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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Vexx in I've Been Married To Dub-chan   
    That's the most action General Trade is ever going to get.
  2. Funny
    Tatost reacted to WubbaLubbaDubDu in I've Been Married To Dub-chan   
    He ate the ring. Had to buy another one.
  3. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from Egossi in I've Been Married To Dub-chan   
    Many people already know, but me and @WubbaLubbaDubDub piled in some money to get a $100 ring in TF2 and named it "Blue Raspberry Ring Pop."
    Yeah, I had zero idea of how I had to gift the ring but it was pretty cool.
  4. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from Kypari in I've Been Married To Dub-chan   
    Many people already know, but me and @WubbaLubbaDubDub piled in some money to get a $100 ring in TF2 and named it "Blue Raspberry Ring Pop."
    Yeah, I had zero idea of how I had to gift the ring but it was pretty cool.
  5. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from virr in I've Been Married To Dub-chan   
    Many people already know, but me and @WubbaLubbaDubDub piled in some money to get a $100 ring in TF2 and named it "Blue Raspberry Ring Pop."
    Yeah, I had zero idea of how I had to gift the ring but it was pretty cool.
  6. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Rejects in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
  7. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Thunder in Flintlock   
    +1 defoooooks
  8. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from james8470 in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
  9. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from Sylux in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
  10. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from Sylux in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdeUvPstLV0 (@Kypari d:D)
    Edit: moved the three off of here to post #2 because it didn't play on this page.
  11. Like
    Tatost reacted to Sylux in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Hey since the xG tf2 map rotation is fairly dry map development has been going on... Some map have been uploaded to the server for testing very kindly by @Rejects .Please post feedback and suggestions on all maps to help make the community enjoy the maps more.
    Lilicove City(Development):
    This map is only exclusively for xG with a security plugin to stop any decompiling... The broadness of the map is from the Safari zone to the outer rocks of lilicove town. Currently the Red spawn is in the safari zone(red circle) and the blue crosses are HP/Ammo pick-ups.

    BLU spawn is currently near to the sharpedo model so advice for where to place BLU would be great.

    Not too much to show currently just progress until all the textures are perfect. Several easter eggs currently implemented however the map will take a while before it's even considered for testing. Currently it's been debated if it's worth keeping the Sharpedo in the water.
    Azalea Town(Broken):
    Was once finished with pkmn3d.net textures however the pack seems to cause so many missing errors when attempting to compile...

    CTF Area:
    Thanks to Rejects this map has been testing is will be finally checked by @Bello before being potentially added to the rotation. The map seems to have gone down well with the regulars and many suggestions have been recorded:

    Addition of a music room being re-added
    Buildings are re-opened to be accessible.
    Stretch some textures to make certain areas appear bigger(e.g. centre buildings).
    Mirror Banger support

    Thanks for all the help, suggestions and testing + keep em coming!
    Add music suggestions for all Maps(must be pokemon related) below with links to youtube. :)
  12. Like
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Lovingbutterfly   
    I asked him to change it, and he did.
    His URL is now non-functional from this application

    I guess Rhododendron thought it would be better. Dunno
  13. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Lovingbutterfly   
    I haven't seen him, but his steamurl is "xG_FUNKe"
  14. Agree
    Tatost reacted to TheMimic1 in Themimic1   
    erm sorry to nag but isnt there supposed to be a +1 or nah
  15. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    Also, @TheSupremePatriot by what means did you have him banned? Did you have admins view the aimbot or did you make a demo and send it to others to verify?
    @Scarecrow be ready to be attacked with questions, plus you have nothing defending yourself on if you're legit or not.
  16. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Kypari in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 Really don't get why people keep thinking that you're hacking because you clearly aren't. Played with earlier and there was nothing suspicious.
    The demo provided doesn't seem to work for me and @Vector Dropbox - joe.dem
  17. Friendly
    Tatost got a reaction from Goblins in Suiperblade - Team Fortress 2   
    Seeing @Goblins posts, I think I'll change my vouch to a +1 if we can all agree that we should keep an eye on him for a while.
  18. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from Suiperblade in Suiperblade - Team Fortress 2   
    Seeing @Goblins posts, I think I'll change my vouch to a +1 if we can all agree that we should keep an eye on him for a while.
  19. Drunk
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    the point of the arrow shall be on my exact position. If it doesn't line up, the poster is ruined.
  20. Sad
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Screenshot Of The Month #7 | Results   
    @Thunder is crying because of this.
  21. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Thunder in Replay Of The Month   
    @TheSupremePatriot Maybe some of the submissions could be used for that trailer you are making?
  22. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Thunder in Themimic1   
    Is it just me or did these guys forget to +1? This has happened to me before when I couldn't see it, but @Nebula15 and @Dylanm345 if you did actually forget to add that +1 in, please fix the post.(y)
  23. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Rabid in 10man Etiquette   
    So lately there has been a rise of trolling / target binds / and overall just rude attitudes in the 10man server.
    Now don't get me wrong just cause i'm making this post does not exempt me from talking about this as a whole.
    I do my fair share of banter / unneeded trash talk.
    I'd like to start off by saying there is a difference between "memes" and just blatant disrespect

    These are something that have been heavily abused lately, it was funny "WAS" it is no more than just aggravating for players in the server now, you might get a laugh out of it, but take into account the other 9 people in the server. There should be no reason for us (adam) to implement a captain only pausing feature, but we might have too.
    Sportsmanship | Respect
    We are a community, not a bunch of random people joining a pug and fragging out, we organize 10mans and play them to improve and have fun. It is apparent that there is a skill gap in a majority of the players who do play in these games, that does not excuse you to completely disrespect those players.
    I will give one major example in my opinion of blatant disrespect / unsportsmanlike conduct.
    T Side is up 9-0, it's clear they are heavily favored in winning so what do they do? Continue to buy p90's, scouts, and pistols for the remainder of the game. It's clear you're winning the game, it is clear they are not going to come back, instead of throwing away rounds to give yourself more enjoyment, end the game let them learn from their mistakes.
    Targeting | Binds | Tilt
    If you feel like this section of the post is targeted at you, you are correct. Lately people have been going out of their way to make binds that target one person out, and or make binds that are used in common responses in attempt to tilt someone they kill, and or just spam to try and tilt someone they dislike.
    Examples: Say i'm in a 1v4 holding B site post plant on mirage. I manage to take 3 out, but get killed by the last player, the round ends CT wins, so what happens next round? 4 people say NT at the same time targeting me and attempt to tilt/annoy me.
    I'm playing a lurk spot while my team pushes A on inferno, I get killed while holding an angle, and i'm hit with the young "Debatable" bind.
    It just all leads back to respect, just try and show some respect guys. You can give banter without being a complete dickhead, every sport has friendly/disrespectful banter, let's try and keep it "clean"
    Closing point
    We're all just trying to have fun playing 10mans, some of us look to improve, some of us look to just pug, we all play it how we want to play it. I'm not trying to force anyone to change what you're doing, nor am I or any one else going to make you change how you play. But just be considerate to the 9 other people that are playing with you.

  24. Like
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Screenshot Of The Month #7 | Results   
    Alright, great! Ill go have that prepared for you :)
    You probably will receive it sometime tomorrow.
  25. Bad Spelling
    Tatost got a reaction from Shadower in Screenshot Of The Month #7 | Voting   
    >you sold my emperor title
    >you bombed your recital
    >we know you can't dab
    >you want to be in on every new fad