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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for. I honestly don't want to do this all that bad and do at the same time.

    I have decided to step down and leave xG due to how toxic this clan is. I enjoy being moderator, but it's also limiting me from having fun and apparently has made me change as @Hachi @ChickenPanda stated.

    It must have been happening for a while, and I apologize to everyone, even those who don't deserve it, for being...well, an asshole.

    I will still be active on the servers and probably the forums too, but maybe I can start afresh with everyone.

    The following people made xG worthwhile and memorable:

    @Dethman @Ohstopyou @Kurama @metalslug53 @Flareon @Rejects @Goodra @BelloWaldi @Jpie112 @Rogue_Skittle

    People who I've had ups and downs with:

    @Hachi @Moosty @ChickenPanda

    Sorry for not many tags, I still love a lot of you <3


    @BonfireCentipede is a skr00by d00

    Oh, and finally.

    @Kurama <-- Make this awesome guy mod.

  2. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    ᴰᵃᶠᶠ-ᴷᶰᵉᵉ #Scrumpeh

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Possible hacking


    Really not sure about this one, so I decided to make a ban request for it.

    Basically, @BonfireCentipede was a cloak and dagger spy because he believed this person was a hacker. She kept managing to find him everywhere and some other spies whilst they are cloaked. She keeps blaming it on luck and then she admits that she has a mod that makes it so that you can hear footsteps really loudly. However, Bonfire was standing still. I can't call this one. Any ideas?

  3. w

    I rather do this: if they are a known scammer and they join the trade server, they get the [scammer] tag and they also get permanently muted/gagged.

    Permanently gagged or muted? That's not a good idea at all. They wouldn't even be able to speak about non-trade related things.

  4. You can't be serious? I see at least a quarter of the poketrade server actively adverting for trades 24/7

    I see people trading in FF2 and JB quite often too, I often have to remind them not to do it on mic....


    Also, you sort of contradict yourself... how could this cause the population to drop if "Noone trades"??? If noone is trading then a tag that labels them a scammer isn't going to hurt their not trading-ness....

    Looks like someone didn't read the thread.

  5. However, if I may suggest, if they have committed a major offense that is verified by staff, they can be permanently banned. We can decide what the major offenses are (i.e. Unusual Scamming, PayPal scamming, etc.)

    Maybe not unusual scamming, but paypal I'm fine with.

  6. However, if I may suggest, if they have committed a major offense that is verified by staff, they can be permanently banned. We can decide what the major offenses are (i.e. Unusual Scamming, PayPal scamming, etc.)

    So basically you're saying @Nomulous should get banned?

  7. I really don't think it will. In all of my time running servers, and I have used this plugin in the past, it has only marked people that actually deserved it as scammers.


    Also, it's not like half of our server is scammers. Getting tagged as one will be a rarity? If they are, I'm scared.


    Also, if what you are saying is true (no one trades), then it won't even matter. Why are you contradicting yourself?

    I'm confuzzled. Are you saying that people who are tagged as scammers get perm'd or what?

  8. It's stupid that it's illegal? I trade on xG servers, and I'd rather not have people like that running around and attempting to scam the younger kids we have on the servers. I've already been called on multiple times by people who were scammed! The people had to file SteamRep reports. Not to mention, it's not like we don't have randoms that come on and actually trade. Just because you don't do something, doesn't mean other people don't do it.


    Also, donation powers are a side thing that we allow on the server. Lets not forget what the server was created for in the first place, so the rules should pertain to that. :|

    It's still going to dramatically decrease the population. People are often wrongly accused of being scammers and get tagged because of it (E.G/ d0).

  9. Oof. This is a fine line we are walking. Steamrep states that anyone who supports scammers by trading with them will be marked as "caution" or "warning".




    As it hasn't even been a year yet, I don't think we should be allowing him to run free on our servers.


    I'm up for making a rule that states that your SteamRep ban must be OVER a year old before you can even step foot in an xG trade server, and then add a little disclaimer at the bottom that says it is the responsibility of the people on the server to check the rep of the people they are trading with! Paypal scams are a serious offense as they can constitute grand larceny charges if they go over a certain amount! That's a federal offense!

    @Rhododendron Steamrep plugin: SteamRep

    That's so stupid, no offence. Barely anyone even trades on xG servers. This will also make it so the servers are less population just because we can't have a scammer on a server that is more of a clubbing server.