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  1. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Moosty in Moosty - Team Fortress 2   
    Well I made a point of only playing when I would normally play and I ended up with 32.1 hours over the last two weeks. So that's a good thing.
    And I made it back into the top ten on TGH after all this time.
  2. Ding!
    Thorax_ reacted to Matsi in Surf And Spawnkilling   
    This is becoming a huge shitfest now.... and I think it needs to get clarified....
    You can't kill people that are in their spawn
    You can't kill people FROM your spawn
    This has caused people to go into the other team's spawn and run around in there and when they get killed they yell SPAWNKILL!!! because the person "killed someone while in their own spawn"
    I think the best way to solve this is to add a rule about hanging out in the other team's spawn/baiting a spawnkill... @BelloWaldi @Rejects @kbraszzz
  3. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Suggestion For New Form Of Punishment   
    I've done that a few times but it does not really seem as effective as banning people. Not to mention gagging/muting people for a short period is usually essential before we hand out bans. The problem is that you can easily avoid gags/mutes.
    Furthermore the "message" does not really come through. I believe people are more likely to learn their lesson if they cannot actually play on these servers anymore.
    It's good as it is right now.
  4. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to Vector in Til Lmaobox Got Caught Today.   
    Got vaced. RIP to me homies. I think i used it a couple times on pub a long while ago, apparently it was for 18 months. Ah well shit happens. If i ever want to play on valve servers/games ill probably need to make another account. but i guess that's how the cookie crumbles.
  5. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to Moosty in Til Lmaobox Got Caught Today.   
    I memed out the lmaobox spam in chat but never hacked am I rip?
  6. Optimistic
    Thorax_ reacted to mrnutty12 in Til Lmaobox Got Caught Today.   
    Hooray for VAC I guess.
    Reddit link if anybody cares: https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/4h1xfv/lmaobox_vac_detected_30th_april_2016/
    Makes moderating easier I suppose.
  7. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to Bach in Departure Of Bach   
    Last time you'll ever see me. Uninstalling teamspeak as we speak.
    It's been fun xG
  8. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to Matsi in Automatic Idle Player Kick Broken????   
    who cares if idling people get spawnkilled.... lol, I don't seem why there would be a need for a plugin due to it.
  9. Creative
    Thorax_ reacted to Moosty in Automatic Idle Player Kick Broken????   
    Plus, idlers still get ads, that's 16 hours of cash money
  10. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Automatic Idle Player Kick Broken????   
    In response to @Moosty.
    It says "Updated on January 29th."
    It'd be pretty easy to test it out. We could just install it and try the cvars out. It's not gonna take that long and if our DL could take 10 minutes to try this out, why not? What could go wrong? We could literally uninstall it if it isn't working.
    Additionally we could configure the plugin so it switches people to spectator after 5 minutes of being AFK and kicks them after another period of 5 or 10 minutes in spectator.
    And keep in mind, we're talking about surf only. :D
  11. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Meowpunk12   
    Expired. You may re-apply in 30 days.
  12. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to ArminArmout in Automatic Idle Player Kick Broken????   
    yeah but that lets staff go afk and log hours on servers, and when ppl need the staff the'll just be afk on the server in spectate
  13. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to Matsi in Automatic Idle Player Kick Broken????   
    Well if you're going to add it at least set admin immunity so we don't get kicked while eatching the server in spectate, which is what I do sometimes... ;)
  14. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Automatic Idle Player Kick Broken????   
    > sm_afk_kick_players - Should the AFK Manager kick AFK clients? [0 = DISABLED, 1 = KICK ALL, 2 = ALL EXCEPT SPECTATORS, 3 = SPECTATORS ONLY]
    Do not worry, there's a cvar for that.
    Also as @TheSupremePatroit can confirm, surf has been hella populated recently and there's A LOT of people idling. So let's give it a shot.
  15. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Automatic Idle Player Kick Broken????   
    @kbraszzz Would you please be so kind and add this plugin? :)
  16. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to TheSpyBall in Thespyball   
    In-Game Name:

    Spaydow Active Division:

    Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:60818039 Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    Yes Time Active on Servers:

    About 3 months Age:

    14 Reasons for Joining:

    I like playing on the xG servers and have met some pretty chill people. I like to play on the JB server. I try to be as nice to everyone as I can. Just want to be part of the community. Thanks.
    P.S. Sorry about the whole situation I started a month ago about why my previous member application was closed. Also sorry about the member application spams-ish
  17. Funny
    Thorax_ reacted to Tomahawk in Trump Vs Hillary   
  18. Funny
    Thorax_ reacted to Goblin in Trump Vs Hillary   
    I'll take the duck over the dike
  19. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Ms.Spooks in Hiryunix   
    +1 Friendly, Fun person to be around
  20. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to ArminArmout in Announcing Tf2 Ware   
    this is the most wario related jontron ytpmv i could find
  21. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to jaygoki in K   
    for everyone that's been waiting so long for this- here it is. I'm stepping down to member for a couple of reasons, the main of which is that I'm really just tired of baby-sitting kids and of jailbreak in general really. School is also hitting pretty hard 2nd semester and causing me to be fairly inactive. JB has really just become the same 3 rounds over and over again with the same kids screaming into their mic so I hope the reasoning for dropping the position. I'm not leaving, but this is likely going to be the end of my daily-ish activity on xG servers(excluding teamspeak and maybe forums), I might drop in every once in a while but don't expect to see me every day.
    @Snackbar I don't know if you're reading this, but thank you. I really appreciate everything you have done for me and for the CS:GO division as a whole. I was pretty upset to see you demoted and especially to leave, but as cliche as it is without you I really wouldn't be where I am today.
    @Bleed @Lithium I also want to thank both of you for what you guys have done for the server especially as well as for myself. You guys put more time into the server than you get credit for and without the shit you guys go through with literally every little thing being reported is definitely more than most any of the people here could handle. (hub 5 mins™?)
    @Duke fix your computer, your position is open again
    @Owl the lone admin. good luck with your babysitting :^)
    @MinerTeddy xd
    @Stevenn I don't mean to be rude, but tone it down a bit. think about what you say before you go spilling words out of your head mmkay?
    @orangejuice *john cena soundboard spam
    @gryfons keep up the shitposting like the real xG memeber that you are :)
    @DrPepperPhreak you're a loser
    @PlaysWithSquirrels don't poke your other eye out?
    @anyone else I didn't tag- this is everyone I can remember off the top of my head, if I didn't tag you and you feel like I should have leave a reply and maybe I'll make something up about you. good luck with life, and keep the shitstorm going for me. I've had a great time with everyone here, and I wish all of you the best. I'm off to go cut myself to Linkin Park and Evanescence in a Waffle House bathroom
  22. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to KSPlayer1337 in A Request For A Soundmod   
    0/10 no ECHrobics
    but seriously, have fun with the soundmod
  23. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to OneGlove in A Request For A Soundmod   

  24. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Bone in A Request For A Soundmod   
    I was actually wanting this myself. I could make it, but I recently built a new PC so none of my old programs are installed anymore. If I can install them all later I'll make it for you. Takes all of 10 mins, and I'll upload it to my TF2banana account
    Edit: Never mind, here you go
  25. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Automatic Idle Player Kick Broken????   
    Alright, I have taken a look into our current tf2 surf plugins. This is the situation:

    There's no plugin which kicks afk players.
    It was probably removed, since our surf server isn't usually fully populated and we do not mind a few afks.
    A plugin which does kick afks can be found here. AFK Manager (Version 4.0.5 / Updated January 29th 2016) - AlliedModders
    It should be easy to configure, but that's sadly up to @Rejects and @kbraszzz