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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. I'm not going to even entertain the thought that this WASN'T provoked, as he was dealing with an individual who was banned for aimbotting, (I was there to witness most of it). However, it doesn't justify the rude comments.


    +1 for a warning.

    As Hype stated, he has already had a day ban, so this should be longer.

    All I can see in the screenshots is him calling someone autistic, asbergers, has acne and something about gay and autism being mental disorders.... where's the racism? I'm kinda +/-0 on this unless there's more to it than shown, seems like standard fudgetalking, maybe a bit over the line but it's no more than other people say, including xG members and some staff... I guess you could warn him or something, not sure where the "perm him" is coming from tho.... :(

    The definition of "to purge" is to get rid of someone from existence, essentially for them to die. He didn't directly say that he was going to kill him nor did he say that he should kill himself, but it's still definitely an extreme form of disrespect.

    Steam Community :: Screenshot[/url]

    Xeno Gamers I also had to ban him for trolling and disrespect when I was staff. This ban should be a perm - do you really want these people playing on your servers? He is the next Hitler.

  2. -SNIP-

    If Bach isn't even active on servers, why should he gain staff powers? Give staff powers to the people who actually deserve it and are playing on the servers. Take @Cr1TiKaL for example.

    Still more than me the last three weeks. GG you're doing great @Bach don't change a thing you're fab.

    You had a reason for this. Bach doesn't.

    He's inactive, supposedly hacked on JB1, and somehow is the king of fudgeposting. Speaking of fudgeposting, it's barely one sided, and what do you expect when you rate everything smelly? When he was DM he kept Jailbreak fun while being a hardass. Not many of our current staff can say that. As for the hacking on JB1, which we shall receive no proof, thus it can't truly be held against him. He was an butthole at times, okay an butthole a lot, but we've all been buttholes at times. I see him as TF2's special little butthole, that was able to do his job, and have a good time along the way. In the end he still receives my +1

    Firstly, don't derail the thread. Secondly, I rated it Smelly because it used to mean shitpost, and I rated it that because I'd already explained why in a previous message is all. He may have kept JB fun, but that's only to say for the people who he is actually friends with on the server. Otherwise, you can find it extremely annoying. If I were on a server with Bach as staff and I didn't know anyone there and Bach started abusing staff commands, then I would leave the server and never come back.

  3. Oh, and also he's racist or whatever the word is when you make fun of other countries. Someone tell me the word for it?


    If he's *insert word here* to me, there's a chance that he will be like this to others on the servers. Just shows how mature of a staff member he is. Shitposter, racist or whatever the word is, BMs, abused powers, hacked on jailbreak without a reason.

    I don't understand why people are +1'ing

  4. 1. He also hacked on jailbreak when I was on the server, using aimbot, spinhacks and all. But I didn't record it because I didn't want to get Bach demoted because he was a good guy.

    2. Nope, he randomly started being an asshole to me after he left xG and unfriended everyone.

  5. Strawberry Dragon: There's about nine, ten if someone can find Duketown because I couldn;t, first off

    Strawberry Dragon: Rotunda Verde (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA Rotunda9

    Strawberry Dragon: trade_houseofchaos (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA Hourse of Chaos

    Strawberry Dragon: trade_psykopat2_fix (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA Psykopat2

    Strawberry Dragon: trade_kfbd_nightclub (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA Nightclub

    Strawberry Dragon: trade_scp (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA SCP

    Strawberry Dragon: trade_minecraft_alt3_v3 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA Minecraft map of some sort, but seems neat

    Strawberry Dragon: trade_portal2_rev2 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA Portal29:58:24 PM

    Strawberry Dragon: Dark Disco (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA Dark Disco

    Strawberry Dragon: trade_what_fix (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA What

    Trade : Duke Town (Team Fortress 2) -Duke town

  6. OK, we get it, you want the guy banned but the arguing does not help your case one bit. You guys are handling this super poorly. You are just getting pissed at people who dont agree with you. This would be a hell of a lot easier if there was a demo which from the extended logs could have been done easily.

    I didn't think that was necessary because all of the evidence (excluding the one about the holocaust that was posted after I made the request) was stated before Tekage even joined the server.

  7. Since no actual chat logs were posted, here are Dolan's logs.


    Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History


    To me, it looks like the guy gave his honest (and fairly racist) opinion. He straight up said he thought Kypari was a chill dude, and then Tekage started whining at him. Based on the

    "you're naked?"

    "i like a man in briefs"


    I'm gonna buttume he's a troll. I agree with Bach's idea. Kypari and Tekage both instigated and escalated the situation.


    It's also worth noting that Dolan also said this:

    "it started civil, but the other party got really hostile"

    "and it was a friendly debate until they got hostile"

    "i wont talk behind their backs but you can ask them for details if it interests you" (This line really makes me think he wasn't in the wrong here. He's unwilling to talk fudge about them.)

    "would be a bummer. i hate using alts" (Implying he'd just use an alt if he got banned for a long period of time)


    And above all else,


    This is exactly the reason all three deserve a ban.

    You can't prove that I instigated anything. You're right about the chill part and how Tekage joined and expressed his opinion and then everything became more hostile. However, throughout, I was in no way disrespectful or breaking any rules whatsoever. Bach has used more BM in this thread than I did on the server.

  8. For being over the top edgy teens that don't know when to calm down + all the BM

    How are we being edgy? I'm not BM'ing at all either, I don't know where you're getting that from. Please provide proof of where I am BM'ing before you ban us for unjust reasons.

  9. Holy frick you guys are are all acting like fricking idiots. Clearly the thin skinned brits are offended again. So day ban dolan for mass disrespect, ban kypari and tekage for a day because they don't know how to talk to people. And if anyone else starts being salty ban them too. Its a fricking ban request you plebs. Stop being so hostile holy frick. And kypari before you start fudge talking me Im actually trying to keep this serious you little frick. Now Im going back to bed.

    You can't ban us for a day for not knowing how to talk to people. No offence, but that's stupid.

    Provide proof and an actual reason for why we should get banned.

    Also, banning Dolan for a day is ridiculous. Firstly, he's the one who was saying how gays should commit suicide. That's already a week ban + the mass disrespect and homophobic language used should add up hopefully to a very long ban or a perm.

  10. Unless Kypari provoked dolan, I don't think you should be -1ing the thread just because of someone's bad attitude. Does anyone have any proof of kypari/tekage saying anything quite as offensive to another group of people?

    I did not in any way provoke or make fun of him. You can even check my chat logs, I didn't speak on mic. The first thing I said was, "What's wrong with being gay?" after he started insulting others by calling them gay and making fun of gay people, saying stuff like "You're literally worse than gay people." or something along the lines of that. The worst thing that I said was on mic at the end and it was the last thing said before the argument ended, which was, "After that statement, you sound like you're nine." Nothing was said after this until I left the server. Not sure about after that, but it didn't seem like anything else was going to happen. @Tekage was still there.

    Nearly everything that was said by me is in my chat logs.

    Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History To get to where I first started talking to him, go right SEVEN TIMES.

  11. -1 on the counts of Kypari's immaturity and possible bias chat logs. A demo would have worked. Maybe a warning to Donald if anything.

    What are you doing?

    You're -1'ing because of how I'm acting? That's completely irrelevant. They are not at ALL biased chat logs. I even posted the chat logs INCLUDING MINE for you to see.