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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Just to clarify the list in case the classes weren't clear

    The following classes are in 6's:

    • Scout 1
    • Scout 2
    • (Pocket) Soldier [with shotgun]
    • (Roaming) Soldier [with gunboats]
    • Demoman
    • Medic

    You can change class in 6's (when necessary) when you are:

    • Scout 1
    • Scout 2
    • (Roaming) Soldier

  2. I don't really know if this is valid or not, since he didn't put his exact age. I'd need one of the higher-ups to clarify, but...

    +1 for now

    A: 7/10

    M: 7/10

    Seen this guy over on FF2 quite a bit, pretty nice, even when others are up to no good he doesn't start trouble in the neighborhood, knows rules well, etc

    His profile says 20

  3. You people are all prejudice towards age. You all think that just because someone is 16, they are automatically more mature. I can assure you that is not the case. If I was immature enough, I wouldn't be posting on this thread complaining about how people who stereotype are literally worse than Americans in the 1930's. Age doesn't justify maturity in a lot of situations. If you think someone is immature, just -1 them. If not, +1 them. How many people joined this clan when you were 15? I'm sure that applies to a lot of you. You wouldn't be allowed into the clan even though most of you show signs of maturity.

    TF2 is full of kids aged 11-18 in most situations, mainly 11-15. If this is a growing clan, and that TF2 is surrounded by pre-teens, shouldn't the age limit be lowered? Have you seen how many people who have applied as 14 or 15 recently compared to the 16+ applications? If we want this clan to keep growing, then there should be a lower age limit if one at all. Age doesn't justify maturity. We justify maturity.


    My god I sound like my English teacher te

  4. Silence is right. TF2 is a large majority of xG. Its an M rated game. Please giraffe look at the requirements of buying an M rated game and come back

    It's the parent's decision whether they should play a 16+ game or M or whatever, not yours. Don't tell other people what to do because they're younger and shouldn't be playing TF2 because you don't deserve a say in it. Just saying.

  5. So this age limit does not affect if you play the game,or if you want to talk on the forums.

    But why do we need a player submission in the first place. This should be more like a gaming community than some clan.

    It's both.

  6. Server: Trade Gaming History, Pokemon Trade, Possibly Others

    Bug or Suggestion?: Bug

    What is your bug/suggestion?: Players' hub loadouts seem to be replaced on connect, sometimes to another player's. Hub's inventory and shop can also no longer be accessed. I've contacted multiple Division Leaders about this but nothing seems to be getting done. @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Rhododendron

    @Goodra Found a fix. Type !hub, then click 5, then click 1. It should revert back to normal, but you may have to do this every time you connect.

  7. Server: Pokemon Trade Server

    Bug or Suggestion?: Bug

    What is thy bug?: On pkmn_ecruteakcity_v4f, if you start a high-five taunt with someone near a corner inside the mini tower, and you "bid farewell, cruel world!" before the high-five taunt is done, it causes everyone's game to crash (the server, however, is still active/playable after the crash!). I'll be posting a video about how to execute this bug when I get the chance.


    That is all. Here's a lenny face.


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    This sounds pretty serious. @Ohstopyou