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Everything posted by Blizzard

  1. Mama Amari coming to ow, team mom
    1. Hushpuppy


      Get hype for people seeing "sniper" and just going for kills.
  2. ty @Chrono I'm gonna dump a few tips and info for anyone that's interested and I'll post my dex and team later You can curve pokeballs by doing a small spinning motion, this will result in a curved throw when catching pokemon, gives you an extra 10 xp At level 12 you start to get great balls If you want a full main team and rule several gyms I recommend catching dupes of good mons so you can keep one on your main team and the other at a gym (I have 3 jynxes, 2 of them I park at gyms) Some pokemon are exclusive to certain areas around you (My local park is flooded with jynx, dratini, and magikarps and my local graveyard is infested with ghastlies) The higher level you are the higher cp pokemon you encounter (and the cp cap will be raised) Pokemon are exclusive by day and night Legendaries are going to be available by event locations, the same company that helped with pokego (Niantic) also made Ingress which is similar and that game aswell had location events, so if you wanna know where these event locations could be look up a map for the past in game location events for Ingress even if you dont want to catch that pidgey or rattata, do it, the stardust will help you in the long run You get 500 stardust and 10 coins for every gym you're in every 21 hours, to collect the rewards go to the shop and click the shield when the cool off is over Pokestops refresh every 5 mins if you're not in it's radius The 3 eeveelutions are deemed as random, none of the theories so far have been correct/confirmed
  3. Oops forgot to add a pic of my captured mons too
  4. Well I have a nice small chunk from walking this morning, while I do like the game it has its flaws. You really can't do anything until level 5 which is when you receive potions, revives, etc. I'm worried about evolving starters as you may have to go roaming for a while to find decent Pokemon instead of basic normal flying birds, bugs, rattatas, etc Some Pokemon seem to be specific to an area and are in areas where you really can't go in. (I've been trying to track down this ghastly that was on my block, and I circled around it but went I strayed away from my block it was further away, I assumed it was in the heart of the block in my neighbors yard which I don't wanna go in, get caught, and explain that I wasn't trying to break I to their homes, but catch mons.) On the upside I really like the idea of exercise and actual walking because when you get eggs you have the walk to hatch them the lowest amount of distance needed to hatch an egg is 2 km but less steps the less rare it is, the highest I now of is 10 km as I obtained quite a few eggs. (I've only hatched one, which turned out to be a weedle </3) The game tracks at what speed you're going at so you can't cheat the egg system by riding in a car, bike, skateboard, etc. I really enjoyed this game and having to walk a few miles to collect Pokemon is fine by me, good thing I live close to a lot of pokestops so I can get eggs, supplies, and pokeballs easily. This game is still very young so I expect things to get fixed and tweak so I can't say whether it's actually good or not. Hoping they add more mons soon! @Goblins @TheSupremePatriot
  5. Pokemon gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    1. ArminArmout


      pokemon gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    2. NitNat


      it hasn't even been 24 hrs and I've managed to get better luck than bliz :^) life's good
  6. [OneSpicyTaco]: he isnt my dad when we shower
  7. Anybody else buy Disgaea PC for the tf2 promo items :3
  8. 6 Man Overwatch Comp Dream Team
    1. Tomahawk


      except were trash kek
  9. >@Egossi from Member to Moderator This xD
  10. I know it's never going to be added but I honestly would just love house of chaos map trade_houseofchaos2 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA @Hype I know you can agree with this 150%
  11. You play Overwatch? Yeah! Who do you main? D.Va. Do you play anyone else? Nope, just D.Va. #D.VaMainsNeedToStop
    1. Hushpuppy


      I switch heros every 5 seconds when my mech dies and i turn into shitty tracer.
    2. Blizzard


      I mean I play the roadhog the most and he's my "main" you could say, but he's actually a main that can DO something. I don't play him every game because if you want to win a game you can't be playing the same character if someone already took it need some diversity not the hero genji and widow only players.
    3. DemonicDisaster


      Fucking true Bliz.
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  12. It's never been cheaper to travel to Britain now B)
  13. The real overwatch killer is among us, legend of titan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFIp3K6fNHI
    1. Bone


      It's funny because if you look up some gameplay of it, Youtube recognizes it as Overwatch :^)
    2. Hushpuppy


      Sadly it's apparently a tech demo and will never actually be released. Overwatch remains the only class based shooter worth paying.
    3. Blizzard


      Heres another link https://youtu.be/nZJeisfRrdY
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. Widow and McCree got nerfed, ayyy
    1. NitNat


      What happened to widow
    2. Blizzard


      She does less body shot damage, but her headshot multiplier increased from 2 to 2.5, her ult takes longer to come out
  15. Add me on battle net DumpsterCat#11597
  16. Bought overwatch+64 of its crates
    1. Tomahawk


      gimme your epic D.Va skins
    2. Goblins


      I bought Overwatch 64 for the Nintendo Playstation too, man!
  17. When you bet a 123 dollar knife and end up with 483 dollars. #GamblingBlessings
    1. Vacindak
    2. Insane


      I'm proud of what I have created
  18. I encountered a shiny marill in the safari zone and I want to kms because it ran
    1. Thorax_


      if you threw mud, it aint shiny no more
    2. ArminArmout


      that's terribly cruel.
    3. Blizzard


      I threw bait at it so it could stay longer, but nope the thing just ran
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  19. Ran into a shiny ghastly in my nuzlocke, caught it, it's timid, THATS WILD MAN
  20. I'm nuzlocking Pokemon Pearl and so far I haven't had casualties, papa bless
    1. Blizzard


      All of my Pokemon are holding gargantualas which provide 420% immunity from death
    2. Tomahawk


      how far have you gotten?
    3. Blizzard


      2 Badges, lvl 20 mons
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  21. Tfw people think overwatch will kill tf2 Comparing overwatch and tf2 as if theyre the same Listening to ytuber propaganda and believing it Saying it's radically better than an 8 year old game that's kept it's weight 40 dollars will kill an f2p Comparing Blizzard to Valve Might as well get the noose
  22. This perfectly explains what happened to Jasper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mEx9FtuN0k
    1. NitNat


      Big buff cheeto puff
  23. How's everybody's summer body progress going?
    1. Egossi


      nice one
    2. Tomahawk


      xG=still fatties
    3. Caleb956


      Well with overwatch in the way..oh who am i kidding that doesn't matter. Nowhere. (I still have like a month of school :c)
  24. All these low ranks with fancy knives