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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. I can't play Smash Bros on my 3DS anymore because my internet is a butt, but Wii U still works. I'm rusty because I haven't played the Wii U in weeks and I got a new controller that I have to get used to. I will play smash bros asap though

  2. @Kypari is a crybaby.


    Yeah but there's a difference between calling someone a crybaby and literally bullying them, and if he'd have said that on the servers, then he'd have a punishment for sure. Why are the rules there different here?.

    Nearly all of the TF2 division and some of the CS:GO division treat me like shit just because I made up some age bull because I disagreed with the rule and I knew that it would cause a mass deplete in members. Then I became an asshole because of that.

    I wish that everyone here would just accept other's opinions and how others are, and if you disagree, talk with them, debate or whatever; there is no need to make someone feel terrible about themselves. This community literally gave me paranoia because of a lot of you here. And you know who you are. That's why I'm still on the forums today.

    That does make me sound like an attention seeker-ish or an emo (because of my hair), but this community definitely needs ridding of a lot of people or for those people to stop arguing with others and making a fool of themselves. I'm included.


    I'm willing to apologize to everyone and hope to start fresh with them. I said this in my goodbye thread, but now I actually mean it.

  3. I skipped this thread so I've probably missed things

    Citizen_ is, no offense, toxic on the servers. He BM's a lot of people and holds no kindness in his words. He has had many ban requests on him and complaints in shoutbox about him aimbotting and BM'ing.

    However, I am certain this guy doesn't aimbot. He literally is just really good as sniper. I have seen him many times on the servers and spectated him out of suspicion (he changes his name a lot so I can never tell).

  4. pkmn_duel_bug.dem

    Every time I join pokemon trade, I am automatically stuck in a duel that's locked into Medic. I haven't done a duel in months, so I have no idea why this would happen.

    I have restarted TF2 but I have the same result.

    Demo is seen above.

    pls fixerino @kbraszzz @Nomulous @Ohstopyou @Moosty @Rejects @metalslug53

  5. I never saw those, people explained what happened and people understood and all was good. Never saw a they look like fudge.

    I haven't checked the youtube video since this morning, so it's probably changed now. Read what "dar0" said.

    Forgive me if I don't give a fudge what people (aka the one guy that said that) thinks of a server they have never been to and are basing their opinion from a 15 second clip... not to mention he was prolly joking.


    Egossi your single vote, which was prolly a lot of 1spam means Jack fudge considering I have had votes for abuse days outside of lr on a server of 20+ people have vote 95% or more yes for the days


    The solution is simple if you don't like abuse days for lr don't ducking pick it for your lr... and try harder to win lr so someone else doesn't :)

    Probably was just one person. I only saw one post because I didn't feel like looking through all of the brony hate comments, because there are literally pages of them compared to anything relevant to all of the servers seen.

  6. Out of all the recording he took on our server the admin abuse day was the only thing that made it into the video implying it was the funnest thing that happened while he was on the server....


    I have seen none of these alleged complaints on the forums... don't pull fudge out of your butt @Egossi unless you have proof to back it up...


    I have never seen anyone legit complain about abuse days... I've only had them ask for more and more.

    Have you seen the other comments in that video? People are saying that xG jailbreak looks like absolute hell. I doubt people are going to want to go there after seeing the server in such a poor state.

  7. They are playing every 5 minutes?!


    It's set to replay every 60 minutes on most servers with more populated every 120 minutes.

    It should just play once when you first join the server. Everyone loves the servers but hates how they just get raped by an ad mid-fight.

  8. But for the most part the age restriction at 16 has not helped. The forums are just as toxic, people are not interested forums so don't vouch much (proven when only 10 people have been accepted since it's start and 2 got in because they were former staff), immaturity is not decreasing, and people are becoming less interested in us and go to other clans and donate. The restriction at 16 is a good idea but is hurting us. How many of us joined when we were 14? Probably a lot of us. We need to kick out toxic people in order to become more mature and not restrict people from joining. It should be back to 14 years of age to join xG dye to these reasons and stay 16 to become staff. There are much more immature 16+ people then immature regulars on our servers. I made a thread in the admin discussion not long ago but not many people responded. We gave it 4 months and it has proven that it does not work.


    Tl; Dr the rule is good on paper but sucks and does not work. Change it back before it hurts us more.

    EXACTLY WHAT I SAID BEFORE. I knew this would happen. Age still doesn't justify maturity. c:

    Dethman is literally one of the last sane people in xG

  9. Mariokart2 was just added to TGH and practically all of the staff and other regulars are fed up of all the mic spam

    There is a stage with a mic, just like in frantic. Staff have to babysit everyone and ban a lot of people for such a stupid and annoying problem with the map.

    @Bach @Kart

  10. Brawl is an amazing game for fun with your friends, but on a competitive level, it's ridiculously laughable. Sure, it brought in loads of characters, but the fact that you kept tripping and you were so god damn floaty meant that you could never do combos unless you were 10/10 IGN at them. Metaknight was a complete piece of bullshit too, thank god he was nerfed in SSB4, but still not dead #LEOvsMR-R

    But come on. Despite how non-competitive brawl was, Subspace Emissary was fuckin sick.

  11. Doesn't let me vote on anything now for some reason, but it goes:

    1) SSB4

    2) Melee

    3) Project M

    4) N64

    5) Brawl

    It's not as if I've played Project M, but I watch quite a bit of it. Brawl is fine, but the competitive aspect just doesn't belong in that game.

    SSB4 Main - Pikachu, and pretty good one at that. I was called the best Jigglypuff player too by a Pro Mario player. Pockets - Mario, Peach

    Melee Main - Jigglypuff, upthrow + rest. Pockets - Fox, Marth

    Project M Main - None

    N64 - Fox, even though I can't get used to his lasers being different in this game. Pockets - Don't have any

    Brawl Main - Zelda, I don't play competitive Brawl so I just spam side special. Pockets - I don't play competitive Brawl, but it'd be Marth.

  12. The hate was completely unnecessary. You wouldn't understand how it feels to come out if you're straight, so you can't say anything about it.

    Anyway. @Hidingmaster is an amazing CL; if not the best in xG. I completely agree with posts being removed. All that Armin wanted was for us to call "him" a her instead, which is fine. Naturally, if you like the person, you would give them support and congratulating them for being brave by telling us a deep secret. If you randomly start derailing the thread and including disrespectful and pointless remarks, then your post deserves to be deleted and you deserve to be banned.

    I don't even like this community, but I'm sticking up for a great person here.

  13. Oh for crying out loud. I guess people just can't go one thread without starting shit.

    @Ryan_Sebastian It takes great confidence for someone who isn't 100% straight to admit something. You can find out in any time of your life what sexuality or gender you believe you are. Hell, you can turn straight to gay during your 30s or whatever. It's all fine.

    The reason @ArminArmout said that if you aren't a douchebag, you should call her a girl/she is because it's like me calling you a girl, a Christian a Muslim - it's incorrect and rude. Imagine just going up to a girl that looked like a boy and you called them a he, and they replied saying that they were a girl - that would be awkward as fuck and disrespectful.

    Can someone just ban @Ryan_Sebastian

    He's a nerd

  14. Chillax on that there, slick. He's an internet troll, not someone who's going to bring about genocide.


    I was unaware of the previous bans and mutings. OFC it should be higher than a warning, but I haven't seen any evidence of a Perm-worthy punishment. Just because the dude hurt someone's feefees doesn't mean he needs to be instantly permed.


    Motioning for a week ban to get the message across that we won't tolerate the disrespect, but I don't feel he's done anything worthy of being perm'd from our servers. If he comes back in a week and continues the abusive behavior, I'll be happy to extend the ban to permanent status.

    I called him the next Hitler because he supports nazis and says that the holocaust is the best thing that ever happened. You can't tell if he's being serious or not, so it's better to assume that he is serious as there is no proof he isn't being serious.

    It's not just one person that he offends, but a lot of people on the servers. The players on there could be homosexual, Jewish (etc), or have family members that are instead. He is more toxic than me and that's saying something.