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Posts posted by Nomulous

  1. So the program is a game of sorts.

    At the end, you have a score. And if your score is higher than the highest score (the variable I'd like to put on a ftp), it will save and upload it.


    Hopefully that provides some clarity.


    It'll be helpful to specify how you'll settle the score. As well, I'm personally confused if this is a "game" (with a goal to win using files), or a personal FTP Client. What's the objective you wish to accomplish? Simply uploading a new file (compare dates/checksums), or something unique?

  2. I always fudge talk so RIP. And most people know I'm kidding anyways. If I hate you, I don't hide that fudge.




    And can confirm I am in fact a sweaty nerd. As is @Nomulous

    I can confirm I am a sweaty nerd, but at least I'm not a dirty Canadian.


    All jokes aside, why do people feel so inclined to "assert dominance" online? Do it at your local school instead.

  3. Let me reiterate, the point isnt to call into question if you know who to (or not to) promote. The point is that there is a process that needs to be followed when promoting someone to have powers that stretch beyond mod. With a promotion to DM, you are promoting someone who can, and should, have an impact on the entire clan. Based on the way it was handled, there is nothing stopping me from promoting whoever i want, to whatever i want. Hopefully you understand why that is a major issue.


    Just because CLs don't play in a division doesn't stop them from having the ability to question decisions or approve (and deny if we incline to) any promotions/demotions. We are here to make sure things are done correctly, and with the whole clan in mind. We do have a reason for "digging" in this matter.

    Adding onto the second sentence, CLs are forum and community leaders, we aren't meant to re

    If you guys have an issue with community leaders promoting people, that is an internal issue which is completely unrelated. These are privileges assigned directly to the gmod division, which are not related to the internal management of the clan. To say that something will set a bad example, is a stretch. I understand completely, this is a bad from your perspective because it sets an example against the norm of doing things.


    If the newly promoted person started acting up on the forums or decided to harass anther member; (which BTW will never happen) that would be an internal management issue. This is not that type of issue.

    What Hiding and myself are saying is, there's protocols to how stuff is ran and no one is above them. The next thing you know, I can promote my friend who's on TF2 always to DL just because I feel like it, and I trust them and I know them to do well.

  4. Hey guys, I know I am not very well known but I have been helping Stickz with Morbus ever since he launched it a year+ ago. I have helped him test any new feature he has had and am always on when the server is populated to moderate, as well as helping to populate the server itself. I have been part of the Morbus community itself for years, I know many people within the community, as well does Stickz. Although Stickz and I are friends, I am not just some random friend that was promoted to power as @Nomulous says, I did my share of work on the Morbus server, I was active on ban protests and member submissions. If anyone wants to add me to talk to me about something feel free.

    I was being vague to add on to the general idea of what @Hidingmaster said, usually DM/DL promotions have to be passed through CLs, and this can set a precedent that, that hasn't have to happen anymore.

  5. I don't doubt your decision or his ability to fulfill the division manager position.


    But you have to imagine how this would sound to a lot of people in this clan. We have a division leader promote someone to division manager, who is a personal friend, and has literally 0 forum activity. That is probably the biggest no-no. It would be the same thing if I decided to promote a personal friend of mine to CL, without following any of the rules or restrictions.


    Im surprised silence didnt question it at all, especially since he wants more activity on the forums and teamspeak...



    Anyway, dont take this personally or anything, just understand that the implications it could have would impact us all. The community trusts us, especially CLs, to monitor and promote people who are active in the community in addition to being suitable to their roles.


    Do i think we need to do anything about this? Eh, probably not. But I will be much more vocal if it does (not aimed at you Sticks, but everyone in general).

    This I already got shat on for doing something like this personally and I believe it was set precedent that you can't just promote someone random as a friend to a power. So looking back at this, it seems that if this gets allowed we can all give personal promotions because we trust a friend. As well, @Rhododendron you always yell at us to talk to each other on a group and you gave tags that quickly? :<

  6. I'm not asking you to start haha. I wanna discuss what exactly we would want before does something that we can't use!


    Anyone have any suggestions?

    It's basically the old bot + a simple TCP server. It's interesting and easy in concept, I'll have to modify the code. I'll just modify it to connect to the DBs as the old bot did to direct deposit again. Ezpz

  7. So there's a few reasons why Rhododendron changed it to 16+. A few are personal choices, a few are stuff that are kinda important so we don't get in trouble. There's a view of this clan being mature and such a "age of maturity" was set to 16 (if I'm right). On top of that, we aren't the most "Safe for Work (read Kids)" type clan and we don't want to be in trouble (read held liable) if we knowing let kids be exposed to this type of material. The most safest (read unsafest) way to let a PG-13 thing happen, would be either they knowingly give us false information and we don't catch them (a.k.a "Yes I am 18+ and able to enter this website"), or we really have to tone down the material that we provide. The worst thing that can happen is a child finds NSFW material on here, their parents catch it, then Rhodo gets in trouble saying "Why didn't you put anything in place to protect my child against this content".


    These are just my $0.02, a lot of stuff will have to change if we want to make it PG-13 (read, add the censor back again)

  8. Having a CSGO would be neat, but as Dethman said it's a low representation of the clan (right now). I personally would give him a trial CL position since we need to see how quickly CSGO can grow. For representation we need a TF2 player as most issues are from TF2, they can help with first hand evidence and what not.