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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. OK, so, looking at the logs from 3 in the morning that day, someone named [Metrics] logged on during a span 1 hour around 6 times. each time he timed out. This could be possibly the perpetrator. Now, the only reason i targeted Hachi was due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to believe that someone would get on a server that is barely known and destroy worlds due to the fact he still would not have OP powers. I made a false accusation and am manning up to it. I fricked up so bad that it is inexcusable. I feel as if i have done more harm then good here. I made hachi seem evil out of rage. I should have really looked at what was going on with logs instead of doing 90% buttumption with 10% of evidence. I would like to apologize to her, I targeted an innocent person. She was not logged in after i got off. I do sincerely apologize to hachi and wasting everyone's time.


    Also, if @Rhododendron could reload the server back to a save before 5 PM on April 15th that would help the server and resolve all the issues. I don't have access to that anymore.

    You done fucked up.

    Close plserino

  2. this was made in 1 day at 12 AM and after that we uploaded it onto the tf2 discussion so we had no way of contacting him, also i'm sure the others contacted him. Relax.

    I'm more then relaxed (about this situation at least). I just think it's pretty unfair that there is no effort to make contact with him. I mean, yeah if he's offline, he's offline. Or if he's busy, he's busy. You guys could at least shoot him a message saying something like "hey we're changing this this and this let us know if you got anything you wanna add/change" He dose not have to reply right away but you should at least try to let him contribute. :/

    You know what sounds like a good idea?

    Letting him give his opinion on the thread.


  3. I'll check the demo when I'm back on my pc, but I've been hearing really different stories from people about how well the map runs. And glitches or no, the map advertises the servers of the group who made it, I'm perfectly fine with taking it off just for that, but bugs just add to the case for it to be removed.


    @metalslug53 @Rejects @kbraszzz @Vector @Kypari and anyoone else who has an opinion


    I think it should be removed since it advertises other servers everywhere on the map


    Thoughts everyone?

    I'll see if I can get the demo working later. If not I'd need a description.

  4. i vouch for it to be an uber donator thing +1

    If we make it for uber-donators, then grappling hooks will most likely appear too often. As many people don't like the hooks, it could drive away population if it occurs too much.

  5. Went on pokemon trade earlier. Yet again, people were saying that grappling hooks ruined the game. I agree with them.

    If we want to keep the population, then grappling hooks must be removed. Hell, I bet most of the people that voted toggle or yes don't even play on pokemon trade.

  6. What does YOU having no clip matter how the players feel? Are you fighting with no clip on? A lot of people don't like it bc they get BS kills. I'm not saying we should get rid of it but it can't stay like this if we wanna keep the population.

    I was on pokemon a lot yesterday. EVERYONE apart from someone called Rafa liked the hooks. They can break the radio tower somehow as someone broke the radio tower using them. Some people threatened to quit going on the server and one even said that pokemon trade used to be his favourite server but since the hooks were added, he doesn't like it.

    Definite NO.

  7. Okay. I left the clan, but by request by Vector, I'm talking about what happened on TGH.

    So basically, me and @BonfireCentipede got about half of the people on Pokemon Trade to migrate to TGH for a while. Then, after about 10 minutes or so, Bangin places a dispenser in front of a portal in Booster Tower. Upon entering the portal, I got stuck inside the building and ended up destroying the evidence in a panic to get out. I then confronted Bangin, he claimed that it was "my fault"and we got into an argument.@Kypari, being a moderator, warned him not to do it again. He clearly didn't listen due to as far as I know, he did it again later.

    Vector should have posted chat logs and in there, you can see the "argument".

    @BANGINONATRASHCAN Your excuse was "I didn't know it went 2 ways"

  8. Oh and by the way, which server were you on?

    As said by Kypari if you'd add staff who are regulars on that server, life would be easier.

    It's most likely JB #1. I saw him on there the day this was posted.

    @Kypari :waving: @Matsi @Hachi (?) @RinAoi @Diamonde

    I've forgotten everyone else ;-;