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  1. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Tekk in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't think this warrants a removal of powers, or should even apply to his server powers, so -1 on removal of powers.
    I will also say that a forum warning or short ban is founded in this case.
    Since we're all being open and honest now though, I will say the concerns in this thread are valid. @Kypari , some of these issues do affect you and how you do your job on the servers. You have always done a good job as a moderator, and have never given me, or the previous tf2 higher ups, any reason to remove your powers. Still though, you've been mod for probably longer than any of our other mods, and still haven't been promoted. You do your job as mod well, but these attitude issues, most minor, some major, are the reason you've stayed just mod. You have a chance for improvement here, it doesn't help you, the division, or the clan if you disregard the valid criticisms in this thread.
  2. Winner
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't think this warrants a removal of powers, or should even apply to his server powers, so -1 on removal of powers.
    I will also say that a forum warning or short ban is founded in this case.
    Since we're all being open and honest now though, I will say the concerns in this thread are valid. @Kypari , some of these issues do affect you and how you do your job on the servers. You have always done a good job as a moderator, and have never given me, or the previous tf2 higher ups, any reason to remove your powers. Still though, you've been mod for probably longer than any of our other mods, and still haven't been promoted. You do your job as mod well, but these attitude issues, most minor, some major, are the reason you've stayed just mod. You have a chance for improvement here, it doesn't help you, the division, or the clan if you disregard the valid criticisms in this thread.
  3. Agree
    Moosty reacted to Tomahawk in Highlander 2: Electric Boogaloo   
    I know but where has he been?
  4. Winner
    Moosty got a reaction from Osiris in [xg:a] Vector   
    -1 when you essentially keep a server alive on your own and work hard to make a server what it is you can have fun with your job. The people he bans deserve it. They ARE breaking the rules.does he need to be such a dick about it? Obviously no, but vector is probably one of the better admins so it doesn't really matter. And he won't ban someone until they break the rules. Also, how is him making fun of you in shoutbox admin abuse? Is liking forge an xG rule now? Bring your concerns about his conduct on the servers here, your not having thick enough skin to take somebody not liking you isn't a bannable offense, stop whining, sorry your feelings were hurt. So sad.
  5. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Shadower in Rid Of Alot Of Jb Maps.   
    -1 for removal of sand I'll actually fight over it lets throw hands m8
    Other than that those maps are bad please remove
  6. Disagree
    Moosty got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    If this is a safe place to respectfully air out xG related personal grievances against other players, then I will do that now.
    @Kypari first off I don't think you're a bad mod, and that you follow the rules to a T. But, for the purpose of being open and honest, you should know I wanted you on tier 3 and warned. This had nothing to do with anything wrong you had done, but everything to do with how you present yourself on the forums, and how you're hyper strict interpretation of the rules can negatively impact the general mood of a server. We had that problem a couple of days ago for example, when I rounded up some server regulars who hadn't been back since late 2013 for the most part. They asked me if they could try do an immature thing we all used to do on mic (change your name to some generic teenager name, then whine about how bad the life of your character is. It sounds really stupid, but it's beautiful with 32 people doimg at once) I allowed them to try it, watched chat closely to make sure the server was ok with it, and once I saw that they were, and that randoms were joining in, I changed my name to christie, and started whining about how brad dumped me because I'm too fat. (@Bach was in on some of these back in the day, he'll prove it's not as stupid as it sounds, or atleast that it was fun)
    Then Kypari comes in, and is unsurprisingly shocked and confused that a dm is letting all of this micspam happen, and derides me to put my tags on, I believe an "or I'll tell kbraszz" was uttered(thats another personal issue I have with kypari, taking your personal battles to the higher ups rather than fighting them yourself). Then I put edgy pseudo tags on [xGizzle:DMizzle] which honestly was pretty rude, I was obviously doing it to irritate him, it worked, situations didn't improve, I should have put on valid tags and been done with it. I then explained the situation, he didn't get it because rules were being knowingly broken with no punishment from the moderating staff. and when his attitude in the server killed the mood and people stopped playing along I tell my friends the old regulars (we were in a skype call) to stop doing it, they do,first ask, problem solved. Except kypari isn't happy because people haven't been formally punished. So he mutes two of the guys for using the fake voice to say like a syllable over the mic. And tries to undermine my authority on the server by making an ultimatum against talking in csay, even though I, as a DM, had allowed the behavior to continue, and had put a stop to it with nothing more than a verbal warning.
    My main problem with you kypari is that you interpret the rules as absolute fact, you leave no wiggle room for harmless fun, you think enforcing rules means only your powers as a mod count as enforcement. But warning and having a #realtalk with a rule breaker is so much more effective than going straight to slay or mute once you've given your generic indifferent warning. As for your actions on the forums, you obviously hold strong personal beliefs, it's made painfully obvious by how you treat those who disagree with you, constant bad ratings, being rude sometimes, laughing them off as stupid the other times. You act like only the people you want to be banned should be banned. You act like only the maps you want should be added. This is getting long so I'm gonna finish it off with this, you would be so much more valuable to the community if you learned how to compromise, and lighten up a bit. I've seen a lot of staff that don't take their jobs seriously, they were bad staff and got demoted. You have the opposite issue, you take the job WAY too seriously. Lighten up a bit, moderating shouldn't keep you from having fun, and it really doesn't seem like you're having fun whenever you're on a server moderating.
    Sorry this was so long. I hadn't written after taking an ambien before. The ideas flow real quick it turns out. Hopefully this was somewhat coherent.
  7. Sad
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    If this is a safe place to respectfully air out xG related personal grievances against other players, then I will do that now.
    @Kypari first off I don't think you're a bad mod, and that you follow the rules to a T. But, for the purpose of being open and honest, you should know I wanted you on tier 3 and warned. This had nothing to do with anything wrong you had done, but everything to do with how you present yourself on the forums, and how you're hyper strict interpretation of the rules can negatively impact the general mood of a server. We had that problem a couple of days ago for example, when I rounded up some server regulars who hadn't been back since late 2013 for the most part. They asked me if they could try do an immature thing we all used to do on mic (change your name to some generic teenager name, then whine about how bad the life of your character is. It sounds really stupid, but it's beautiful with 32 people doimg at once) I allowed them to try it, watched chat closely to make sure the server was ok with it, and once I saw that they were, and that randoms were joining in, I changed my name to christie, and started whining about how brad dumped me because I'm too fat. (@Bach was in on some of these back in the day, he'll prove it's not as stupid as it sounds, or atleast that it was fun)
    Then Kypari comes in, and is unsurprisingly shocked and confused that a dm is letting all of this micspam happen, and derides me to put my tags on, I believe an "or I'll tell kbraszz" was uttered(thats another personal issue I have with kypari, taking your personal battles to the higher ups rather than fighting them yourself). Then I put edgy pseudo tags on [xGizzle:DMizzle] which honestly was pretty rude, I was obviously doing it to irritate him, it worked, situations didn't improve, I should have put on valid tags and been done with it. I then explained the situation, he didn't get it because rules were being knowingly broken with no punishment from the moderating staff. and when his attitude in the server killed the mood and people stopped playing along I tell my friends the old regulars (we were in a skype call) to stop doing it, they do,first ask, problem solved. Except kypari isn't happy because people haven't been formally punished. So he mutes two of the guys for using the fake voice to say like a syllable over the mic. And tries to undermine my authority on the server by making an ultimatum against talking in csay, even though I, as a DM, had allowed the behavior to continue, and had put a stop to it with nothing more than a verbal warning.
    My main problem with you kypari is that you interpret the rules as absolute fact, you leave no wiggle room for harmless fun, you think enforcing rules means only your powers as a mod count as enforcement. But warning and having a #realtalk with a rule breaker is so much more effective than going straight to slay or mute once you've given your generic indifferent warning. As for your actions on the forums, you obviously hold strong personal beliefs, it's made painfully obvious by how you treat those who disagree with you, constant bad ratings, being rude sometimes, laughing them off as stupid the other times. You act like only the people you want to be banned should be banned. You act like only the maps you want should be added. This is getting long so I'm gonna finish it off with this, you would be so much more valuable to the community if you learned how to compromise, and lighten up a bit. I've seen a lot of staff that don't take their jobs seriously, they were bad staff and got demoted. You have the opposite issue, you take the job WAY too seriously. Lighten up a bit, moderating shouldn't keep you from having fun, and it really doesn't seem like you're having fun whenever you're on a server moderating.
    Sorry this was so long. I hadn't written after taking an ambien before. The ideas flow real quick it turns out. Hopefully this was somewhat coherent.
  8. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Goblin in Rid Of Alot Of Jb Maps.   
    -1 for removal of sand I'll actually fight over it lets throw hands m8
    Other than that those maps are bad please remove
  9. Disagree
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Rid Of Alot Of Jb Maps.   
    -1 for removal of sand I'll actually fight over it lets throw hands m8
    Other than that those maps are bad please remove
  10. Disagree
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Rid Of Alot Of Jb Maps.   
    -1 for removal of sand I'll actually fight over it lets throw hands m8
    Other than that those maps are bad please remove
  11. Funny
    Moosty got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Rid Of Alot Of Jb Maps.   
    -1 for removal of sand I'll actually fight over it lets throw hands m8
    Other than that those maps are bad please remove
  12. Drunk
    Moosty got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Thunder   
    Toma you know better. Day ban for bad gravedig
  13. Drunk
    Moosty got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Thunder   
    Toma you know better. Day ban for bad gravedig
  14. Drunk
    Moosty got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Thunder   
    Toma you know better. Day ban for bad gravedig
  15. Boring
    Moosty reacted to Kypari in Add Ecruteak And Celadon To Pkmn Trade   
    I disagree. It's because the name is Pokemon, so when people search for "Pokemon", Pokemon Trade comes up. You don't expect new people to type "goldenrod" specifically do you?
  16. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Osiris in Add Ecruteak And Celadon To Pkmn Trade   
    So. I want to make my opinion clear. We should only have ecruteak and goldenrod on the server. Definitely no celadon(we shouldn't have unfinished maps on the server, no exceptions also the creator of the map said it wasn't ready, he knows better than we do), DEFINITELY no saffron (the size of the character compared to the size of the map is disgusting), and no victory road (well made, complete, and looks good, but painfully unbalanced in favor of the defense on the last cap, it was on gaming history rotation, the best team couldn't get the last cap on the worst team, terribly unbalanced)
    The reason pokemon has stayed populated so consistently for so long with only one map, is because Goldenrod is a 100% complete and polished, and altogether well made map. Adding ecruteak works well, as it is the next town you come across in the game, and the map is complete, finished, and reasonably polished. Adding maps just because they're about pokemon is going to lead us down a path of the server depopulating because people don't like shitty maps. This server is successful because of how good of a map Goldenrod is, and Ecruteak is the only pokemon I've ever seen that came close to being the same quality.
    Tl;dr: adding anything besides ecruteak is a bad idea because the population was built on a great map, adding maps that aren't as good could only have one result, a population that isn't as good.
  17. Winner
    Moosty got a reaction from Goblin in Interesting Tf2 Modifications   
    I didn't want to admit to having been cheating this whole time, but the reason I'm so good at heavy had to come out eventually. Plz download and install 2getgud. (You would think this gets old it doesn't)
  18. Like
    Moosty got a reaction from Waimalu in Interesting Tf2 Modifications   
    I didn't want to admit to having been cheating this whole time, but the reason I'm so good at heavy had to come out eventually. Plz download and install 2getgud. (You would think this gets old it doesn't)
  19. Like
    Moosty got a reaction from Muzzle in Interesting Tf2 Modifications   
    I didn't want to admit to having been cheating this whole time, but the reason I'm so good at heavy had to come out eventually. Plz download and install 2getgud. (You would think this gets old it doesn't)
  20. Smelly
    Moosty reacted to Haruka in Lellers   
    @Rejects @metalslug53 Please close. User is 13.
  21. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Add Ecruteak And Celadon To Pkmn Trade   
    I'll only +1 celadon being added if @ColdEndeavour comes back and says it's fine. He never finished it, and we shouldn't add something that the creator explicitly didn't want us to add. Especially since it's unfinished.
  22. Winner
    Moosty reacted to ChickenPanda in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Why was he banned already if this hasn't been resolved?
  23. Informative
    Moosty reacted to Dethman in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Now, he did use the alt-account and used aimbot on our servers. But....he used to only show scootaloo what it would look like on dodgeball. I dont think it is that bad, plus it was only with xG members on teamspeak at the time on the server and we where to perm it after he was done. i will stay neutral for now.
  24. Useful
    Moosty reacted to Whyte in Patientzero   
    Sadly honestly I really wanna -1 because of all the begging for vouches you did I'm going to stay neutral but people will vouch you if they want too....
    NUETRAL :)
  25. Bad Spelling
    Moosty reacted to Tomahawk in Patientzero   