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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. How about we use the SteamRep API, and if a user is a scammer their name on the trade server gets updated with the prefix [sCAMMER] ?

    that could work, maybe there is a way to give someone some sort of trusted tag if they are really good rep?

    Oh come on. Who even trades on xG servers? It's more of a club where you can trade. Giving someone a tag before their name is stupid when all you have to do is trade them to see if they're a scammer or you can check their steamrep and backpack.tf status.

  2. Hmmm this is a grey area we have never defined in our servers. D:


    Maybe for our trade servers we can use a SteamRep detector.

    Then a lot of regulars wouldn't be allowed on the servers despite how both on both trade servers, no one really trades too often. Take @Kart for example. He ran away from a spycrab years and years ago - I doubt he would do that now.

    -1 If he does actually cause any trouble, then ban him permanently.

  3. This happened a while ago. I was digging one time when Kart was angry about it for some reason and I was suspicious.

    You aren't meant to broker for scammers otherwise you become a scammer yourself. Both you and his friend should've had a caution tag at least. I guess you were lucky, I wouldn't make the report because steamrep are shit and give people tags for bullshit reasons. c:

    Later a month later

  4. This is a really dumb reason not to +1 lmfao


    +1 active, really the only guy who can countersnipe me :^(

    M: 9/10

    A: 10/10

    If I think that's a reason to not vouch, then I'm not going to vouch. Stop being such an asshat to me all of a sudden, Jesus Christ. To me it implies that being gay is a bad thing, that's why I didn't vouch. He removed it and agreed that it was wrong of him. Got a problem with me vouching? Not my problem.