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Everything posted by Blizzard

  1. Back to school Aug 19.Murder me
  2. Man this match between Esam and ZeRo is fucking sick.
  3. I'd rather eat Randy.
  4. I can't be the only one who doesn't enjoy jb.....right?
    1. Blizzard
    2. Dethman


      It used to be great, now it evolved to well...that
    3. Kypari


      Abuse days and shit.
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  5. Hungrybox is moving to Aurora, I'm dead. The jigs I can't handle it...
  6. Garbage in it's purest form.
  7. Meh, nothing more nothing less just meh
  8. Nothing, but the finest of a$$.
  9. Friend just got scammed, this person impersonated NitNat and stole item(s) from him. http://steamcommunity.com/id/hahaeasdadasdas
    1. Blizzard


      Help get steam scammers off of tf2 by reporting him. His name history reveals that he went under NitNat [xG:M]
    2. Xerses


      Tell him to ask steam support for help. Or get the scammers steam username (login not nickname)
  10. You're real friends won't be douches especially you're xG Family B) +1 in Confidence
  11. Rest in peace Garbage Land ;-;
  12. RIP King K. Ruler
    1. Bone


      RIP Kong K. Rood, main antagonist from "Monkey's Banana Retrieval Adventure in the Country"
  13. People wanted a King K Rool DLC fighter for smash, but instead they got a king k rool mii costume, gg nintendo. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    1. Kypari


      Still a chance for him in Smash Ballot. Megaman and Link are playable characters with mii costumes, but let's pray for King K Rool ;~;
    2. Swift


      yea, fuck Sakurai
  14. Helped NitNat with her contract for two hours just for her to get a 1 cent item, thanks Gabe.
    1. NitNat


      thanks gaben for the mental tantrum
  15. Learning to rig models and making tf2 ff2 bosses/maps. Blib Rookie in training.
    1. Bone


      What are you using to rig? Blender? If so I can help you out a bit
    2. Blizzard


      as of now I've found models from gmod I wanna use but I have to decompile them and then get them tf2 ready, but all these guides for rigging aren't so down to earth in simplicity
  16. Ay, friend just sent me a package containing anime related items :D
    1. SupremeWolf


      Hentai starter kit
    2. The_Unlit_Torch
    3. Goblins


      Onahole lmao. But seriously, you should share what you got.
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  17. Joel, did you download boobs again?
  18. Just picked up toon link/young link as a main :D
    1. Kypari


      In which game(s)?
    2. Blizzard


      Melee and smash 4
  19. I'm crying and smiling, I got my gamecube today, but I have no money for a gun mettle ticket on tf2 ; -;
  20. Just bought a GameCube (2 controllers, men card, and console) also melee, competitive, here I come!!!
    1. Bone


      Who do you main in Melee? I main Captain Flappin' or G-Dorf myself
    2. Blizzard


      I main sheik, my friend who got me into melee actually mains captain flapjacks and ganondork
  21. Don't let your memes become dreams.
  22. >tfw you're over level 100000 on the steam summer sale.
  23. I feel like sheik isn't as good as she was in melee now. (I've been playing a shit ton of melee lately and sheik is my main)
    1. Kypari


      Sheik was definitely her strongest in melee. Dat bitch slap in the air was too op though. Not to mention how fast she moves and how fast paced melee is.