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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in General Update Thread   
    Heads up! Pretty much most updates will be posted in this thread, therefore its locked and I deleted all posts that were off-topic.

    Completely fixed deathrun
    Our new plugin will restrict every other slot than melee.
    The timer has been removed.
    Teamswitching was fixed
    minor improvements

  2. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Harambe in Janko   
    Vouch: +1
  3. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to mrnutty12 in Thunder   
    No, you have like 8 vouches you still need 2 more and myself, @Goblins, @Bello, or @Rejects to +1 your return
  4. Friendly
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Flareon in Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   
    From the experience I have had with @Flareon; he is friendly, active, mature, follows the rules and stays out of trouble.
    I feel that he would be fit for the position.
  5. Funny
    Thorax_ got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   
    From the experience I have had with @Flareon; he is friendly, active, mature, follows the rules and stays out of trouble.
    I feel that he would be fit for the position.
  6. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to LeToucan in Jack   
  7. Funny
    Thorax_ got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Kadeshi   
    Vouch : +1
    Activity : 9
    Maturity : 9
    Reason : Kadeshi is active, friendly and mature. A nice person to be around. He would make a great addition to the xG Community.
  8. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Kadeshi in Kadeshi   
    Vouch : +1
    Activity : 9
    Maturity : 9
    Reason : Kadeshi is active, friendly and mature. A nice person to be around. He would make a great addition to the xG Community.
  9. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to Janko in Janko   
    In-Game Name:

    I love crippling depression :) Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:114044641 Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    almost everyday Age:

    15 Reasons for Joining:

    I would like to join the XG community because ive been on you're servers for a while and would like to be a member of the community i find great and to maybe have a position in the community one day.:)
  10. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to Kypari in Why Do I Get Ads?   
    Still happens. Plz fix.
  11. Creative
    Thorax_ reacted to Forest in Response To Feedback #1   
    Since you mentioned benefits and incentives for Sponsors/Donators, you may want to consider giving them access to Servers/Content that would otherwise be available at a later time. Think, Alpha/Beta access. Obviously this would only apply to certain things and will definitely have its limitations, but it would be pretty neat for Sponsors/Donators to receive access ahead-of-schedule and I'm sure would generate interest.
    This doesn't have to apply to the current projects and such right now; this more-so pertains to future releases and content. That being said, if this is to be considered, then I would strongly recommend working out a schedule that accounts for this factor (IE. extending the actual release for the public in order to have an alpha/beta for Sponsors/Donators) if/when it is to be implemented.
  12. Like
  13. Funny
    Thorax_ got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Response To Feedback #1   
    I still want to know who responded with "I want to suck supremepatriots dirk" on the feedback survey though....
  14. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to Whyte in Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   
    The reason was withheld, because this was when the current xG DMs/DLs, were being pushed to start not necessarily having to see someone abuse to be demoted from mod/admin, it was a test run to see how unaware people would react to this new way of demotion, so people who weren't fit for the position and needed time or a better attitude could be demoted, Flareon had his abuses reported to him multiple times by dams, fellow staff members, etc. so along with that he fit into the private reason, he abused random staff commands which you wouldn't think could be abused, like I believe one of them was friendly, he would constantly bait non friendly people to go after him, along with other stuff used on randoms he was demoted.
    Now on to my vouch something that regards this thread more.
    -1 I'd like to believe people change like a lot of people in this thread. However, I find people have an easier time changing when it is only one small thing, and Flareon, or Red Eevee now, has many that bother me when considering him for staff. He was very immature, constantly being rude or sassy towards people who wouldn't give him his ideal scenario, for example back when I put up a ban request on Jolteon for scamming, I went into the teamspeak to instantly hear the unaware of my presence florin, trashing me to my friends, calling me a C**T, because I, arguably, was the reason his friend was banned. So going back to the abuse, that was a serious problem, and it took way too many warnings to get him demoted in the first place, he got warning after warning yet continued to abuse to the point of demotion. As a fellow staff member at the time, it was very annoying to have regulars messaging me to ask him not to do this and that, to complain multiple times to higher ups and ask other staff members why he was still mod. Also on that, because he was unfit to be a mod in the first place at the time, he never made admin, he was mod for a couple months, but couldn't pass the training threshold to become one. Personally it is my understanding, that mods are supposed to be admins in training, obviously some will be demoted sooner and given reconsideration at another point, but it was so quick as that. If Flareon doesn't have the mental capacity or ability to succeed as an admin, he shouldn't be a Mod.
    On a positive side he was a quite active mod, except for when he had to be constantly kicked off of Pokemon for AFK farming hours, and taking up a spot from another player, which he was also on multiple occasions was told to stop. He was good with responding to Calladmins, how fulfilled those calladmins were I can't say. I can't speak for his current activity, because of me now returning to TF2, but judging the +1s he's received, he obviously has shown his face on servers quite a bit.
    I'm sorry yet again, for my continued bluntness and brutal honesty, but I will stop myself for now, because I assume my point and opinion/view has been expressed.
    I wish you the best of luck on your submission
    TL:DR -1 I believe he would not be fit for position, and strongly view against this for consideration.
  15. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to Impulse in Captainxbazinga   
    Cool Guy knows rules
  16. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to Kypari in Thunder   
    +1 Doesn't want actually want to be in xG so we're forcing you
    always been a great guy, regular
    A: 8
    M: 9
  17. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to Aegean in Response To Feedback #1   
    Hey xG! Thanks for all the feedback you guys have given us, we strive to improve xG constantly and the best directions come from the members who play on our servers.
    First things first, I will list some of the changes we have implemented after getting your feedback.

    Teamspeak - People in our afk channel are now visible again to people who aren't in the channel
    Forums - Applications Tab added to the top of the page as it was, to let newcomers and members make apps much easier (member app, ban protest, mod app etc)
    Forums - Added a streams tab, and removed the CS:GO stream as we want to feature only xG members (Alison Quinn is still a featured streamer for now...)
    Forums - Providing credits for any map creators who make maps for xG (Feel free to pm me if you are a map maker, Charles has already received payment)

    These are the changes coming up very soon!

    Minecraft - Pvp Faction with a seperate creative world server will be out complete with the shop and voting ready
    Minecraft - Sponsors of xG will get a free VIP package as a way to say thanks!
    CS:GO - hub will still be out before September (Rhododendron Confirmed)
    Forums - shop will be out before September as well (Rhodo also confirmed)
    Raffles - More raffles will be out, all of them with free entries, but we will include stuff for TF2 players and League players
    Raffles - Donator-only and Sponsor-only raffles will be also implemented to say thanks to everyone who has helped us so far.

    These are the changes in the near future!

    CS:GO / TF2 - Evaluating the different servers and seeing which should stay up and which should we take down/change
    CS:GO / TF2 - Creating ways to populate servers (Incentives/contests/community nights)
    Youtube - Creating content with the community (Nothing cringe I promise)
    Raffles - Increasing the value of the prizes based on how much we are getting
    Sponsors - providing more benefits to sponsors, and I will be looking for official sponsors (no alcohol, gambling or porn) so if you guys have any thoughts, feel free to hit me up with a DM

    Thanks again for the feedback, remember that we can only improve as long as you guys are willing to communicate with us, and the more active and vocal you are, the better we get!
    Happy gaming!
  18. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to Rhododendron in 7 Days To Die Thread   
    Just got it and having fun, although I feel like how the game is made it will cause ungodly amounts of rage and anger.
  19. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Staff Specific Plugin Suggestion   
    I have added the plugin to all servers.
    Type /stealth in order to use it.
  20. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Charles in Xenogamers Community Feedback Survey   
    Ok, NOW its fixed
  21. Drunk
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Charles in Xenogamers Community Feedback Survey   
  22. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to Charles in Xenogamers Community Feedback Survey   
    You skipped 19 in the age groups. I'm triggered.
    I'm also being forced to answer TF2 shit.
  23. Optimistic
    Thorax_ reacted to TUCKDADDY in Tuckdaddy   
    In-Game Name:

    Savage Pickle Active Division:

    Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: TUCKDADDY Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    10 hours per week Age:

    17 Reasons for Joining:

    i can be active on teamspeak i didnt even know there was one... i want to join because i want to feel important and hopefully be mod one day, i play alot on the weekends moslty its what i play when i want to calm down or goof off but im in school so i wont be on that much during the week
  24. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to Charles in Addressing Inactivity   
    Well, I probably haven't gotten on the servers in about a week, so I feel that it's time to address it. I've been in school for about 3-weeks now, and it's taking up much more of my life than I thought it would initially. I still get on TS3, but I just can't find the time for xG CS:GO. And I probably won't be on for quite awhile, due to me juggling 2 programming classes, a science, and a math class. As well as me trying to teach myself some other languages.
    This being said, I'm still actively working on maps. But as far as actually getting on and moderating is concerned, I just CAN'T be active. I'm not stepping down, but if I do need to be demoted for inactivity, i'll understand.
    I just felt that this should be addressed, and that there is a reason for my inactivity.
  25. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in 2016 Rio Olympic Games Discussion   
    G e r m a n y