trying to get to the bottom of this.


    No, there was no disrespect taken at all! <3 And yeah, I've been a member on the forums for the past year, but I've been frequenting xG for MUCH longer. I just did the paperwork a year ago. =D


    Also, if I seemed to make you out as the "bad guy", I apologize. I didn't mean to do that. <3

  7. What the fudge happened @Forest & @Gawd , you let xG come to this ?


    First off, who gives a fudge if he's rude sometimes? It's the internet get over yourselves. Everyones going to be rude, this isn't a fudgeing Utopian society we're in and if you truly believe that then get your head out of your butt. You guys are saying he's "trolling" when he plays, well the fudgeing immature kids above me posting irrelevant steaming pantload on this thread are in a sense trolling too so stop being hypocrites.


    Respect goes quite a long ways when it comes to your fate in a server. Be a dick, banned like a dick. (I can't vouch for the thread being derailed though. I had no part in that.)


    Second, I get it, he evaded a ban and yes, under no circumstances are you allowed to do that otherwise it is a permanent ban, I get that, but as someone already stated he donates and he knows the rules (going from what I read, haven't been on steam or xG servers for well over a year) so why wouldn't this guy be trusted for a second chance?


    Breaking rules is breaking rules. Should there be a higher threshold for rule-breakers if they've donated money? I don't think there should be. I mean, you basically said "He broke the rules. But he paid money, so we should ignore the rules he broke."


    Yes, he was a dumbass to leave the game and evade the ban, then come back on a different account and in no way should that be tolerated, but why the fudge was he banned in the first place. He did initiate a vote to see if people didn't mind, and he did get over 70% yes, so I'm still confused on why he was originally banned...


    I've already tagged @Vector so that we could figure it out. Either way, his ban went from a week to Permanent due to his actions and his attitude. I think that can't be ignored at this point.


    Last, for those of you who don't know me, I'm easy (EZKill), been a part of xG for about 3 1/2 years, I've been around since Operation Paperclip which 95% of you have no clue what it is, was an admin for about 1 1/2 years then left xG because of schooling, and I was busy with friends and relationships and whatnot, I had a lot of time played on the servers, and really used to be active on teamspeak, but I stopped coming around indefinitely around August last year since I had College. I resigned from admin in June of 2014 and have been in and out of the forums ever since. That's my life story here at xG, thanks.


    Btw, as of now, I give this guy a +1 on having no ban, since I have no clue why the ban was initiated in the first place...


    Note; My opinion is subject to change upon further proof/statements


    I know you well, EZKill, having been a member ALMOST as long as you have. I hope you don't take any of my posts personally, I just want to get to the bottom of it, like you do.

  8. So, I just sat down and reread through the whole post. I nonchalantly glazed over it when I first commented, but now that I have actually sat and reread everything, I think I have all the knowledge on the situation.


    The way I was always told, spawning in bosses DOES require the 70% approval, but I was also always instructed to NEVER do more than 3 or 4 at a time, as the load can be too stressful on the server and cause a crash. I had no idea it was actually stated that ANY number of bosses could be spawned at any time with an approved vote, but I still wouldn't think it'd be good to do more than a few at a time.


    The matter of fact is that the only person who can make a judgment about your interaction with Vector is @Vector himself. I have no idea the context of the situation with him, if he asked you to stop spawning bosses and you ignored his request, or what the factors were. Because of this, I cannot pass a sound judgment on that inclination since I was not there.


    What I CAN judge were the actions taken after the initial ban was set in place. The evasions, the lifing of the ban behind Vector's back without a ban protest thread, the smart-assing to the mods, and the antagonizing of the mods on the forums. It seemed to stem from the first issue with Vector, where the problems should have been squashed in the beginning, but they were never settled. What SHOULD have happened was an open communication with Vector, not Nomulous, and this would have probably been avoided.


    I don't want to call for a shortening on the ban as I was not involved, but I would say that the entire ordeal was handled poorly, and it doesn't help your case whatsoever. =(

  9. Wow. This is just my opinion, everyone is probably going to downrate that but I don't care. Egossi is very active on our servers and he knows the rules, even though he's trolling sometimes. I think a permanent ban is way too much. So I won't post any besides African, :afro: .


    Perm may be a bit harsh. I'd say reinstate the original week ban and see where it goes from there.


    I'm sure Egossi is more than capable of realizing that what he did was a no-no, and should he do it again, THEN we can perm him.


    My two cents.