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Reputation Activity

  1. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to Klure in In This Thread Post Your Member Number   
    532 =D
  2. Smelly
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Klure in Drunkollunk   
    +1 all the way
    Active friendly mature, would make an excellent member.
  3. Smelly
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Klure in 20,000th Discussion   
    What is this
  4. Smelly
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Klure in Tatost   
    Very active, very friendly, doesnt cause trouble. Would make an excellent member
  5. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Tatost in Hey Guys   
    If you didn't know, starting on 7/26/2016 I became a member of xG. Just here to say hello and I'm trying to be a little more active on our teamspeak and here on the forums. You'll be seeing me around on jailbreak #1 and the pokemon server and maybe on the other servers form time to time. This thread was just to introduce myself to those who don't know me just yet and throw myself out there in the group. kthxbye
  6. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to c0ldwinds in What My Dad Did To Mommy :(!   
    This is better than Charles' drawings.
  7. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to Nyuki in What My Dad Did To Mommy :(!   
  8. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to Caleb956 in Taking A Short Break   
    Probably not a reason to make one of these but I will anyways just to let you know lel. I'm gonna be taking a break from tf2 for a little bit, probably for a week or so. So you won't be seeing me much on the servers, see you around m8s. :p
  9. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to Charles in Name Contest   
    Unicorn Penis
  10. Creative
    Thorax_ reacted to Aegean in Name Contest   
    Scarlet Sunrise
  11. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to xGShadowSpy in Name Contest   
    The Butterfly Effect
  12. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to lilbleed in Name Contest   
    Full Moon (Its a full fade and ur last knife was named "Midnight" so it fits the theme)
  13. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Aegean in Thesupremepatriot - Forum   
    Rhododendron will be talking to you about the position this week, if you don't hear anything let me or him know!
    Thanks for the application, hope you make us proud!
  14. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to Rabid in Sesh Sesh Sesh Sesh Sesh Sesh Sesh   
    " data-controller="core.front.core.autosizeiframe" data-embedId='ac4cda2ecc1e571e78a1536edb78d141' allowfullscreen=''> " data-controller="core.front.core.autosizeiframe" data-embedId='34d857729bec09b4e6aab5a4c7f1a1ec' allowfullscreen=''> " data-controller="core.front.core.autosizeiframe" data-embedId='7f0c2797c032707b145e4e21e81efc90' allowfullscreen=''> " data-controller="core.front.core.autosizeiframe" data-embedId='37b47cefeafdd8aaa432c8fac00d5905' allowfullscreen=''> [/MEDIA] [MEDIA=soundcloud]https://soundcloud.com/teamsesh/sets/bones-paidprogramming2[/MEDIA]
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
    Bones - PaidProgramming2
  15. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to DemonicDisaster in Been Busy   
    Been inactive for a while due to college, sorry about that. Just letting you all know so you don't think I'm just not doing anything.
  16. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to virr in Thesupremepatriot - Forum   
    I've had nothing but positive experiences talking to you on forums +1
  17. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Server List *updates*   
    TF2 Server list has been updated:
    >[xG] Payload changed to [xG] Ballooon Race

    >Payload <> changed to Balloon Race <>
  18. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Charles in Thesupremepatriot - Forum   
    One thing that I'd expect from someone of this position is to try to do "activities?" for all the divisions, instead of JUST TF2 and JUST CS:GO.
    Other wise, from what I've seen on the forums would be a good fit. +1
  19. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Charles in Thesupremepatriot - Forum   

    In-Game Name:

    Steam ID:


    Social Media
    Time Active:




    I am applying for the Social Media position because I would like to help provide information for those who may be interested or who would like to get access to announcements via Social Media.


  20. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to Caleb956 in Nexi   
    This. Doubt you are 20, seem very immature just from this thread, and I've never seen you on our servers, and I play surf a lot. >:c -1
  21. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to Vexx in Nexi   
    Your age on here says 20, your age on your profile says you're 25. You should really tell the truth on your age, since it says a lot about maturity.
  22. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to NEXI in Nexi   
    In-Game Name:

    NEXY Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    poop Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    375 hours Age:

    20 Reasons for Joining:

    I want to help keep the servers great.
  23. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to jubens45 in Hello I'm New To Xg Because I Never Made A Hello Post   
    I just wanted to say hi to everyone because i newbie here and i'd really like to get to know the community better. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  24. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Aegean in Thesupremepatriot - Forum   
    I mean if you personally keep the goal of 10-20 posts a week than +1 from me. It's definitely better than the 0 activity it has now
  25. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to Rhododendron in Member Submission Guidelines   
    So, you've decided that you want to join xG?
    In order to become a member of xG, the applicant must meet the following requirements:
    You must be at least 13 years old. Not already a member of a different clan. Have minimum 12 hours on our servers (Subject to change at a later date)  After 2 days of your member application you will either get accepted or declined. If you are declined membership for any reason, you may not reapply for a minimum of 30 days. If there are issues with your application, you may get an extra 5 days maximum to fix and answer any problems, or it will be automatically declined. 4/7/2017
    If you have left or got kicked out of xG, and are allowed to re-apply, you must have
    5 positive vouches of which at least 2 must be from a Higher Up (Division Manager or higher) for your application to be accepted.  
    Vouching guidelines:
    Only existing members in xG are allowed to vouch. Your vouch may be deemed invalid if you fail to follow these guidelines.
    When vouching +1/-1s for any applicant - please consider the following:
    Is he/she active?. Does he/she listen to rules or admin directive when given? Or disrespect & break rules? Is he/she fun to play with? Be respectful with your comments. Why you feel the user should or should not become a member. Include maturity(M) and activity(A) ratings on a scale from 1 - 10. You are not to -1 any member you have never interacted with, hearsay / inactivity is not a valid reason.  
    Failure to follow these guidelines will result in the rejection of your submission.
    -Updated 3/20 - 2019