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Posts posted by Blizzard

  1. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:





    Time Active:

    3 years




    Previous Mod




    Recently I've been getting back into tf2 and after regularly playing on xg's servers for a while now. I mainly play on TGH ,but I'll join other servers if they're populated (zf, ff2, dr, pkmn). I was previously a mod about a year ago and had inactivity issues, but that isn't a problem anymore as I've found ways to seperate time appropriately. I want this position to be able to deal with server problems without having to wait for a calladmin or haggle busy staff to get on.


    @ThunderLimes @Vexx @Sesh @Espeon @NitNat @Dethman

  2. The rating stars reset every time a new version/update is out on the iOS appstore.

    False they took out ratings due to le Reddit army and countries all over the world rating it one star, (got to 1.5 stars in Japan) followed by cutting all the nonexistent communication. It got really bad and Niantic doesn't want to say anything/have any communication

  3. Heads Up Guys!

    An eevee theory has finally been confirmed(?)

    Before evolving your eevee you have to nickname it one of the 3 eevee bros from the original anime

    • Pyro
    • This will get you flareon
    • Sparky
    • This will get you jolteon
    • Rainer
    • This will get you vaporeon


    Keep in mind there's still a 33% chance of getting a random eeveelution

    From the original reddit post itself


    Edit 6: /u/datapawwolf suggested something worth noting. With all of the server issues we constantly deal with, it is recommended to name your Eevee with your intended evolution name, then close and restart the app to confirm the name went through on the servers. Some users reporting it didn't work and we believe this may be the reason why.


    Edit 6: It would seem a lot of people are reporting that their first Eevee evolved into the correct evolution, but the second Eevee may not have. I think it's possible you may only be able to obtain one specific Evolution at a time, and not obtain the same one twice in a row. Please continue to post results so we can try to get some real data!"

  4. ty @Chrono


    I'm gonna dump a few tips and info for anyone that's interested and I'll post my dex and team later

    • You can curve pokeballs by doing a small spinning motion, this will result in a curved throw when catching pokemon, gives you an extra 10 xp
    • At level 12 you start to get great balls
    • If you want a full main team and rule several gyms I recommend catching dupes of good mons so you can keep one on your main team and the other at a gym (I have 3 jynxes, 2 of them I park at gyms)
    • Some pokemon are exclusive to certain areas around you (My local park is flooded with jynx, dratini, and magikarps and my local graveyard is infested with ghastlies)
    • The higher level you are the higher cp pokemon you encounter (and the cp cap will be raised)
    • Pokemon are exclusive by day and night
    • Legendaries are going to be available by event locations, the same company that helped with pokego (Niantic) also made Ingress which is similar and that game aswell had location events, so if you wanna know where these event locations could be look up a map for the past in game location events for Ingress
    • even if you dont want to catch that pidgey or rattata, do it, the stardust will help you in the long run
    • You get 500 stardust and 10 coins for every gym you're in every 21 hours, to collect the rewards go to the shop and click the shield when the cool off is over
    • Pokestops refresh every 5 mins if you're not in it's radius
    • The 3 eeveelutions are deemed as random, none of the theories so far have been correct/confirmed


  5. Well I have a nice small chunk from walking this morning, while I do like the game it has its flaws.


    You really can't do anything until level 5 which is when you receive potions, revives, etc.


    I'm worried about evolving starters as you may have to go roaming for a while to find decent Pokemon instead of basic normal flying birds, bugs, rattatas, etc


    Some Pokemon seem to be specific to an area and are in areas where you really can't go in. (I've been trying to track down this ghastly that was on my block, and I circled around it but went I strayed away from my block it was further away, I assumed it was in the heart of the block in my neighbors yard which I don't wanna go in, get caught, and explain that I wasn't trying to break I to their homes, but catch mons.)


    On the upside I really like the idea of exercise and actual walking because when you get eggs you have the walk to hatch them the lowest amount of distance needed to hatch an egg is 2 km but less steps the less rare it is, the highest I now of is 10 km as I obtained quite a few eggs. (I've only hatched one, which turned out to be a weedle </3)


    The game tracks at what speed you're going at so you can't cheat the egg system by riding in a car, bike, skateboard, etc.


    I really enjoyed this game and having to walk a few miles to collect Pokemon is fine by me, good thing I live close to a lot of pokestops so I can get eggs, supplies, and pokeballs easily.


    This game is still very young so I expect things to get fixed and tweak so I can't say whether it's actually good or not.


    Hoping they add more mons soon!

    @Goblins @TheSupremePatriot


  6. Tfw people think overwatch will kill tf2

    Comparing overwatch and tf2 as if theyre the same

    Listening to ytuber propaganda and believing it

    Saying it's radically better than an 8 year old game that's kept it's weight

    40 dollars will kill an f2p

    Comparing Blizzard to Valve







    Might as well get the noose