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  1. Thinking
    Sylux reacted to yesstergi in What Is Happening To The Mc Server Right Now?   
    have you tried turning it off and back on again?
  2. Funny
    Sylux reacted to james8470 in Screenshot Of The Month Results #8 - #9   
    wait... what the fuck?
    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA :emoji_smile:
  3. Like
    Sylux reacted to Bags in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Yes! Please make an oubliette map!
  4. Like
    Sylux reacted to james8470 in [metroid 2] Am2r (2016)   
    Here's my second Metroid review!
    This game was actually an unofficial re-make the the original Metroid II game: Metroid II: The Return of Samas. However I haven't played the original one, and don't intend based on what I've heard about it and in-game footage I've seen.

    Before I get into it, this creation of this game has a story to it you should know.
    Another Metroid 2 Remake (AM2R, as it is often called) was released to celebrate Metroid's 30th anniversary. The game had a lot of anticipation behind it. First off, the game's developer Milton Guasti, had been working on the game for nearly a decade (so many followers had built up over time). Second, Nintendo hadn't released any Metroid games since 2010 (and that's counting a game released in 2010 which was so disliked, most fans pretend it doesn't exit).
    Not long after the game's long-awaited release in 2016, Nintendo shut it down under copyright grounds. This triggered (literally) a lot of disappointment among fans and attracted a lot more attention to AM2R and the DMCA takedown. Fans felt that this was unfair because the game itself was good, it had been worked on for nearly 10 years, and the DMCA takedown was issued AFTER the game's release (as if Nintendo was waiting for the game to release to issue the takedown).
    The original Metroid II: Return of Samas is, in fact, currently for sale on the 3DS's eShop. So the game's release could in fact take away from Nintendo's sales. Nintendo is protecting their intellectual property.
    Now, weather their doing it in a fair way or not is for you to decide.
    Why did I write that huge explanation? I think it's better that you hear it from me before you hear it from some angry ranter. :p
    I'm biased nonetheless, but I hope I offered a fair view of the facts. Now, without further ado...
    Game Name: Another Metroid 2 Remake
    Platform: PC/Mac/Linux
    Time Spent: 8:20
    Do you recommend?
    Yes! This game has everything Zero Mission has and potentially more.
    If you liked the look of my previous review, you just might enjoy what this game has to offer even more!
    What you rate the game: 9.5/10
    Initial Thoughts:
    I started out by learning about the Nintendo DMCA takedown issue on youtube. I watched around five videos. After that, I had a pretty clear view of what was going on. I did it simply because I was interested in what was going on in the Metroid community. I hadn't even heard of AM2R until early 2017.
    About two months ago, I downloaded the first version on my laptop from an unofficial site (the original site had its download links removed).
    When I started playing, I was immediately impressed.

    This picture shows the difference between the original Metroid II and AM2R.
    As you may notice, the AM2R screenshot looks a lot like Zero Mission's graphics. This is because the design and the way you maneuver were based off of Zero Mission. In my opinion, AM2R's graphics are beautiful. They offer everything Zero Mission has to offer and more. The detail shows right off the bat, as this is the location in which you start the game.
    I knew right away I was in for an adventure as fun, exciting, yet terrifying as Zero Mission and maybe even more.
    Gameplay & Story:
    It's much like Zero Mission. You start out with three save files, start one, and the introduction images show.
    The goal of the game is to kill all 50 Metroids on their home-planet: SR388.
    Moving around is pretty simple. If your using a keyboard, "Z" and "X" jump and fire, "W" "A" "S" "D" move around and "SPACE" jumps. There's another key which switches between Missiles, Sumer Missiles and Powerbombs as well.
    One thing the game states as you start it up every time: "A controller is highly recommended"
    so if you have one to hook up to your computer, may as well do it! I'm sure it would be a lot more fun to play the game with one.
    All in all, it feels like a sleeker version of Zero Mission. All the secret techniques are still there like wall-jumping and everything.
    The terrifying feeling of loneliness and venturing deep into alien caverns, facing huge and monstrousness bosses is all there.
    One thing AM2R does differently here is the exceeding amount of mechanical enemies, bosses, and areas. The main areas of the game such as the Hydro Station, The Tower, or the The Distribution Center all have very mechanical themes to them. Nevertheless, the robot enemies are TOUGH. However, not long after first having to face new enemies, AM2R always soon directs you to a new item which allows you to shred though them, and so on and so forth.
    The minimap also features improvements such as making specific locations with new kinds of symbols and telling you how many Metroids are left to find in the area you're currently in, as well as how many are left on the planet.
    There is also a really cool new original feature: the log book. It's a small tab in the corner of your screen which will sometimes say "scanning environment..." then "7 metroids found in area" or something, but it also will give detailed information about each of the game's main areas (some of which I mentioned earlier) and explains how the Chozo race used them. It even describes bosses for you and points out their weak spots sometimes, which is a real lifesaver considering how difficult it is to tell normally.
    As for the Metroids themselves, instead of fighting larval Metroids as you did in Zero Mission (which were tough enough!) you fight four other forms of Metroid: Alpha, Gamma, Zeta, and Omega. These guys all of really cool and unique abilities, and can be easy enough to beat when you know their attack patterns, but deadly if you don't. At any rate, there's 50 of them. You often encounter them in places you least expect as well, and the battle themes for all forums starts out with a short tune of surprise, as if it were a jumpscare (which it almost is!)
    Another thing I really like about AM2R is how it draws so much inspiration for actual Metroid games. From the information in the log book, to the bosses themselves, AM2R really feels like a real Metroid game, maybe even the next generation of Metroid games!
    I want to elaborate on the bosses (cause I love them). The bosses such as Serris and Aracnus are directly taken from the Metroid 4 game: Metroid Fusion, a game I'll review later. Why is this good? Well, this game takes place before Metroid 4 is supposed to (makes sense, since AM2R is Metroid 2, right?) despite being released after Metroid Fusion (as AM2R is a remake game). These two bosses from Metroid Fusion were creatures taken to artificially created ecosystems where Metroid 2 takes place, so it's actually very pleasing to see these bosses return in AM2R.
    [spoiler=Fighting a Gamma Metroid]
    [spoiler=Fighting The Tester]
    Fight a boss called "The Tester" which uses many kinds of cool prototype weapons in The Tower to fight you.
    The soundtrack! Metroid has great soundtracks, and AM2R does too!
    It's available on youtube as well.
    This song is part of a playlist. My favorite one is "The Hydro Station". Give it a listen!
    AM2R also draws inspiration from many other Metroid games for the soundtrack, and I'm pleased to hear the revamped old tunes, and
    the music sounds great, it's updated with the latest virtual instruments, so no more GBA or SNES sounds. I actually like those better >_< that's the one thing about this music. While I enjoy it, it just lacks certain emotions such as suspense and terror that the lower-quality sounds of the GBA and SNES had. Weird, huh?
    Unfortunately, this is an easy con of the game, even if it only applies to those who've become accustomed to the GBA and SNES Metroid soundtracks.
    I wanted to describe one specific point in the game which was a real highlight for me. It's an escape sequence where you end up trapped in a room and collect Powerbombs for the first time. It's the main reactor room, and if you read the log book time as taken it's toll on the machine, and it's unstable. You have no choice but to use a Powerbomb to escape. The reactor starts to overload, and a panel displays on the screen which fills up as the reactor starts to overheat.
    What makes this part particularly fulfilling yet stressful and terrifying is that a giant robot tank the size of the entire screen bursts though a wall half-way though it and ttys to stop you! It's crazy! A boss fight in the middle of an escape sequence?!
    [spoiler=The Chozo Security Tank mini-boss]
    I decided to just use my other Powerbomb (you start with just two) to instantly destroy it because I didn't want to waste time. I continue on the path I came, and realize that all the extra blocks I had to break to get though were placed there just to slow me down when the time came to blow up the reactor!
    I was just about to escape though the entrance, which is marked by two slow-opening heavy blast-doors. I had gotten though one and was between the two when the reactor blew up. I thought I was dead. But no! I was blasted though the second door and survived with almost no health. I watched my charter stand up with utter astonishment. Such detail!
    The one word to describe AM2R is DETAIL! The game has so many little features which really make the game what it is. Samas (your charter) even has an idle animation! Just little things like that which 10 years in development allows for really show though, and never ceased to impress me to the core. There are countless examples of animation detail and feature detail I could give about this game.
    Throughout the game, there are many other innovative situations you get to experience such as operating a drone to help you access a new area, or using a giant drill to.. well... access a new area. As you near the end of the game, in the Distribution Center, there's a certain room with bunch of chutes that can instantly take you to all the areas you visited, a useful feature for those who just like to walk around caverns of the planet, like me!
    The ending of the game is somewhat disappointing compared to the rest, unfortunately.
    You are fighting the last 10 Metroids of the game, the first three are really powerful Omega Metroids. The distance between them and the amount of walking you have to do to reach the final boss is awful. It just feels rushed, as if the game's creator got lazy with the end despite the detail on the textures of these new areas. After a lot of walking upwards (you are deep in the planet, after all) you end up in a underground lake after traversing caverns with waterfalls. The background image for this lake is actually really pretty and certainly noteworthy, even if I couldn't find a picture of it.

    A world map of AM2R. The solid blue area of the bottom left which continues upwards is the area which felt rushed to me

    You end up enter the genetics laboratory where you fight a couple of larval Metroids, just like the ones from Zero Mission. These are much easier to defeat compared to their adult forums you spent the whole game fighting, but just as creepy.
    [spoiler=What's the final boss?]Eventually, you encounter the last Metroids: The Queen Metroid. The mother of a Metroids.
    This battle turns out to be somewhat disappointing. The Queen doesn't have as many abilities as the other Metroid forums, and simply requires hammering her head with Missiles in order to defeat. But she is none the less monstrous, and big.

    After defeating the final boss, a Metroid egg hatches produced by... what's in the spoiler above... and it follows you around, eating the unbreakable crystals in the final cavern which leads to your ship while emotional music plays. You're the last Metroid's mother now.
    You reach your ship, and return with the last Metroid with you. And of course, it's nighttime. It was daytime when you first arrives. DETAIL!
    A great ending feature of the game is how you hear someone's voice with the iconic black-on-white blocky text "the last Metroid is in captivity, the galaxy is at peace". followed by "to be continued..." (but now spoken by someone's voice). This is exactly how Metroid 3 starts and really give me the chills. What a great feature! AM2R truly did a great job of connecting the games together as if they were truly four parts of the same game, rather than four separate games in the same universe.

    A picture which displays during the ending of the game.

    AM2R lacks a deep backstory, but that's not a big deal. The Metroid series had a compelling story, but it isn't really in-depth nor is it a particular strong-suit of the series. It is best explained though these screenshots I took.



    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    - Amazing soundtrack
    - More cool upgrades, and updated as well (enemies frozen with Ice Beam actually fall to the ground and shatter if they were flying)
    - Thrilling and horrific atmosphere and bosses
    - Well-desinged graphics and creatures, even better than Zero Mission
    - So much detail!
    - The logbook
    Cons: (At least 2 reasons)
    - When I first got the Gravity Suit upgrade, I turned invisible! It turned out I simply had to get a newer version of the game, but for this bug to be in after 10 years of development is very surprising and out of place in such a detailed and bug-free game. It just felt sloppy.
    - The music just didn't have the same touch as the other Metroid games.
    - Sometimes, I had no idea where to go and got really board of wandering around looking for that one secret passage which would let me advance, but hey, that's to be expected from any Metroid game, at least sometimes.
    Final Thoughts:
    It's a Metroid game. It's everything Metroid 1, 2, and 4 have in terms of gameplay style and atmosphere. Even if it's not made by the official creators (Nintendo), I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
    Now that I've played it, it just might be my second favorite Metroid game, that's putting it over Zero Mission, which was literally my childhood friend! That's how impressive this game was.
    If you're interested in playing this game, you can download the application and play for free on your computer.
    Just search for "AM2R download" or AM2R download Mac". Make sure you download Version 1.1 or higher, because if you don't Gravity Suit will be invisible and it becomes annoying to play!
    DISCLAIMER: This might be technically illegal, as it is a copy of a remake-game of an official Nintendo game.
    I am not responsible for your actions should you chose to download this remake-game, play it, or redistribute it.
    The projects official website and forum can be found here.
    It seems fans are still updating the game. It warms my heart to see this. :^)
    I've posted some other screenshots below as well, they speak much more than my words do!
    I'd post more, but tomorrow mourning I'm leaving for a week-long camping trip for my job if you saw my inactivity notice.
    Bye! :p
    [spoiler=A bunch of screenshots of maps, bosses, and upgrades]
    An example of a basic "enemy" and a cavern

    Fighting an Omega Metroid

    Some of the upgrades you get

    Retrieving a hidden Missile Tank in The Hydro Station

  5. Agree
    Sylux got a reaction from TBOHB in Yo, Why Is This Scrub Back So Quick?   
  6. Agree
    Sylux got a reaction from james8470 in Donakonda - Team Fortress 2   
    If George Washington says -1 I'm going to say -1.

    But for real you've shown masses of immaturity recently and that's not what a mod should be consistently.
  7. Agree
    Sylux reacted to realBelloWaldi in Donakonda - Team Fortress 2   
    What exactly are you expecting from posting passive-agressive comments on the forums, Ill?
    That comment was absolutely unnescesarry and your behavoir has been somewhat noticable recently. This is gonna sound stupid, but after all we're some kind of community that should hold together.
    That being said, if you'd like to discuss any issues you have, please message @Vexx, @mrnutty12, @Sesh or myself on Steam.
    Additionally I do not want to derail this thread any further, so please if you wanna talk this out message me on Steam.
    About Donakonda, I personally like you but in my opinion I think as of right now you would not be suitable for staff due to a certain lack of maturity.
    However, if the other higher ups disagree with me, that is more than fine though.
  8. Agree
    Sylux reacted to Tatost in Donakonda - Team Fortress 2   
    This guy is actually incredibly nice, despite all the trash kids keep pulling around the servers. Every single time I've gotten on the server the first thing I hear is "Hi Tatost!!11!!1" Other than that he has a decent idea of the rules (sometimes he may need to look back at the motd, but trust me, everyone does that.)
    Good luck to you on your application @Donakonda
  9. Agree
    Sylux got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Donakonda - Team Fortress 2   
    If George Washington says -1 I'm going to say -1.

    But for real you've shown masses of immaturity recently and that's not what a mod should be consistently.
  10. Like
    Sylux got a reaction from james8470 in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Okay so just to update...
    Azalea town: I've been working with new textures and adding in some new addtions.

    Oubliette: Buildings being opened with more support for other features.


  11. Like
    Sylux got a reaction from TBOHB in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Okay so just to update...
    Azalea town: I've been working with new textures and adding in some new addtions.

    Oubliette: Buildings being opened with more support for other features.


  12. Like
    Sylux got a reaction from Tatost in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Okay so just to update...
    Azalea town: I've been working with new textures and adding in some new addtions.

    Oubliette: Buildings being opened with more support for other features.


  13. Like
    Sylux got a reaction from LAN_Megalodon in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Okay so just to update...
    Azalea town: I've been working with new textures and adding in some new addtions.

    Oubliette: Buildings being opened with more support for other features.


  14. Like
    Sylux got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Okay so just to update...
    Azalea town: I've been working with new textures and adding in some new addtions.

    Oubliette: Buildings being opened with more support for other features.


  15. Like
    Sylux got a reaction from Vacindak in Vacindak's Birthday Thread   
    Feliz cumpleaños
    Have a good day :)
  16. Like
    Sylux reacted to Vexx in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    Uber upgrades is now open, you can make suggestions here: Uber Upgrades Updates, Suggestions, Bug Fixes | Xeno Gamers
  17. Winner
    Sylux reacted to realBelloWaldi in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    Update: @Vexx and I were able to turn MvM into an Uber Upgrades server. Everything seems to be working so far, however, the server will stay passworded for at least today, since we want to do some minor adjustments.
    Once the server will be unpassworded, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Feel free to suggest fun maps and tell either Vexx or myself about any glitches/bugs with the servers.
  18. Funny
  19. Funny
    Sylux got a reaction from virr in Hello Xenogamers, This Is Your Co Leader Aegean Speaking   
  20. Informative
    Sylux got a reaction from james8470 in [metroid 1] Metroid: Zero Mission [2004]   
    Being a huge fan of the metroid series(hence the name) this is refreshing. Your points were well expressed and It had made me want to find my cartridge again. Only thing i will mention is when you're suggesting to the reader to download a rom without saying the user will need to own a physical copy for it to be 'legal', personally this is just a fail safe most people have to say and in this case, to make sure there's no random Nintendo employee browsing .
    10/10 would read again
  21. Winner
    Sylux reacted to james8470 in [metroid 1] Metroid: Zero Mission [2004]   
    So, this is actually going to be first in a series of four Metroid reviews I plan to write. They could easily be my all-time favorite games, and are a significant component of my childhood. Before I get into it, be warned of spoilers. There will be a section clearly marked "Story" on each review, so if you plan on playing one of these games just skip reading it. You also might want to avoid looking at some of the pictures. Especially at the end of this review.
    This game was actually an official re-make the the original Metroid game, however I haven't played the original one all the way though, so I don't feel like doing a review for it.
    Game Name: Metroid: Zero Mission
    Platform: Gameboy Advance/Gameboy Advance SP/Nintendo Gamecube/Nintendo DS
    Time Spent: Countless hours, maybe a couple hundred?
    Do you recommend?
    If you like cool sci-fi action/adventure games, you'll LOVE this game.
    I easily recommended it to anyone who is even loosely interested in these genres.
    What you rate the game: 9/10
    Initial Thoughts:
    Well, I first played this game about five years ago when I bought my first GBA, it was actually a Gameboy Advance SP. I got it at a garage sale which was being set up in my own home for only 5$ (an excellent deal, although I had to buy a charger online). Inside, was a GBA cartridge which was Metroid: Zero Mission. Until then, I had never heard of the series whatsoever.
    I actually had some GBA cartridges already which I played on a Nintendo Gamecube, but when I booted it up that night and played Metroid for the first time, I was immediately addicted. The graphics of the game (I'll abbreviate it to MZM from now on) and the feeling of being in a highly motile power suit on a strange alien planet with absolutely no explanation other than the very brief opening sequence of the game "Emergency order: destroy all Metroids and space pirate leader Mother Brain" quickly sucked me in. This game had the best graphics of any video game I'd played at the time, and I'd never played a game with this kind of violence (the closed I'd come to on both accounts would be Super Mario Brothers 3 believe it or not).
    Just compare these pictures to see what I mean.


    Anyways, following the "Emergency order" introduction sequence, you can start a new save file (you may have up to three which is kinda nice, especially for speed-runs). You start the game in an underground cavern not online the one depicted above. And thats it, no hand-holding or anything. So, you quickly figure out your innate abilities: summersault-jump in a Ironman-like power suit, crouch, fire a small and short-range beam, and move around.
    The feel of playing the charter, Samas, is also very enjoyable. It feels very acrobatic, as if it takes real skill to master her true abilities (which it actually does, as I'll get into later) however it's also simple and easy to learn for new players.
    You basically spend the game collecting upgrades at ancient statues which also restore your health, exploring new areas and building up your minimap, running into dead-ends which you often unlock much later in the game, and fighting bosses.
    The game may feel very non-linnerar because you have to explore everything to figure out where to go in order to advance, but it's actually secretly linear. The game does a truly outstanding job of giving the illusion of choice, therefore both capturing both perks of linear and open-world gameplay. You do, in fact, need to explore off-course hidden areas in order to increase your missile, super missile, and power bomb capacity if you have any hope of getting past some of the bosses.
    As far as enemies and bosses go, they're all either native species of the planet MZM takes place on which are either passive or actively attack you, or are space pirate generals or troopers. They're all uniquely designed and truly make you wonder what they're abilities are when you first run into them. Indeed, you need to know exactly what the creatures of planet Zebes do if you want to survive. The game isn't easy, and requires caution and a "shoot-first" mindset in order to get though.
    What's great about the bosses, is how you literally stumble across them and suddenly they pop out of nowhere and one of the amazing boss-fight musics starts playing. They're design and abilities strike terror into your heart and require you to be light on your feet. You also need to learn their weaknesses, as often they are only vulnerable in the eyes, mouth, abdomen, or other specific locations.
    The picture below is an excellent example.
    [spoiler=Example Boss]

    Karid, one of the space pirate generals who attacks with slashing, boomerang-fingernails, and giant claws which shoot out of his stomach.
    For me, the boss-battles and soundtrack were the most enjoyable parts of the game. You can listen to the entire game's music on youtube
    if you're interested. 
    Story & Part 2 of the game:
    After navigating through the five main sections of planet Zebes (Chozodia, Crateria, Norfair, Kraid, and Ridley) each with their own unique and colorful design, and defeating the main bosses plus mini-bosses in each area and finding all the upgrades to your suit and weapons, you eventually unlock the path to Tourain, which is where the main objective, the leader of the space pirates, Mother Brain, resides along with all the Metroids.
    [spoiler=World Map]

    I could describe each of the areas in great detail, but I think it'll best be shown though pictures I'll place at the end of this review. However, I will describe the feeling of Tourain. It's truly horrific. As soon as you enter it, creepy music for the map begins playing. The entire game is creepy and mysterious, but this area really had me on edge. Entering each new room, a Metroid or two would pop out of the corner, unseen until you draw need and attack you. They're one of the hardest enemies to defeat, especially when there's two of them attacking you at the same time. Even with your nearly fully-upgraded suit and weapons, they're a serious threat.
    The final boss battle against Mother Brain is also very difficult. I mean, just look at this shit!
    [spoiler=Final Boss Room]

    Oh, and this is after getting though five rooms like this one with heavy doors which regenerate their strength if not attacked quickly and two kinds of cannons firing at you.
    Even after defeating all the Metroids, space pirate leader Mother Brain, and escaping the tense self-desctuct sequence and escaping into space in your ship, and seemingly beating the game, surprise! Space pirates shoot down your ship!

    We're only half-way though the game at this point! This section of the game was NOT in the original version of the game (nor were many of the mini-bosses and suit upgrades) and was one of the most enjoyable parts of the game for me. As the picture describes, you infiltrate the space pirate's mothership with nothing but a slow-charging pistol which merely stuns the pirates when full-charged, and only for literally a second. The music changes once again (as it always does when you enter a new area) but this time it's neither creepy or epic and archaic-sounding, instead it's something out of Mission Impossible.
    You spend most of your time abroad the mothership avoiding space pirates, which are EVERYWHERE, so that you don't set of the alarm which locks certain doors and causes pirates to be drawn to you.
    [spoiler=Inside the Mothership]
    You need to hide out and wait in order to deactivate the alarm. That red thing is one of the pirates by the way. They shoot lasers and climb walls, too.
    Eventually, you find your way into the Chozo ruins just outside of the mothership, recover your lost power suit plus a few new extremely powerful upgrades, and become able to 1-shot the space pirates! It doesn't take long at this point to backtrack into the mothership and discover the game's true final boss. Sadly, this boss is the most disappointing fights of the game. Once again, you escape a self-destruct sequence and escape into one of the space pirates fighter ships except this time, you're successful and your mission is complete!
    Even after the game's official ending, you can replay your old save file and if you're clever enough to try some things with your power bombs and shatter a glass tube, you can reenter an old area of the game with your full-upgraded suit and then access literally any area of the game from there. A very nice feature for those who want to collect all the items which increase missile/super missile/power bomb capacity or just like to explore and have fun with the power-suit like me.

    So, I said a few things without explaining them or said I'd get to them later. In this section, I will focus purely on the story of the game, almost all of which is not described in-game but instead from other official Nintendo sources. Also, some of this stuff is pretty important to know for when I've written my next three reviews.
    In ancient times, an alien race called the Chozo took over the galaxy and spread their technology everywhere. At one point, a deadly parasite called X (which can shape-shift into their prey after killing them) sweeps the galaxy killing everything in it's party. The Chozo create the Metroid species, which drains the life force out of anything, to target the X parasites. The Chozo then mysteriously disappear.
    In their absence, the governments of various planets including Earth band together to from the Galactic Federation. Because of this, universal (literally) peace is established, and there are no longer any militaries or armies. However, space pirates begin attacking federation ships and stealing various goods to expand their empire! The federation responds by hiring various bounty hunters and mercenaries including Samas Aran (the charter you play as in-game) to single-handedly destroy all Metroids the space pirates are trying to use in their plot to take over the galaxy and stop their leader, Mother Brain.
    Samas's own backstory begins when she was a little girl. Her family was killed on a ship during a space pirate invasion, she was the lone survivor. A mysterious Chozo, which had long thought to be extinct, finds the ship and basically abducts her and takes her back to their home world, planet Zebes, where he infuses her DNA with Chozo DNA and grants her a highly-advance Chozo power-suit in order to survive the harsh conditions of Zebes. She would move on to become a bounty hunter, often volunteering for jobs against the space pirates.
    Unlockable Features:
    Another great part of the game is that it actually contains the original version of Metroid as well, and you can play it from the "options" section in the main menu after having beat MZM.

    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    - Amazing soundtrack
    - Cool upgrades
    - Thrilling and horrific atmosphere and bosses
    - Well-desinged graphics and creatures
    - Compelling story
    Cons: (At least 2 reasons)
    - Lack of handholding/general guidance leads to the player being unaware of things which shouldn't really be secret, such as being able to access old areas after (or even technically before) beating the game when you've got you're fully-powered suit.
    - Often, it is very difficult to figure out where you're supposed to be and even if you happen to find the right room to be in, there's often a hidden passage way or certain blocks you have to randomly decide to try to break in order to advance. However, it's not too bad, although it is a time-investment.
    Final Thoughts:
    I don't have much to say which hasn't already been said.
    If you like having freedom in a game but still having a linear objective, feeling like a super-powerd badass in a completely unknown and creepy planet, then you'll love this game. As you become better at the game, you may find some cool tricks you can do even from the very start of the game such as wall-jumping and bomb-bouncing. These tricks require some skill with the controls, which is a nice feature for advanced players.
    I've posted some pictures with captions below as well, they can tell you a lot more about the game then my words can!
    If you're interested in playing this game, you can download a GBA emulator for Windows/Mac here and play for free on your computer (you'll have to find the ROM for MZM on their database and download it in addition to the emulator).
    DISCLAIMER: This is technically illegal, as it is an emulator of an official Nintendo game, even if it's no longer in production & sale. I am not responsible for your actions should you use one of these emulators or ROMs.
    [spoiler=A bunch of screenshots of maps, bosses, and upgrades]
    The first area of the game, Brinstar

    The second area of the game, Norfair

    Another part of Norfair

    The third area of the game, Crateria
    This area is actually the only area on the surface of the planet

    The firth area of the game, Kraid's Lair

    The sixth area of the game, Ridley's Lair along with the Ridley space-pirate commander boss-fight about to begin

    The seventh area of the game, Tourian while being attacked by a bunch of Metroids

    The sixth area of the game, Chozodia, after having exited the space pirate mothership and entered the Chozo Ruins to recover your power suit

    Immago, an example of one of the mini-bosses

    Deorem, an example of one of the mini-bosses

    The game's final boss

    The upgrade panel as it appears when all upgrades are collected after restoring your suit in the Chozo Ruins

  22. Disagree
    Sylux reacted to Vargas in Tatost   
    -1 Still immature from what I seen. And because of past events.
    M: 2
    A: 6?
  23. Agree
    Sylux reacted to Thunder in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    Well, MVM isnt really a server we can populate, the only times it is populated is when xG people decide they want to have fun playing MVM.
    If thats really the only reason we have the MVM server then we should probably turn it into uberupgrades, its basically mvm on steroids.
    In my opinion UberUpgrades is way more fun than MVM just because of how OP you can get.
    Also uberupgrades actually attracts players and I see a lot of uberupgrade servers full all of the time.
    I dont even know if this is possible but that would be nice.
    Is this possible to do?
    @Bello @Vexx
    Also for everyone that disagrees please state why you think so!
  24. Creative
    Sylux got a reaction from james8470 in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Hey since the xG tf2 map rotation is fairly dry map development has been going on... Some map have been uploaded to the server for testing very kindly by @Rejects .Please post feedback and suggestions on all maps to help make the community enjoy the maps more.
    Lilicove City(Development):
    This map is only exclusively for xG with a security plugin to stop any decompiling... The broadness of the map is from the Safari zone to the outer rocks of lilicove town. Currently the Red spawn is in the safari zone(red circle) and the blue crosses are HP/Ammo pick-ups.

    BLU spawn is currently near to the sharpedo model so advice for where to place BLU would be great.

    Not too much to show currently just progress until all the textures are perfect. Several easter eggs currently implemented however the map will take a while before it's even considered for testing. Currently it's been debated if it's worth keeping the Sharpedo in the water.
    Azalea Town(Broken):
    Was once finished with pkmn3d.net textures however the pack seems to cause so many missing errors when attempting to compile...

    CTF Area:
    Thanks to Rejects this map has been testing is will be finally checked by @Bello before being potentially added to the rotation. The map seems to have gone down well with the regulars and many suggestions have been recorded:

    Addition of a music room being re-added
    Buildings are re-opened to be accessible.
    Stretch some textures to make certain areas appear bigger(e.g. centre buildings).
    Mirror Banger support

    Thanks for all the help, suggestions and testing + keep em coming!
    Add music suggestions for all Maps(must be pokemon related) below with links to youtube. :)
  25. Like
    Sylux reacted to LAN_Megalodon in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Music Requests, Here's where I dump my suggestions -
    Good musics,
    I feel like BW gets no love from anyone, but it was one of my favorite regions in terms of sound and world design, and everyone else seems to have the standout music from other games covered.
    Other Games
    I'm probably going to put mostly Monster Hunter themes here to be honest.
    Monster Hunter
    - "Reincarnation of Light and Darkness", Gore Magala Theme -
    - "Wind of Departure", Ending Credits Theme -
    - "Life Burning in the Storm" Amatsumagatsuchi Theme -
    (As much as I like this, it would probably become the new "Metal Lance" theme.) - "Illusion of the Dense Forest" Chameleos Theme -
    - Any of the Gathering Hall Themes, as they're much more laid back and relaxing -
    Cave Story
    - Main Theme -
    - "Jenka" -
    - "Saftey" -
    Dank Memes
    Neil Cicierega - Daft Mouth -
    Neil Cicierega - Pokemon -
    I swear to f***ing god Sylux, if you don't freakin' hide "Pokemon" somewhere on the map I might kill a small puppy.