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  1. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from XHina_sanX in Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.   
    PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT intended to be a replacement list of rules for all servers. It was written to be a guide on how to deal with rulebreakers with precise instructions for different scenarios. Please stop referring to it as a rules list.
    So, here is the work in progress that is already done. Please feel free to input your thoughts/feelings/ideas so that we can fine-tune this and get it as perfect as possible.
    xG TF2 Trade Server Guidelines for Dealing with Rule Breakers
    This is a comprehensive guideline for Mods and Admins to reference to when looking for specific ways to deal with rule breakers. If an answer cannot be found within this guide, please speak with a DM or higher for consultation.

    For future reference, the generally accepted process of steps a mod/admin should take when dealing with rule breakers should generally be at their discretion, but it is generally done in the following order:
    Warn -> Gag/Mute/Silence/Slay -> Kick -> Ban

    Ban lengths are dependent on the severity of the offense, but usually do not exceed an hour for minor offenses. If the offense is big enough, a day, week, or permanent ban may be implemented.

    Severity Level: Moderate
    Any player caught exploiting glitches in game to give them an unfair advantage are subjected to punishment. Some known exploits include the Uber-Friendly Glitch, Critfarming on non-friendly yet invincible players (God Mode/Buddha Mode), Bonk Flight Glitch, etc. etc.
    Players who are exploiting should be immediately warned. If they continue to repeat the offense, slay/kick the player with a warning explaining what they did wrong. If the offense is repeated yet again, the player will be subjected to a ban of AT LEAST one hour, ranging up to a day. For multiple offenses, the ban may be lengthened to a week.

    Chat/Mic Spam

    Severity: Low
    Out of all the offenses you will face, this will be the most common. Chat spam is easily identifiable. If a player is typing the same message enough to take up 4+ chat lines in the window, it can classify as chat spam. Any player caught spamming chat are subjected to punishment.
    Players who are chat spamming should be immediately warned verbally or in chat and asked to stop. If they persist, initiate a gag, which is automatically set to 30 minutes. If after the allotted time has passed, the individual continues to spam chat, the player may be kicked. If they return and persist, bans may be put into place, ranging from an hour in length to a day. Ban lengths are at the Mod/Admin’s discretion.
    Mic Spam is classified as any overuse of the microphone that is deemed as unnecessary. Some things that qualify as auto-mute offenses include playing music over the speakers, being loud and obnoxious, or the use of voice-changers or soundboards. These offenses will be followed by an immediate mute, then a day ban if it progresses. Follow the same process as chat spammers for any individual clogging the microphone.
    If a player becomes muted or gagged, then disconnects and reconnects to the server, this is known as mutedodge or gagdodge. This is a serious offense that comes with an automatic 24 hour ban. No exceptions.


    To make things clear, Spawncamping is ALLOWED on all xG Trade servers. Many players dislike spawncamping, but it is not something we have rules against.


    Severity: Moderate
    Unlike Spawncamping, xG has a very strict policy when it comes to bodyblocking.
    Bodyblocking classifies as the act of using your own body or a building to block the movement of other players. This can be done by placing sentries or dispensers in doorways or warp points that would cause players of the other team to clip and get stuck, so they may be easily killed. Any player caught bodyblocking are subjected to punishment. This should not be mistaken with using a dispenser to block an opening, which is allowed. It is only considered bodyblocking if a player is teleported into another player/building.
    Bodyblocking should be swiftly dealt with in any instance. If a player is caught bodyblocking, they need to be immediately warned and told to cease, (Buildings may need to be moved.) If they do not comply, slay the individual to clear any buildings that may be bodyblocking other players and to remove the offender from his/her position. If they resume bodyblocking after you have instructed them not to, kick the individual. If they still persist, initiate a ban with the minimum length of 24 hours.

    Friendly Mode

    Severity: Low
    Occasionally, we will have individuals that complain about being killed because they are “Friendly”. When this happens, there is a specific course of action that should be taken.
    Mods and Admins should be actively urging friendly players to utilize the !friendly plugin. Any time a player complains about deaths because they are friendly, instruct them to use the plugin.
    Not everyone will be compliant with the plugin, as some users have issues with the way their character models look while under the influence of !friendly. If you happen to meet one of these individuals, who does not use the plugin, knowing fully aware that it exists, then it can constitute as mic/chat spam.
    Friendly players also have been known to be the targets of hateful comments and disrespect. If at any time you see a player being bullied for the use of the plugin, or for trying to be friendly in general, that is an offense that may warrant a gag/mute. The same is true for the reverse. If a player is being abusive because he/she is being killed and they are claiming to be friendly, that can also warrant a gag/mute.

    Repeat Offenders

    Severity: High
    If a player has been known to cause issues in the servers, and has multiple offenses on record, including multiple kicks or bans for various (Or the same) issue, then higher consequences need to be administered. Ban lengths of up to a week can be issued if a player is continuously being an issue on a servers. If the severity is high enough, permanent bans can also be administered. Please consult with a DM or higher if you wish to permanently ban a player, and state the reasons why.


    Severity: High
    Advertising for other servers and/or services are strictly forbidden on xG servers. If any individual advertises any sort of other server information, Twitch channel info, streaming services, web addresses, etc…, they will face an immediate permanent ban. No exceptions.


    Severity: High
    Hacking constitutes immediate and severe punishments. If a player is caught using any sort of outside hacks to generate unfair advantages, they will face an immediate permanent ban with no chance of appeal.
    If the hacks are blatantly obvious, a permanent ban may be instituted immediately without any sort of proof necessary. If a Mod/Admin suspects a hack but is not sure, PLEASE consult with another Mod/Admin/DM/DL to confirm or deny the use of a hack. If it is determined that the individual is indeed hacking, administer the permanent ban.

    Death/Suicide Threats

    Severity: High
    On our servers, we take death threats and suicide threats very seriously. Both are very sensitive topics that we do not consider as joking matters, so they will be handled seriously.
    If a player is threatening suicide, please make it known to that player that such threats are not taken lightly. Make it known that it is a bannable offense to threaten suicide to the patrons of our server, as such a serious topic should not be joked about. If the suicide threats continue, administer an immediate permanent ban.
    The same can be said about death/murder threats. If a player is making serious acclaims of finding another individual and murdering them, take the same actions as the suicide threats. Administer a verbal warning (Along with a gag/mute if you think it is necessary), then permanently ban the individual should they persist. This should be administered in the event of indirect death threats as well. (“Someone should kill you…Go die…I wish someone would just end you already…” etc. etc.)


    Severity: Moderate
    Harassment in any form is not to be taken lightly. Granted, people will take offense to just about anything under the sun, but if there is a reasonable claim to their offense, actions should be taken to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.
    The obvious forms of harassment (Racism, Sexism, etc. etc.) should be immediately confronted and dealt with. Disrespect is something that should be curbed as often as possible. If two players have issues with one another, calling each other names and insulting each other, mutes and gags can be administered in order to cool them down. If it is very severe, a kick may be needed.
    Severe offenses, such as overly-racist comments, heavy insults, very personal insults, etc. should be handled as seriously. Ban lengths are up to the discretion of the Mod/Admin handling the situation. The most severe may result in permanent bans, (Consult with a DM or higher first.)


    If there are any questions that you may have, or you further need clarification on any matter, please consult with a DM or the DL to clarify any questions you may have.
    (This is a living document, meaning it is subject to change. Please check annually for any updates.)
  2. F!$k Off
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Kertainboi   
    EDIT: Disregard what I said before the edit. Apparently, the agre restrictions don't actually go into effect until the 1st of May. My apologies for that miscommunication.
    Thread has been reopened.
  3. Funny
    Scootaloo reacted to Haruka in Rip Toma   
  4. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from ArminArmout in Chat Filters   
    Nah. Mods typically do a decent job in controlling chat spam. I don't think we necessarily need to do a chat filter for lennys, as there's simply waaaay too many ways to make a lenny, and people would just find ways to get around the filters anyways.
    Seems pointless to me. =/
  5. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Chat Filters   
    Nah. Mods typically do a decent job in controlling chat spam. I don't think we necessarily need to do a chat filter for lennys, as there's simply waaaay too many ways to make a lenny, and people would just find ways to get around the filters anyways.
    Seems pointless to me. =/
  6. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Server Suggestion Gamemodes   
    Your wish is my command.
  7. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Forest in Gaem O' Tronez   
    SPOILERS: Tyrion beds with one of Daenarys's dragons and has retard midget dragon babies. The Spyder becomes the Dragonborn. John Snow isn't actually Ned Stark's bastard, but is Tywin Lannister's true heir, and ends up winning the war for the Lannisters. Joffrey is reborn three days after his death and Easter begins. George R. R. Martin dies before finishing the books and nobody knows how it ends. The White Walkers just want a kickass party, so after they go to the Rave in Dorne and get jacked up on ecstasy, they go back to their mountains and chill while watching Pink Floyd's The Wall.
  8. Optimistic
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in #freebobbywow!   
    BobbyWow can be free if he buys me a Pro KS kit for a Medi Gun with some sort of Villainous Violet sheen of any effect except for Hypno Beam. :D
  9. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Xg Dodgeball!   
    Okay, so I just wanted to take a moment to address an issue I have already seen a few times while in a game.
    ORBITING IS A HELL OF A LOT OF FUN. We all know. We get it. BUT PLEASE, if you're the only person left on your team, DO NOT sit there and orbit the rocket for four goddamn minutes. It gets really boring just sitting there watching some dude orbit.
    Mods, if there is someone who insists on orbiting over and over again without continuing the game, please warn, then slay.
  10. Bad Spelling
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Moosty in Dekoi   
    RIP @me
  11. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblin in Xg Dodgeball!   
    Or this:
  12. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Shadower in Xg Dodgeball!   
    I searched John Cena Space Jam. I wish I hadn't. It's so bad. XD
    EDIT: OH GOD. That Banjo Kazooie mix is amazing. XD
  13. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from ArminArmout in 24/7 Oot3d   
    It's such an unstable map that this is a no-brainer vote for me.
    Don't get me wrong, I dislike Cyberpunk as much as the next guy, but OOT3D is not good enough to warrant it's own dedicated 24/7 server.
  14. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Shadower in Xg Dodgeball!   
    As far as music...how about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9FImc2LOr8?
  15. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from kbraszzz in Xg Dodgeball!   
    As far as music...how about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9FImc2LOr8?
  16. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Rhododendron in My Title Is Broken   
    I'll have to investigate this weekend. Hopefully I can find a fix!
  17. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from DeKoi in Dekoi   
    I'll +1 him. Never have any big issues with him while online. Mature and respectful, and usually complies if there's an issue. Oh, and he doesn't relentlessly abuse his donator perks.
    Only problem is the age. Is the 17 years rule in effect yet? If not, no issues!
  18. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Moosty in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
    The infamous Battles of the Scootahive.
  19. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from ArminArmout in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
    The infamous Battles of the Scootahive.
  20. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
    The infamous Battles of the Scootahive.
  21. Salty
    Scootaloo got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in First Friend In Xg?   
    You people call each other friends? Gross.
  22. Salty
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Shadower in Well Xg...it's Been A Pleasure.   
    Lately, things have been very temperamental around xG. Often times, I feel like there’s too much bickering and too much fighting among our members to justify the time that I put into doing what I do. Lots of times I feel like the only reason many of us are here is due to habit and never actually wanting to contribute to make xG a better place.
    Whoo hoo! Secret message!
    Just as I have had a difficult time watching many of my friends leave our clan, this post comes as a difficult measure. Usually, I wouldn’t be so long-winded about it, but I really feel that my feelings need to be heard. Sometimes, I wish that the level of stress I have to put up with as an Admin on xG was a lot lower, but alas it isn’t. There have been many moments where I simply had to stop and ask myself “What am I doing here?”
    Kudos to those who found it in them to stick around as long as you have. I feel like that’s quite an accomplishment. Despite all of this, however, I have decided that it is time for me to step down and leave xG. Don’t take it upon yourself to try and persuade me otherwise. I’ve made my decision. Now, it’s time for me to be moving on. Getting along with most of you has proven to be too difficult to keep maintenance on.
    If any of you harbor some sort of anger towards me, I can understand. Many of you, I consider close friends, so I don’t exactly expect a lot of whiplash, but I know some of you have butted heads with me in the past, so I’m ready to never speak with a few of you again.
    Make sure to check the first letter of each sentence!
    Never have I been apart of a community that was so often divided. Often times I sit back and just laugh about how immature and childish the members of our clan can be. Then, I had an epiphany: I don’t need to be here for this nonsense any longer.
    Giving into my inner desires to never have to deal with this drama again has been absolutely relieving. Out of madness I venture forth to find brighter and greener pastures. In due time, I’m sure I’ll find another community that will actually have respect for one another, instead of a bunch of mindless idiots fighting with each other and spouting stupid-ass dank memes until they literally go insane with one another. Never again will I look back. Grasp for me to stay all you want, but it’s high time I stop babysitting the meme lords and actually find a group of mature individuals who can carry on like normal-ass human beings.
    Alas, I will miss many of you. Now comes the time for the sad goodbyes. Yes, I said it: I will miss many of you, and will keep you added as friends on Steam for hopefully the next long while. Who is it that I’ll miss, you ask? Hell, it’s gonna be the people I tag in this post. Every single one of you is a hell of a person and I’m glad xG at least brought us together. Ready the tears, ladies and gents. Envision an xG without Scootaloo, because it’s about to happen.
    @Moosty @Vector @Hachi @Liekos @kbraszzz @Bach @Tomahawk @Kart @Tekage @Kypari @SaNMiTTaNz @BelloWaldi @ArminArmout @Rejects @RinAoi @Cr1TiKaL @Dethman @SinlyXD @Ghosty @Gorillabot3000 @ChickenPanda @Flareon@Literally my friends list.
  23. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Psa: Earbuds Are No Longer Used As A Formal Currency   
    I can't believe the massive amount of butthurt all over the internet in various TF2 forums about this. I plan on making a video to address the recent changes and whatnot, and to tell everyone WHY the TF2 economy isn't pooping.
  24. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Swift in Well Xg...it's Been A Pleasure.   
    Lately, things have been very temperamental around xG. Often times, I feel like there’s too much bickering and too much fighting among our members to justify the time that I put into doing what I do. Lots of times I feel like the only reason many of us are here is due to habit and never actually wanting to contribute to make xG a better place.
    Whoo hoo! Secret message!
    Just as I have had a difficult time watching many of my friends leave our clan, this post comes as a difficult measure. Usually, I wouldn’t be so long-winded about it, but I really feel that my feelings need to be heard. Sometimes, I wish that the level of stress I have to put up with as an Admin on xG was a lot lower, but alas it isn’t. There have been many moments where I simply had to stop and ask myself “What am I doing here?”
    Kudos to those who found it in them to stick around as long as you have. I feel like that’s quite an accomplishment. Despite all of this, however, I have decided that it is time for me to step down and leave xG. Don’t take it upon yourself to try and persuade me otherwise. I’ve made my decision. Now, it’s time for me to be moving on. Getting along with most of you has proven to be too difficult to keep maintenance on.
    If any of you harbor some sort of anger towards me, I can understand. Many of you, I consider close friends, so I don’t exactly expect a lot of whiplash, but I know some of you have butted heads with me in the past, so I’m ready to never speak with a few of you again.
    Make sure to check the first letter of each sentence!
    Never have I been apart of a community that was so often divided. Often times I sit back and just laugh about how immature and childish the members of our clan can be. Then, I had an epiphany: I don’t need to be here for this nonsense any longer.
    Giving into my inner desires to never have to deal with this drama again has been absolutely relieving. Out of madness I venture forth to find brighter and greener pastures. In due time, I’m sure I’ll find another community that will actually have respect for one another, instead of a bunch of mindless idiots fighting with each other and spouting stupid-ass dank memes until they literally go insane with one another. Never again will I look back. Grasp for me to stay all you want, but it’s high time I stop babysitting the meme lords and actually find a group of mature individuals who can carry on like normal-ass human beings.
    Alas, I will miss many of you. Now comes the time for the sad goodbyes. Yes, I said it: I will miss many of you, and will keep you added as friends on Steam for hopefully the next long while. Who is it that I’ll miss, you ask? Hell, it’s gonna be the people I tag in this post. Every single one of you is a hell of a person and I’m glad xG at least brought us together. Ready the tears, ladies and gents. Envision an xG without Scootaloo, because it’s about to happen.
    @Moosty @Vector @Hachi @Liekos @kbraszzz @Bach @Tomahawk @Kart @Tekage @Kypari @SaNMiTTaNz @BelloWaldi @ArminArmout @Rejects @RinAoi @Cr1TiKaL @Dethman @SinlyXD @Ghosty @Gorillabot3000 @ChickenPanda @Flareon@Literally my friends list.
  25. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Psa: Earbuds Are No Longer Used As A Formal Currency   
    I know that feel. My Amaranthine Crones went from 400 keys to 600. :D