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Posts posted by bagggel

  1. Hey uh, I've decided that I want to step down from moderator. I have been incredibly inactive on TF2 and the reasons for that is that I just don't find it as enjoyable anymore. I've played the game for about 7k hours now and I have just been playing other games lately such as Overwatch. I may come on the servers from time to time, just not as often. I just don't think that I need to be staff anymore since I've basically stopped playing TF2 and I'm not really contributing to the servers. Thank you @Bello @Egossi @Tatost @Parasect @Floppy @Healix for the fun times! :]

  2. I know I've been banned from the xG Pokemon 24/7 server because I "impersonated" a player and "disrespected" the staff. But i believe that its not fair to me, considering the fact that I've been abused by the players and the staff. one player [xG] Parasect, has constantly insulting me and harassing me by calling me things like "stupid little kid" "special snowflake" and other insulting nouns and adjectives. and his buddy, (and one of your mods)xg:m Bagel was "kind" enough to ban me because i triggered them by calling myself "Parasect" and "Bagel is a feg" this harassment has been going on ever since i started playing the server. (about a year or two ago) Its the only fun server, with a lot of players, yet its the most cancerous. I feel that a person as rude and unworthy of the title moderator as Bagel should have his ability to ban and kick anyone he doesn't like (ie; being a mod) should be taken away from him. PERMANENTLY. unfortunately I don't have any demo files or screenshots of this cyber bullying/harassment, and thus the workers of xG probably wont take this protest seriously, but I speak from the bottom of my heart. And I don't feel like xG is a safe server for those who are not liked by the staff and players. That is all.

    First of all, just because someone on the server treats you like utter fudge doesn't mean you have to take the Keemstar route and retaliate back, if you are being bullied by other players on the server then use !calladmin and we will try to help you out with the situation. Second, we banned you because you impersonated a member and you disrespected staff. Me and @Flareon even told you to stop your action but you decide to be the big rebellious tough guy and argue with admins. What have I ever done to you anyway lol? I've never bullied / harassed you on the servers, even when I wasn't a mod, and then out of the blue for no reason you decide to unleash your hate on me. Also, it's just a day ban not a perm.

  3. -1 About a week ago you encouraged someone on the pkmn server to micspam. After about 10 mins I left the game, re-joined under a different name and sat in spectator for a bit. I then see you encouraging this person to micspam, saying things like ''The mod isn't here now so you can micspam'' etc. You're basically trying to get someone banned from the servers mate, which isn't very cool.

    Oh, you're also annoying and toxic from time to time



  4. +1 for ban and maybe even perma, has always been extremely toxic and cocky on the servers with his constant spamming of ''git gud'' and lenny faces. Don't let his profile description of ''I am Bags. Don't worry, I don't bite. If you need anything at all, just send me a friend request :D'' fool ya.

  5. Yeah you posted the rule trolling isnt allowed has anyone asked me to stop mods or admins? No. And when it finally gets noticed Im up for perm cause now apparently its an issue

    Even I have had to deal with you a while back. Me and you even had a conversation about the entire situation and you admitted to trolling him lmao.