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  1. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in Less active for a couple of days   
    Die please and thankies.
    (I didn't mean it, twas merely a jest)
  2. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from james8470 in We Must Sue...   
  3. Sad
    TBOHB got a reaction from Egossi in Hey   
    Yeah I actually dont know who he is.
  4. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Chrono in Hey   
    Pro tip, if you look at anyone's forum post and look right below their avatar and name, it shows their date they registered on the forums, and how many posts they have on forums.
  5. Got It
    TBOHB reacted to Tekk in Me and the fams on holiday (not vacation haha fuck you)   
    Yoyoyoyo so me and @Kypari are going to be on holiday from tomorrow for a week and will therefore, be inactive. Just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm not actually quitting TF2 again for the 3rd time. Love you lots don't miss us (won't be difficult) xoxo
  6. Thinking
    TBOHB got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Hey   
    Yeah I actually dont know who he is.
  7. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to CappyCappy in Guess and win   
    You meant Fox my friend?
  8. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Guess and win   
    Sometimes I dream about vacindak?
  9. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    I find it funny that peoppe are getting scammer adds during a vac wave
  10. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Krampus in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    Oh boi I got another one today, this guy was STEAM_0:0:1567633
    So basically it starts out with him adding me randomly so I do a background check and wuh oh, who woulda guessed that this account was fake

    So anyway afterwards I decide to fuck with him and it goes out like this

    So basically for the most part I just try to play dumb and see how far he will take it but I eventually get bored so I decide to fuck with him and use the same tactics that another scammer had tried to use on me and what he would probably tried on me to see his reaction. It was pretty fun for the most part but got repetitive as he would just do the exact same thing back and eventually when he blocked me.

  11. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Elcark in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    Finally got one I had some fun with and they didn't just run away right away, here you go @shwash

  12. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Krampus in Hey   
    No. No one on xg likes girls because they are icky, real men fuck eachother not girls.
  13. Are You Insane
    TBOHB reacted to Pepper in Hey   
  14. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Hey   
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPweJNJOQz8 @Charles
  15. Sad
    TBOHB got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Hey   
    Hey Charles im Sepdick! Welcome to our mediocre community! (Jk its pretty lit here enjoy your stay my dude)
  16. Friendly
    TBOHB reacted to Elcark in Gonna be gone for 2 weeks   
    Don't get back to quickly ;).
    I do hope you don't go completely silent, but at any rate have fun and see you soon
  17. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in New titles   
    The Hero of Time
    The Hero of Twilight / The Hero of Twilight
    The Hero of Sea
    The Hero of xG
    Is this what you were thinking of? These are just the basic colors that I could think of, but around these shades?
  18. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Thunder in New titles   
    Also if I am allowed to pitch in more than 1 idea.
    Terraria modifiers could be pretty good.
    Some of them are
    Armored, Warding, Arcane, Quick, Violent, Precise, Savage, Terrible, Dull, Legendary, Mystic, Mythical, Light, Taboo, Celestial, Furious, Lethargic, Keen, Zealous, Godly, Unreal, Demonic, and Ruthless.
  19. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Thunder in New titles   
    we have Bronze V so
    Silver 1 for 100 credits
  20. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    Welcome to Scammer Shitpost 3! Grill Gamer Edition!

    So I woke up today, hung over like crazy from the 4th of July.
    I hop online to play some TF2 and I see that I have gotten a friend request from a random stranger asking to give me 500$.
    Oh man, I cannot believe I am so special! My birthday is supposed to be 11 days from now and I am already getting presents!

    (The Patron Saint of Early Birthdays)
    But it appears I have to do something to earn said gift. Working for my gift on my 11-day early birthday? That's a drag.
    I thought to myself, "If I have to work for this present, I think I should get more out of it. It is rude that she expects me to put more effort
    because she is a Grill Gamer? I am not her Broil Friend, I refuse to take this shit. Grills have cooties anyways.
    I made a counter offer for 1 million coins out of the
    2 million she started with. I am doing half the work after all. That offer was denied.
    She seemed to be fixated on 500$ of gamble shekels.
    I decided to lower my previous offer from 1 million coins to
    999,000 coins. But I shot back up immediately, I won't allow this hussy to rob me blind! 999,900! FINAL OFFER! DEAL OR NO DEAL!
    She seemed hesitant, but I decided I to be assertive and accept the amount I offered irregardless.
    She sent me a link to get said coins, but she told me to Loggined into the website?
    Now I am not the most "original gangster" sort of fellow, I assumed that was slang for 999,900 gamble shekels.
    I clicked on the link. But the SHITPOSTING GODS saved my Steam account, for this conniving schemer was in fact, a SCAMMER!

    (The epitaph for my ruined birthday...)
    I decided I would be upfront, and ask in a professional manner. She didn't stay to answer.
    The End.
  21. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    This may seem like gravedigging, but I have an actual addition.

    Random add.

    I take a look at his account, nothing suspicious so far besides his inventory being private.

    Oh, but what is this, Been active since 2010? But there is two years of service on the account that added me.
    Now there is only two logical solutions to why his account and backpack do not line up.
    A. He is a scammer
    B. He is a time traveler.
    But me being the "logical optimistic" that everyone knows me as, assumed the latter. Hence the chat logs.
    He has a decent cover up, but I am determined to unlock the secrets of time travel.
    If he DID discover time travel, it would surely list it on his SteamRep. I do some digging.

    What is this? He was a scammer. Gosh dangit all.
    Obviously, I am disappointed. I wanted to bring home a pet dinosaur.
    BUT WAIT! He stated that he paid 10$ a month to be marked as a scammer.
    For "protection".
    There may be hope...
    My hypothesis is proven false. He is indeed a scammer. Shoot.
    So I tried to offer him a MvM canteen out of pity, but he ended the trade before I could take a screenshot.
    Hence the lack of canteen screenshot.
    In Conclusion: That guy is a fucking dumbass.
  22. Optimistic
    TBOHB reacted to Thunder in Rhetorical - team fortress 2   
    +1 for probationary
    -1 for regular mod (reasons other people have stated)
    Also dont worry about probationary, it not as bad as you think (y)
  23. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to CappyCappy in Game giveaway real aegean edition!   
    Ludo Supremo
  24. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in New titles   
    I’m going to keep it simple.

    The Jester (SO ORIGINAL! IKR)
    Top Meme
    Cackling Coot

  25. Like
    TBOHB reacted to EyedJester in New titles   
    im gunna rip ur hed off