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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Also, you and tekage have said things similar to this about old friends, higherups, and furries.

    How dare you. You think I would ever make fun of people on such a severe scale? I would NEVER make fun of ANYONE in that way. @Tekage may make fun of others a lot, but he was absolutely DISGUSTED by what was said. Do you realise how many people died in the holocaust? I WOULD NEVER JOKE ABOUT THIS OR SAY SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN IT.

  2. I would like to see yours and tekage chat logs from that moment because I would like to see all sides before I make a decision on +1 or -1

    My chat logs are all there.

    Tekage spoke on mic, all he was saying was how gay people are normal people and he found surveys on the suicide rates of those who are gay.

    @Bee_Lak_Aye was there.

  3. I was talking to him before. It was a joke to get you riled up because you guys got really passionate and SJW on him. He said all those things to get a reaction.

    So...how does that change anything?

    At the end of the day, he still said all of those things. That is worthy of a long ban or perm, and I'm praying for perm. Do you really want someone who wishes normal people to be involved in the holocaust on xG servers?

  4. He said that you and Tekage did not agree with his opinion and went full SJW on him, So he decided it joke with you and see how you would react. Meh.

    No, it involved another person and we decided to have a debate on the topic. He took it way too far.

    Are you saying, "the holocaust was a good thing to get rid of gays and the disabled" isn't a reason enough to get permanently banned? If not perm, I'd expect a very long ban.

  5. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    dolan trump_

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Extreme homophobia and mass disrespect


    I was playing on pokemon trade when some guy started insulting people for being bad at the game and started using homophobic language. It escalated on a mass level.


  6. I thought this was just BM and we were fricking around, I didn't think you would ACTUALLY make a thread, I mean who does that, if I wanted to leave I'd make my own thread properly :)

    Fair enough. Apologies, I had hype from leaving xG ;-;

  7. I am so confused, @Sylux is this goodbye thread true or no? It seems weird someone posting a goodbye for someone else.

    I had freedom-hype, so I asked Sylux if he wanted to leave xG because he was shit-talking the clan. That's the response I got, the picture up there.


  8. Vector. You knew fully well that you should not go to extreme measures when arguing or making fun of someone, you are an ex-staff member.


    Now, if memory serves me correctly, I only recall telling someone to commit suicide is a week ban. I don't remember Vector ever saying they were going to kill someone. Therefore, it's only fair if Vector gets unbanned, right?


    Or maybe not. @Healix told me to check the chatlogs on a server a while back about you, so I did.

    I found out you were arguing with someone and they said you had no balls..so you sent a picture of them.


    I'm not sure if makes you a legend or if it makes you a creepy mother fucker, but it's definitely not allowed.


    You used to constantly scream in your mic insults at people who didn't have the same view as you or didn't know their facts properly. So basically you mass disrespected.


    So overall I believe that Vector's ban length should be decreased to one month from now. Just my

    All in all, I think that Vector's ban should be reduced to a month, due to recent improvement in his behavior on Teamspeak and the forums. However, if the community (not just one DL) comes to a different conclusion, I'd be fine with it.

  9. WOW, I would would shorten to a 4 day or week ban if not a perm ban. A day ban seems a little short for stuff like that.


    Sorry I did not see logs, on a fudgety phone.

    Scootaloo stated that the ban length for saying someone should kill themself is 1 week minimum.

  10. When I said "try-harding", I meant playing with intent to be competitive (like you would on 2Fort, for instance). Frantic is not a competitive map by any stretch. I agree that fighting occurs on every map, I wasn't denying that. It's a first-person shooter, after all. You don't have to be "friendly", but you can have just as much fun doing just that. I've seen people playing on both teams have fun fighting the featured bosses together, or just chilling and building Engi stuff in DK's house, to give a couple examples. Frantic can't be completely awful -- some people actually enjoy it, so there must be some good qualities in there! :)


    I never said my will was absolute. Flareon asked the xG community if certain maps should be removed, and I gave my personal views on the matter. I didn't impose my will upon others, I simply stated my opinion. I didn't think it necessary to enumerate the reasons that I dislike Minecraft maps, but if you still insist on an explanation, I'll give it. I'm not so self-centered as to think that they'll be removed just because I dislike them! :LOL: Oh, and while you are correct in saying that broken maps are usually slated for removal, public perception of a map should also be taken into account. That's what this thread is about, after all. ;)



    It's funny, your statements seem to contradict one another. On the one hand you say that Frantic should be removed because it's "not a fun map", implying your opinion is absolute; on the other hand you say that the Minecraft maps shouldn't be removed because of others' opinions, and declare my opinion invalid. Kind of ironic, (dare I say, hypocritical?) don't you think?


    I suggest you think before you speak next time.

    What are you taking about, seriously

    I'm contradicting myself? I'm saying Frantic is a nightmare for staff and a lot of people hate it. I said that it wasn't fun because of this. I responded to what you thought about the minecraft maps being removed by saying why they shouldn't.

    Literally you make no sense.

  11. Frantic Factory is aptly named, and I get that it's quite a pain in the rear when it comes to moderating the boxing arena, etc. However, it's one of the only maps I've come across that is nearly impossible to "try-hard" on. It's quite literally a party map, and while somewhat susceptible to rulebreakers, it's a welcome relief for people who'd rather not fight and just want to chill and have fun with everyone else on the server. It keeps things interesting.

    Frantic Factory doesn't make a difference to who is friendly, what are you talking about? There's fights always happening in the boxing ring, people killing each other on the main path. The only thing that Frantic encourages is rule-breaking and a nightmare for staff. I left multiple times when we changed to that map when I was a moderator because it made my day twice as stressful. I can assure you this: Frantic is not a fun map.

    On the other hand, I +1 the removal of all the Minecraft maps. They're fun to play in some respects, but overall I dread going there over Clock Town or something else. Honestly, I usually just switch to Pokémon Trade or Saxton Hale whenever a Minecraft map comes up.

    xG removes maps based on if there are game-breaking glitches, encourages mass-rule breaking (etc), not if you don't like them. I don't like Clocktown - should we remove it? No, others like it. Minecraft Realms is a commonly played map and liked, there is no reason for its removal.