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Reputation Activity

  1. F!$k Off
    Fwutters reacted to Kypari in Spawn camping   
    @Muzzle I didn't do it, are you proud of me? Shall I spam positive ratings now?
  2. Disagree
    Fwutters reacted to SupremeWolf in Trade gaming history resurrection   
    Afraid to say it won't happen any time soon. We've tried many times already but nobody other than @Vaporeon and I seem to give a flying fuck. All our population goes to Squeaker Town (pkmn trade) or Cancer Town (JB).
  3. F!$k Off
    Fwutters reacted to Dethman in Goodbye xg   
    So i have been thinking about this for a couple months now and i have decided that it is time for me to part ways with Xeno Gamers. This was an awesome clan and was greatful to be apart of it. I will get to my goodbye tags in a minute but first let me say that i left since my maturity level was going down the shitter and needed to just seperate from gaming in general. I know i have that inactivity thread up right now but this is me saying goodbye.
    Tagging Byes
    @BelloWaldi : you were one of closest friends in xG and enjoyed all of the jailbreak moments we shared. actually, you were my xG brother
    @kbraszzz : The first xG i met and got me into xG. Thanks
    @FoRgE : We had a rough start but now i can say that you have become a cool guy and please keep being salty.
    @Hachi : You gave me my last vouch to get into xG and then we had the whole scrub match on hale. And you called me your bae :)
    @Yuuki : you were a cool guy but for the love of god change your name to tekky. Yuuki sounds retarded.
    @Kypari : keep Tekky in line and keep up the work (whatever work you do)
    @Moosty : You are an cool dude and enjoyed sharing oof moments
    @Bach : you were the first mod i saw on jailbreak and you were cool. Good luck with DM m80
    @Fink : You gave me my first vouch so i think you are god tier.
    @RichKnight : Dammit slink change your fucking name
    @StarmiX : I remember the time i made you and muzzle sing dont stop believing for me and it sounded awful. Thanks for leaving me that memory
    @DrLee and @Bleed this is for bellos sake
    @ChickenPanda : you are an awesome guy and keep the damn social media pages going.
    @Swift : you were the first person to write on my wall and i thought you were cool after that. Stay safe you mexican
    @Bryan : again, don't join the cartel yet until i contact the leader
    @Barmithian : did you get your sword? jk, you are a cool guy and i hope you find that sword.
    @metalslug53 : congrats at getting admin and keep writing that fan fic
    @RinAoi : Dont fuck up ed-boy
    @Sgt.Assault : you are an awesome guy and you actually message me. good luck with your life and do drugs plox
    @Ghosty : Don't be like a certain turk. You are an awesome dude and loved the retarded teamspeak conversations we had. Please listen to christ illusion if you can
    @John_Madden : Welcome back and spread the word of ggjesus
    @Rejects : you are an awesome scot and fix the damn lag #ScottishLag
    @Thunder : Stop taking everything so serious but honestly you are a cool dude and keep shittalking ok?
    @Christian : you are a cool guy and keep up the douchebagery (jk) stay in the clan for more than a month this time
    @p0s3s3dh0b0 : dont make fun of me in payday
    @Snipes : keep up your cuteness and retardedness, i actually liked it.
    @Popcorn : poopcorn ;)
    @Colorparty : You are awesome and keep your damn brother in line.
    I will take the tags off as soon as i get home, cya l8r m80s. DETHMAN OUT
  4. Bad Spelling
    Fwutters reacted to SupremeWolf in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    Now for the Biggest, Sexiest, and bootyful of them all! Moosty!

  5. Winner
    Fwutters reacted to SupremeWolf in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    So I found Nomulous! Our wonderful leader! More will be coming!

  6. Winner
    Fwutters reacted to realBelloWaldi in Request for a new chat rule regarding keybind usage.   
    Haha @Kypari
    Certain binds are annoying but I don't think its really necessary to make a rule against them. Spamming them is considered as chat spam which will result a warning and if necessary gag.
  7. Agree
    Fwutters reacted to Kypari in Kraft din din's suggestions.   
    There is a suggestion/bugs thread y'know
    This seems too OP. The crossbow does enough damage from a distance as it is, not to mention that crits would nearly kill kill most classes in 1 hit. -1
  8. Disagree
    Fwutters reacted to kraft_din_din in Kraft din din's suggestions.   
    Server) Jailbreak
    Suggestion1) Crusader's Crossbow should have crits when the player is on blue.
    Server) Jailbreak
    Suggestion2) Allow Gpan
    I will add more Suggestions later.
  9. Informative
    Fwutters reacted to Haruka in The amazing uber-jumping exploit   
    You're not suppose to exploit glitches.
  10. Informative
    Fwutters reacted to Vector in Sith_of_darkness   
    -1 nope no,nonononononono
    in the span of 3 days he has broken multiple rules even going as far as to say fuck this server. there was no disrespect charge, but the fact of the matter is, after i told you to stop abusing hub, you healed a spy which i already warned you about, you then DO IT AGAIN which actually kills a few players. and after that, you blame the server for your own rule breaking, how anyone can +1 this is beyond me, but in my opinion he has proven time and again he isn't ready. you left the server before i could ban you (essentially avoiding ban) so i had to get @kbraszzz to ban you

  11. Agree
    Fwutters reacted to Moosty in Spawn camping   
    I'm going to defend getting rid of spawn camping. It makes the servers less fun, and randoms don't join. There will still be killing in spawn "areas". But stickying spawn doors and setting up sentries and dispensers to stop the blus from ever leaving the corridor needs to stop. It just makes it not fun. Have you guys not noticed how if red gets a good camp on blu on clocktown, after about five minutes blu has about 6 or 7 less people on it? Then the camping team even starts gloating. It kills population and kills fun. It needs to go. Having staff be able to discern what is and isnt spawncamping, while also implementing a short spawn protection would be ideal. Dont worry guys, it isn't like you would have to never fire towards a spawn, but setting up full team camps where you cant leave without rtd or godmode, it needs to stop.
  12. Creative
    Fwutters reacted to Forge in Spawn camping   
    Bye Pokemon Trades population.
  13. Funny
    Fwutters got a reaction from Barmithian in Engie vs. spy   
    Standards have professionals.
  14. Funny
    Fwutters reacted to Haruka in Merry christmas!   
    5 keys pure!
    Mama needs a new effect. I hate it so much.
  15. Agree
    Fwutters reacted to Tekk in Dangan Ronpa Drawings   
    It was very awkward to smudge pencil with my finger over boobs whilst talking to my mom
  16. Disagree
    Fwutters reacted to Muzzle in Dangan Ronpa Drawings   
  17. Agree
    Fwutters reacted to Scootaloo in What is the best tf2 class?   
    I thought the whole point of TF2 was that the classes were balanced and countered each other? Where's the "No class is best" option?
  18. Bad Spelling
    Fwutters reacted to SupremeWolf in Virtual reality   
    Something tells me tho is gonna end up as cancer on your eyes. Though it does look badass
  19. Agree
    Fwutters reacted to Rhododendron in Xg Member Gallery   
    The other thread was outdated and a lot of the attachments were invalid. So, we will start a new one here! :triumphant:
  20. Smelly
    Fwutters reacted to PiNoYPsYcHo in Weaboos   
    who the fk is pino? And king of the hill is a shit cartoon with no sense of humor. Tom and Jerry ain't even god tier. None hasn't even named God tiers yet. Fking scrubs.
  21. Like
    Fwutters got a reaction from Voxal in Voxal   
    good luck m8.
  22. Like
    Fwutters reacted to Vaporeon in Spawn camping   
    Spawn camping is an essentian part of Xenogamers, and part of the reason our TF2 division is so popular.
  23. Drunk
    Fwutters reacted to Swift in Weaboos   
    western cartoons > anime
  24. Like
    Fwutters reacted to Tekk in Dangan Ronpa Drawings   
    I drew these on Vacation, tell me what you think