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  1. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Floppy in It Took Me 30 Fucking Minutes To Make This   
    Good luck Toma ❣️
  2. Smelly
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Klure in In Overwatch, What Rank Did You Guys Get Placed At And What Are You Now?   
    Place 48. Went down to 45. Guess what. Every single one of my matches had a "Genji main" and they Had to be on my team. fucking genji mains
  3. Smelly
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Klure in Wubbalubbadubdub   
    jk fam,
    +1 Active and actually mature
  4. Smelly
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Klure in Wubbalubbadubdub   
  5. Smelly
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Klure in Drunkollunk   
    +1 yeah not a bad nerd. (but still bad)
  6. Salty
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Klure in Drunkollunk   
    also active +Mature
  7. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Rabid in Changes Are Coming!   
    It didnt help that none of you including supermaddud had 0 experience with running a minecraft server, and when a plugin failed to work with another plugin you guys got rid of that plugin cause you had no idea what you were doing. Not trying to be offensive here, but seriously, none of you had any motivation,strive, or knowledge of what you were doing :/
  8. RIP
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Thorax_ in It Took Me 30 Fucking Minutes To Make This   
    I'll be gone for the next 2 weeks with the exception of Sunday's where I go back to town for all day shifts at work. I'd say I'd be on the forums but the service is too trash for that.*
    *view title of thread
  9. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to diabeetus in Changes Are Coming!   
    well the avatars are circles again so it can't get much better than this
  10. Not Funny
    Tomahawk reacted to Nyuki in Changes Are Coming!   
    Umm, who are you again? Sorry, but no offense, you are kind of a nobody here who is probably trying to trick the admins here for staff ^-^!
    Sorry for squashing your attempt, but, this guy is probably scamming.
    -Nyuki the protector of XenoGamers!
  11. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Aegean in Changes Are Coming!   
    First off, I finally got my old account back so hype!
    Second of all, I will most likely return (no troll) with conditions that I have talked with Silence/Rhodo about and I will explain some of the changes that are to be expected to be worked on when I fully rejoin.
    1. Make xG completely self-sustainable. This means zero dollars coming from Silence's pocket monthly and all of it from Ads, Sponsors and Donations. This will also result in more servers, more server incentives, and circling back to advertising xG on other platforms.
    More news on this soon.
    2. Improve the staff activity on servers that need it. This includes TF2 as well as CSGO, I or another higherup will be in touch with the DL and DMs of the communities to think of solutions to addressing these problems.
    3. Getting a permanent and dedicated server, staff and user base on Minecraft.
    4. Cleaning up the MOTDS/Guides, and trying to promote more discussion and activity on the forums. Self-Explanatory
    5. Listening and promoting more community feedback. The servers begin and end with the userbase, and I think more people need to be encouraged to speak about problems that they are having, or changes they would like to see.
    6. More work on social media and youtube to advertise xG as a community.
    That's it for now, thanks for reading!
  12. Smelly
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Thorax_ in Nightstar   
    -1 cuz ur ghey and you should be banned haha
  13. Drunk
    Tomahawk got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Wubbalubbadubdub   
  14. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Swift in Smash Bros Again   
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dax71AeDUIg competitive 64 is the coolest
  15. Like
    Tomahawk got a reaction from DrunkOlLunk in Drunkollunk   
    also active +Mature
  16. Like
    Tomahawk got a reaction from DrunkOlLunk in Drunkollunk   
    +1 yeah not a bad nerd. (but still bad)
  17. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Hushpuppy in Rip Pokemon Go   
    You tried to throw your phone at a pokemon didn't you?
  18. Disagree
    Tomahawk reacted to Kitsune in Selfie Sunday   
    I propose that this Selfie Sunday has a hat requirement, to keep the spirit of TF2 alive.
  19. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Vexx in Remove The Ability For People To Use The "+use" Command On Tgh   
    Included is a demo showing what the +use command can do on Edventures, such as playing music and changing the speed of the blimp.
    Where my complaint comes from is the ability for people spam the music that is being played and being able to completely stop the blimp, even bugging it out a bit. The blimp on Mario Kart has a much worse effect where it will spin in place when stopped going around turns. Instead of asking to remove those maps because of a command, I just ask that the command be removed in general, it would make Edventures much more enjoyable for a lot of people.
  20. Agree
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Hushpuppy in New Last Ct Music Thread   
    How to kill jailbreak, add anime to lct
  21. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to mrnutty12 in New Day For Jb Suggestion   
    Can confirm as a red it was interesting. In a fun way for me, and many of the people on the server wanted to do another day of it so...

    Yeah, the first names were... special to say the least.
  22. Funny
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Tatost in New Last Ct Music Thread   
    What @BlankThePervert said
    also this, not a song but. yes
  23. Agree
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Egossi in New Last Ct Music Thread   
    How to kill jailbreak, add anime to lct
  24. Like
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Aczel in New Day For Jb Suggestion   
    +1 it went through a lot of name suggestion's though.
  25. Friendly
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Reptile in Salandit - Team Fortress 2   
    thank god more TGH mods. Active, Mature Friendly. knows the rules. what else could you ask for. +1