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Posts posted by Thorax_

  1. Is it possible for a sound to play when we target a user in chat? Does Source and SourceMod have those capabilities.


    Like we normally say someone’s name to warn them, when they are mentioned while a prefix is used, they will get an alert sound.


    I can’t really describe it. But I’ll try xD


    Basically I say @bob stop spawn killing


    They would see in chat [Notice]: Stop spawnkilling while hearing a ding of some sort.

  2. it'd be fairly easy to implement something like this using hud text afaik, you could make it as annoying/intrusive as you want, or it could just be in the corner of your screen. I didnt read this whole thread, but it seems like for something like that you could have it stay on the screen until the player acknowledges it by typing some command, just to make sure they read it.

    That being said I have 0 time to actually make that, so someone else would have to do it or it'd have to wait for a long time


    Yeah, that’s a good idea! Typing a word or phrase to acknowledge it is fair as it allows them to have no excuse in not having a chance to read it or accidentally exit it. That is really neat!


    I’m not rushing this, whatever works the best! It can wait, I am not a coder but I could take a peek in the coding for SM say commands and see if I can tweak it a bit just for the time being :p


    Thanks for the input ^w^

  3. I mean, that looks much better than blocking the entire screen, but there's a few issues...


    Overlays can't be customized. They're essentially texture files that would be shown to a player on command use. So having [staff member name here] and [Reason here] wouldn't be possible unless you made 15 different overlays with different reasons, and 15 different commands. So it'd look like this:


    >!hwarn (target) (warning number from 1 - 15) (duration)


    Duration also wouldn't work on an animated overlay, as it would just play the animation and not slow it down or anything. A single image texture would be better for that.


    All in all, I feel it's more work than it's worth. Considering we'd have to not only make overlay textures, but also a plugin to use them, and probably some kind of menu option so we don't have to type it out every time.

    When compared to how we do it now, it's a heck of a lot faster just to type @Stop micspamming, dingus


    I just animated it for the concept.

    Also, keep in mind this is just an idea. I’m not fully aware of the limitations of Sourcemod and Source Engine so my concept most likely would have been “too good to be true”.

    But something kind of like this would be splendid. Maybe we can clone the MSAY code and make it show up in the center top kind of where CSAY shows but be a box sized like HSAY and the box would not be very transparent like the current ones are. The font would also be bold if thats even possible. This is basically just a more convenient location and probably could be {/hwarn <player> <message>}. This would make it so its not on everyones screen, is in the range of view that slightly obstructs the players vision but doesnt interrupt gameplay as it would still be transparent but not much.


  4. I agree that surf has a lot of punishments and something like this would be nice in SOME cases. But like @virr said, if they don't read our chat warnings and they get in trouble that's their own problem. Most times (in my experience at least), people just flat out ignore anyone saying anything and carry on with their business, only way they listen at all is when they get kicked/banned(and come back after the ban). Not too sure if it would really help much in the end, most staff have mics, if they don't listen to the chat warning, give a verbal warning then do a kick/ban/whatever. From that point on its the offender's fault for not listening.


    I would agree more down the lines of what @Bone said, and just make the @ chat color stand out more so it's easier for people to read.



    I verbally warn and use MSAY and All chat.

    Msay most people just click a key to get it off their screen so they can switch weapons.

    Hence why we make no the first option in vote menus to prevent people from just closing them while unwillingly saying yes to the vote.


    This would not be closeable until the countdown is concluded.



    A trial run is usually available for new suggestions, it doesn’t hurt to test things as they sometimes do work out really well.

  5. As for @TheSupremePatriot's suggestion. I you're trying too hardshove the warning into peoples faces. If they ignore the warning it's their fault if they get punished, not ours.



    This is true, yes... but when it starts to result in population loss because they think they didn’t do anything wrong and as mentioned might ignore the kick message come back (or not) and do it again, get banned and never come back. This hurts us as we loose players that might have or might not of made an honest mistake. I sometimes miss the notices other staff members or donators put up. It’s just not in a direct line of view where the player is really focusing.


    This would grab their attention and be easier to read.



    Surf is the server that gets the most punishments dealt in. If you notice how many times within the last 6 months that I (and other surf staff) have had to ban people, you would realize how critical something like this could be, even a test run would be grand.


    All it is is a new messaging method in addition to the standard ones we currently have.



    Again with the format, I’m sorry :c

  6. Honestly, I don't really understand the point of hardwarning someone. Basically a kick serves the exact same purpose since they can rejoin automatically while getting a message that a staff member puts explaining what they did wrong.


    Additionally, if this were to be implemented, I doubt a lot of staff would use it frequently. There really isn't a lot of scenarios where you would want to do this to someone over kicking them/warning them and I fail to see how this would fit into the staff protocol and would require all staff to readjust to the new procedure (which may take some time to get used to).



    Have you not been asked “WHAT THE FCK WHY WAS I KICKED?! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!” ?




    I get this a lot and I put a very clear and easy to read kick reason that if they just fast click off of it which I guarantee 90% of our players that get kicked do.... they don’t see our kick message. With this they are forced to read what they are doing wrong.


    Most people probably assume they lost connection or something and just quickly exit that dialog.


    I’ll make a less intrusive demo, it won’t be blocking their gameplay but it will be incredibly noticeable.



    This kind of is supposed to be like a private msay but easier to read, easier to notice, and doesn’t go to everyone interrupting their gameplay. As when the times I have to use MSAY, I get barked at for it by players when I’m using it for administrative purposes.



    I see all your concerns but give me a chance to give you a detailed look later today at what I’m trying to describe before making further assumptions of how intense it is. My first image was a very very very rough draft. Just showing textual context. Not full on visual.



    Surf would be one of the main areas of usage. As we have numerous users who spawnkill and snipe from spawn etc. And that’s our main consisting offense that we have to address.



    In short, our current notice alerts aren’t all that effective in certain cases, at times and are intrusive on the lines of gameplay for everyone when we use MSAY, this would help target one user and ensure that they notice it and have time to notice it.



    I don’t currently have a chance to format so I’ll fix it later :P

  7. +1 for unban though


    I get what you mean @Elcark but sometimes it is hard to determine if it’s a troll or not,


    I’ve had quite a few people use calladmin while I have been on the server with my tag (Server Admin) or (Server Mod) blaitently visible. And 80% of those were false calls. So figuring that out is a bit of a challenge.


    I never said that they couldn’t, but that’s just the rule set we have had, I understand mistakes happen and people panic and want to find the best way to take care of the issue and I fully respect it. (I mean some of the rules for things like that were kind of the unwritten rules at a point so)



    In short, it’s sometimes difficult to tell if troll call or not when it’s done in game, but sometimes they are legit and that’s good. I just find it to be a bit of a challenge at times that’s all.

  8. I really wouldn't want a warning stopping me from playing the game suddenly. Imagine running around as a Scout, you're about to kill someone and then suddenly the warning message with the black screen appears and you can no longer play until you close it, so you die. I'd be pissed.

    The current system is fine.


    Not really any different than being slayed, besides. This would be for instances in the extreme cases such as “spawn camping/killing, bodyblocking, etc)


    Because at that point they would be slayed anyway since they had to be hard warned so they pretty much would deserve it as punishment


    This would not be used in minor cases.


    As I said, I’ll make a better version in about 8 hours. I was using keynote on my iPad so a fill looks like full screen.

  9. I like the concept but ehh... I'd much rather have something like that popup in chat rather than it produce an overlay on a player.




    I'm not sure if this is 100% possible. The friendly command has to be done a certain way and isn't instant. If you're using a plugin to force an overlay, they don't have to be alive to begin with, I think, so blocking them from kill binding themselves wouldn't matter.


    Honestly, I feel this is overkill for just warning a person. Maybe a command that allows us to warn someone in chat with much more visible text would work better. Like forcing an easy to see chat color and change of text size (if possible within Source). Other than that, I feel this is a bit too much.



    Hardwarn would basically be last resort before they get the kick or ban.


    This is for those who we have warned with msay, allchat and vocally and they still ignore.



    I'll have a nicer concept after college today, I'll make it animated too.

  10. it was not a joke


    You are not to use the calladmin or voteban commands whilst a staff member is in the server.

    If a staff member is on the server and you believe someone is breaking the rules, please use @ [message] to contact them (the staff member) privately.


    Honestly, users should always type !staff before calling an admin to prevent this. We should make a note of that in the MOTD.


    This is the most effective way and is not seen as abuse.



    I thought about if there was a possibility there could be a plugin where the format you see below popped up on the user being warned screen where their screen gets completely filled blocking them from seeing anything except this warning. There would be a script running preventing them from slaying self to get rid of it and forces them into friendly until the countdown ends.

    With the hard warning they have no excuse of saying they didn't know they were warned.





    The command could be something like

    /hardwarn [user] [reason] [duration]



    The duration would be a functional countdown.


    What do you guys think about this concept?

    @Aegean @Rhododendron @Bello @virr @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Bone @Elcark @Lithium @Bleed

  12. -1


    We shouldn’t have to remove a feature of a map just because people are too lazy to use snd_restart.

    I’m pretty sure most of the ’newer' maps in the spawn say how to stop the music.


    I’m sure we could add an advertisement text into the chat that notifies users about the command. @Bello


    I am not for the removal in the slightest as lots of players do enjoy it, its just the people who don’t want to be bothered with using that command which isn’t our problem.


    The most I would be for is a extension on the cool-down time per song.

  13. +1


    Seen them around a few times, never had any trouble with them as far as I can remember.


    Glad to see we have more members encouraging people to apply for member as it’s been pretty quiet lately in the member apps.