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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Old picture of my cat when she was 3 months old. As you can see she tried suffocating me in my sleep, Uh consider this a partial face reveal. Oh and her resting in the box too.

    jfasmdngkajogfjesopfjse gpo IT'S SO CUTE

  2. TF2 is surrounded by kids aged 11- 16 in most situations, most of them being around 13- 14. If the TF2 players are aged beneath the minimum age rule, then less members will join the clan. Age doesn't justify maturity. I've seen plenty of examples of kids who are actually really friendly and mature. It's unfair to set a limit on age because of maturity, but the older members (age wise) may be less mature than them. +1

  3. Ya told me you were in xG but I thought the search bar was broken when I searched your name to check, so I took your word for it ;-;

    Active and mature, kills me when I'm Peero ;~; +1

    A: 9

    M: 8