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Posts posted by Dethman

  1. Regardless, it's still a large sum of time he's been absent.

    Not trying to be rude but with that logic we might as well unban anyone who was banned prior to july 2016. Just because he came back after 7 months doesn't mean he should be unbanned. He knew damn well he would be permed for massing but still he did it.

  2. Game Name: For Honor


    Platform: PC


    Time Spent: 3 hours on PC, maybe 12 on PS4

    Do you recommend? Hell no


    What you rate the game: 4/10


    Initial Thoughts: A 3rd person fighting game which sees Samurais, Knights, and Vikings face off against each other in various situations.


    The game would be amazing if P2P wasn't awful and you did not need to be always online to play it.


    No real story besides just an invasion, kill a shit ton of meh enemies, and then face a boss. Tutorials constantly plague the story making it un-enjoyable to play.


    Multiplayer is broken to all hell for PC so unless you want to take an hour port forwarding to just play a match, don't bother.



    +Lovely graphics and sound, makes you fully immerse into the game

    +An OK combat system (needs some work in my honest opinion)

    +Character customization

    +Plenty of heroes



    - The P2P system does not work, for someone who has no trouble connecting to any other games servers i should not have to wait an hour to get connected to a game.

    -Port forwarding your router just to play a game is retarded, but Ubisoft decided that P2P was so great.

    -Takes forever to join a game, and sometimes people just disconnect or lag switch so they don't lose making the match a waste of time

    -Lack of a real story, just a tutorial for the multiplayer.

    -Realism is not even hard, even for a new player it is easy to get used too

    -Lack of game modes and easily gets repetitive


    -Quick-match does not even pair you up fast like it should, just defaults you to dominion

    -Did not learn from mistakes (Rainbow six siege launch)

    -Always having to be online is a huge issue

    -If you die in the story, you have to redo everything from square one, which is annoying if you die right at the end.



    Final Thoughts: I would never recommend this game to a friend or to randoms, Ubisoft really fucked up this time, they need to create dedicated servers for people so playing is not such a headache. I would only recommend getting the game if it goes on sale and they switch to dedicated servers. For the love of Christ do not waste your money now or get the season pass until everything is sorted out. I truly regret my purchase.


    Here is to hoping Wildlands is good and not a heaping pile of dog shit like this game.

  3. @Hachi, We need to finish preparations for the event.

    Things we are working on/going to work on-

    Finish deciding captains

    Choose teams and map rotation

    Find a server (@Bello or @Rejects could we use an extra server/convert one for at least the event?)

    Find casters

    Set a time for the event

    I believe we still have a server from the last team, it is still in my favorites, forgot the password though

  4. Hopefully @Dethman can do better than forgetting he wasn't available on match days and never showing up like with the old team



    The days of having a shitty touchsmart computer and always being unavailable due to being a child, kb was basically a main



  5. Okay, so in addition to the streaming, we would also need some casters for the event. (One position as caster has already been taken by @Hachi)

    We would need a second main caster to be plan A and a backup caster (plan B) if one of the casters cannot fit the event into their time schedule. Anyone who would like to sign up for these positions, please contact me or @bagel to apply.

    @Hachi is just going to bm me the whole time, calling it











  7. Division:


    In-Game Name:






    Time Active:

    about 15 hours




    Former DL (Don't count that, not like the server was good), current admin on tf2, former mod on multiple faction servers




    I would like moderator due to my experience and wanting to help the minecraft server be great again. I did get promoted before but was demoted due to the delay.