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Posts posted by realBelloWaldi

  1. Sarcasm or not, joking about death and killing yourself is offensive and straight out horrible.

    You said in his appeal thread that he knew the rules and knew that it wasn't allowed and that he was telling them to not spawncamp, and now you retracts that?

    All of this was already included in the 45 second part but overlooked due to his lies on the forum.

    Also, to be honest: Saying "Kill yourself" is refering to the game is just a really bad excuse. Even if he slayed himself, his sentrys would have still been there.

    Calling him "whiney little bitch" is also very disrespectful.


    I think we all know that you have made a mistake. If I was you, I'd apologize to @Jesp and @Ace.

    Otherwise you would just come up with more and more excuses.

    TL;DR: Just admit your mistake and apologize.

  2. So since these 2 above posters (disregarding my posts) never have actually spoken to me or played for a length of time with me, or at all, can their posts be removed or at least be considered null and void??

    Honestly. Me and @The_Unlit_Torch dont want to be associated with a community that has members who are saying "Why don't you shut the fuck up and kill yourself". That's why we -1ed. So no, our post cannot be considered 0 and will not be removed.