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Everything posted by denwaotoko

  1. Nop. Just put the new ones in and off you go.
  2. Although it kind of depends on what games you mainly want to play, since different games make use of different ratios of CPU to GPU performance. That being said, the FX-6300 can do basically everything but max out GTA IV. I mean, you have $400 as a budget so you're already better off than the kids on minecraft forums wanting to upgrade from their peashooter GT610's and such. If you're able to , the GTX 970 that you've already chosen is a great card. AMD Cards have finally come down in price after the whole cryptocurrency hype, so you could snag a 280x for cheap if you'd like (although don't buy used). With Cyber Monday around the corner, you're bound to find some good deals.
  3. MMMM TOP GRAVEDIGGING But really what I want to drive is some glorious nippon stick shift shitbox
  4. THERE CAN ONLY BE BRONZODIA But really, play something like Nasus in top and win everytime For bot lane, Lucian Thresh never goes wrong Mid lane, someone like Syndra with decent poke and all in YI. YI. YI JUNGLE.
  5. overgrown hardcore only martyrdom perk instant permaban But for srs now. Back in like 2008, the "nazi zombies" mod was top shit on qtracker servers and what not. Don't know if they still have them anymore.
  6. 1) Go to the store 2) Get a nice bottle of wine (something with a French name is probably good) 3) Go home 4) Sit in a corner 5) Drink by yourself 6) Post in xG chatbox 7) Lay down 8) Try not to cry 9) Cry
  7. Since xG uses cloudflare (I think), I don't believe just solely updating the main server would help. That being said, I'm kinda hoping a company as big as cloudflare (They also host stuff like 4chan and other big-traffic websites) will take these measures and update accordingly.
  8. You should've thrown it all into a blender and drank it instead.
  9. They need to hurry the hell up and release the new SR patch. Toasters across the planet will rejoice.
  10. 9/10 I personally believe Gaben to be more of a Rayquaza.
  11. Premium Hi-Fi DJ Style Over-the-Ear Pro Headphone - Monoprice.com ez
  12. GRAVE DIGGING BECAUSE @Forest SAID TO POST QUALITY CONTENT HERE http://a.pomf.se/eejiqg.swf http://a.pomf.se/sallyt.swf http://a.pomf.se/vcajka.swf k thx
  13. y u lev us i cri
  14. denwaotoko


    but anything goes in the siggies amirite
  15. How about we let all the SJW's stand down, both sides accept their differences, have some tea, chill out, and move on with our lives. There is absolutely no need for this to be brought to a court room. People conflict all the time, it's just what humans are.
  16. lol
    1. Forest


  17. denwaotoko

    420 = ?

    Internet Archive Wayback Machine
  18. Grats! Now you get to complain about silvers all over again (but this time how they bring you down in riot's state of the art matchmaking), and make the struggle to plat.