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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. you can't use the excuse that he is good on the server when he is bad on the forums. you have to be good on both especially as staff. and there is actual evidence of this behavior.

    And how many times have I been bad on the forums? This is my first offense, and it's minor. You're making such a little thing into a massive problem, even though it isn't that big of a deal. You're just trying to serve equal punishment, but that's not how it should work.

    Here's an example:

    Two people are trolling on the server. One person has a history of bans, the other one is new. You warn the new troll and you ban the other troll. If they're being disrespectful, you gag or mute them (being the warning) and if they proceed, then you act. If one person has a history of disrespect, then they'll be banned longer than the other person.

  2. it's not just a forum thing. it's his attitude. his way he responds to aggression, that isn't just a forum thing. attitude is something that deems people of staff etc. and if this is how he reacts to someone like rabid saying tf2 is full of furry weaboos i certainly wouldn't want to play on a server with him as staff. because if I say something as a joke to my friend, he will take it offensively, and I will likely be banned/muted for no reason.

    I don't have the power to mute/gag or kick or what ever on the forums. That's why my reaction is different.

    I also find it offensive because it's directed at me, and I, being an, "immature teenager", take offensive a lot worse than it actually is.

  3. i honestly hope you grow up one day. you're an immature kid, you take anything and everything as the most hateful speech possible to you, instead of ignoring a joke post in a thread by someone. notice how nobody except you took his response serious?

    A joke post? Um, no. He was stating what he thought of me and was aggressive. I also had issues with him before this thread. That's why I responded with what I did.

  4. Heres the reality, you started out by directly insulting rabid, who had said nothing to you at all, knowing it would pull him into talking fudge to you. you tried to get a negative response from him. you constantly edged him on, trying to get him to say worse and worse.

    You've got those parts wrong.


    I posted mine AFTER. I edited my post to make it more aggressive because that's when I saw his message. That's why I got angry.

    I didn't try to get a negative response because I didn't know that he had already posted.

    I didn't get him to say worse and worse, I was just responding with my thoughts. It wasn't intentional.

    It's pretty twisted how staff members will just will skip warning to banning with some people.

  5. again, when there are 2 sides equally in the wrong, I have always believed in fair punishment under the rules. aka. either you both get banned or neither gets banned. besides that, this is still a report abuse. your consistent negative attitude, quick to jump to insulting people for disagreeing with you, and general immaturity compared to even your brother lead me to believe you are not worthy of a staff position, and the powers it holds.

    ai.imgur.com_oceLecl.thumb.png.10565e28b6736615c06b43d90407dbce.png These were the punishments from before. Note how Kittylicious got less of a punishment. Hardly equal. Why? The severity levels were different.

    She was demoted as her trouble was also caused on the servers, whereas for me, I do nothing wrong on the servers (if I do, I mend it immediately).