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  1. Furry
    Kypari got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Tekage   
    helo tekage
    Congrats on staff again
  2. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Elcark in ReverseMJP   
    First off, could you prove that? Otherwise there's not much reason to assume it's true. 
    Secondly then he'll just get banned again, simple as that. This is about giving a second chance and if he chooses to fuck it up again that's his choice, but since he already spent a fair amount of time banned he should be able to have that choice. 
  3. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Chicken, Beef, Or Pork?   
    Go eat some real food instead of chicken nuggies, sausages and battered cod
    Not even had a pizza smfh
  4. Boring
    Kypari reacted to BonfireCentipede in Chicken, Beef, Or Pork?   
    Chicken nuggets
  5. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Nicole in Chicken, Beef, Or Pork?   
    bonfire you're invalid
  6. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Aegean in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    I don't think this thread has any further reason to stay up. We will keep the rules as it is now, enforce the disrespect rule as we always do. Please remember we are a gaming community and we want people to have a good experience. We aren't trying to make our servers a safe space, but we will also be sure no one gets harassed or felt unwelcome by anyone without repercussion. 
  7. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Aegean in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    That's exactly why I said think before you post. 

    No reason to be hostile to prove a point when you are better than that.
  8. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Aegean in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    People have an opinion on a word they don't want in our servers, and you're saying we're turning the clan into a fucking dictatorship.
    The right to voice an opinion without punishment is not a dictatorship, and the higher ups don't even agree with the suggestion in the first place but respect their right to do so. Why do you think this thread isn't deleted or locked?

    Stop overreacting, and think before you post.
  9. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Aegean in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    I agree 100% with @Elcark and @Kypari. It has never been an issue in the past, faggot should NOT be considered on equal terms as the N word, or Sp*c, or other racially offensive terms. This is a video gaming community, if someone says to their friend "shut up faggot", I am not interested in punishing him as he does not deserve a punishment. If he is being disrespectful, follow the guide on that. 
    We are not a SJW clan, and we are not a safe space. We have rules for a reason, but we also understand that we are in an online gaming community, we want people to have fun, and we don't want to find trouble where it doesn't need to be found. If you honestly think someone saying faggot could ruin our servers, then we have other issues in my honest opinion.
    I'm telling you right now, unless I see overwhelming support from our community, I refuse to make our servers a safe space as it is more trouble than it is worth.
  10. Thinking
    Kypari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    Mostly this part but yeah we do agree with each other so let's leave it at that ^^
  11. Optimistic
    Kypari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    You're saying "you guys" as if I personally care about the word and we are actively actually going to do anything about this. Saying that "you just need to grow thicker skin" is incredibly ignorant and doesn't consider the mental state of the person. Internet or not, words can hurt people and just because they don't hurt you or me doesn't make it OK to say it to someone else. As I have literally said in this thread, I don't think we should ban the word faggot, but obviously if someone is being disrespectful towards you then that's a problem. Consider how OTHER people feel and not what YOU feel. I don't care about the word myself as I've said. I'm a fucking faggot and I've said it a few times on discord too because it's funny to say.
  12. Funny
    Kypari got a reaction from Vexx in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    OK, you need to chill out. "Faggot" is still a slur and still offends many gay people today, not to mention that being gay and also the whole bullying aspect for it is a VERY high cause of suicide and depression/anxiety. People have every right to get upset and offended by it. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be allowed on servers.
  13. Make xG Great Again
    Kypari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    On another note it is probably better if we don't heat up the thread, so sorry about that.
  14. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from SyrixCoffeeWolf in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    You're saying "you guys" as if I personally care about the word and we are actively actually going to do anything about this. Saying that "you just need to grow thicker skin" is incredibly ignorant and doesn't consider the mental state of the person. Internet or not, words can hurt people and just because they don't hurt you or me doesn't make it OK to say it to someone else. As I have literally said in this thread, I don't think we should ban the word faggot, but obviously if someone is being disrespectful towards you then that's a problem. Consider how OTHER people feel and not what YOU feel. I don't care about the word myself as I've said. I'm a fucking faggot and I've said it a few times on discord too because it's funny to say.
  15. Random
    Kypari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    OK, you need to chill out. "Faggot" is still a slur and still offends many gay people today, not to mention that being gay and also the whole bullying aspect for it is a VERY high cause of suicide and depression/anxiety. People have every right to get upset and offended by it. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be allowed on servers.
  16. Make xG Great Again
    Kypari reacted to Egossi in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    I think the "word" faggot is highly demeaning and should be a bannable offense, we have people who lose their lives over this stuff and it is a serious thing. I really don't think i should have to explain why I think the word faggot "should" be banned. It is such a terrible word along with other words and frankly, I think we should ban all profanity cause it can make other people uncomfortable and it makes me uncomfortable and I think its wrong that anyone can offend other people and thats wrong. And I also think we should ban insults because they are usually just used to demean and make fun of other people and it is only used by internet trolls and thats wrong. So i think we should just make it so that everybody is forced to say they love everyone on the server at least once an hour to keep up the positivity and the happy fun time going because we need that kind of an environment in order to be able to remain on the server
  17. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to SegFault in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    I think its valuable to point out that many people opposing this probably DON'T know what its like to be persecuted for something you have no control over.  Being part of the LGBTQ+ community IS NOT a choice for anyone- its a biological identity. I think the issue that this post is coming from isnt the clan wanting to be a sjw safe space, i think its more highlighting that we need to be inclusive and respectful to our community members who may need a break once in a while from dealing with these issues irl.
    While my personal views on the word may be different, we are a community so we absolutely NEED to look out for each other and have everyone's thoughts in mind. If we cant manage that, we'll just fall apart. If respecting someones feelings isnt really an option for someone, then i'm not sure whats drawing them into being part of a community in the first place.
    (And to clarify  i'm not dismissing anyone from the community, I'm just saying that the behavior isnt indicative to being part of a multi-game reaching clan)
  18. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Arnude in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    I'm gonna give my take on this and then fuck off.
    Personally, I don't care if someone calls me a faggot. I know what I am.
    Other can choose to be offended by the word, and that's perfectly fine.
    They're not a baby if they choose to be hurt by a word. Making fun of them for disliking a certain word/being called it is just immature.
    Now, I will fuck off.
  19. Furry
    Kypari got a reaction from Tatost in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    Mostly this part but yeah we do agree with each other so let's leave it at that ^^
  20. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from Tatost in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    On another note it is probably better if we don't heat up the thread, so sorry about that.
  21. Sad
    Kypari got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    You're saying "you guys" as if I personally care about the word and we are actively actually going to do anything about this. Saying that "you just need to grow thicker skin" is incredibly ignorant and doesn't consider the mental state of the person. Internet or not, words can hurt people and just because they don't hurt you or me doesn't make it OK to say it to someone else. As I have literally said in this thread, I don't think we should ban the word faggot, but obviously if someone is being disrespectful towards you then that's a problem. Consider how OTHER people feel and not what YOU feel. I don't care about the word myself as I've said. I'm a fucking faggot and I've said it a few times on discord too because it's funny to say.
  22. Are You Insane
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    Sorry that I'm pissed that you guys are turning the clan I loved to hang out on into a fucking dictatorship.
    Not saying the word "faggot" can't be offensive, but it's the internet. I don't really care if someone is calling me a dumbass cracker on the internet because it doesn't mean shit. You just need to grow up and grow some thicker skin. "This GAMER just called me a FAGGOT online, I want him banned!" If someone says that to you IRL, that's a completely different story. Just bop them on the fucking nose with your karate kick you've been working on since you were twelve.
  23. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from SyrixCoffeeWolf in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    OK, you need to chill out. "Faggot" is still a slur and still offends many gay people today, not to mention that being gay and also the whole bullying aspect for it is a VERY high cause of suicide and depression/anxiety. People have every right to get upset and offended by it. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be allowed on servers.
  24. Furry
    Kypari got a reaction from Tatost in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    OK, you need to chill out. "Faggot" is still a slur and still offends many gay people today, not to mention that being gay and also the whole bullying aspect for it is a VERY high cause of suicide and depression/anxiety. People have every right to get upset and offended by it. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be allowed on servers.
  25. F!$k Off
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    We're going to mold every single xG member into fucking SJWs at this point. We get offended over the slightest thing and the next thing you know, the guy who said "fucking faggot lmao" will be sent to the shadow realm.
    Everything Goblin stated in his posts is fucking godly. Like, holy shit who sent this man? Stop being fucking babies when it comes to "offensive" words, seriously.