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  1. Useful
    james8470 reacted to Sora_ in Fixing New Clocktown's Sound Issues   
    With new clocktown (v1) being added and old clocktown (b2a) being removed, there have been many players with sound errors. This thread will serve to help fix issues as best as possible. You will have to fix it client side-- on your own.

    The first step is to locate your tf file. This file should be located in:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf

    The next step is to delete all the files under the search "sound.cache."

    Delete all sound.cache files.

    Then, in TF2, restart your sound.

    Do snd_restart in console in game.

    These steps should fix existing sound issues with the map. If these steps do not work, then...

    Repeat the steps a few times.
    If this does not work, exit TF2 and repeat the steps.
    If doing all of the above does not work, contact Vexx or myself as we have direct, open contact with the map devs.

    Thank you.
  2. Funny
    james8470 reacted to easy in Yo   
    @Aegean give me co-leader and I'll rejoin
  3. Like
    james8470 reacted to Vector in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc   


    Game Name:
    Dangangronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

    PS Vita
    PSP (Japan only)
    IOS/Android (Japan only)
    Time Spent: (A rough estimate is fine if the game doesn't track it)
    18 hours
    Do you recommend?
    What you rate the game: (1 to 10)
    Initial Thoughts:
    After spending hours during the summer doing nothing and finding something to play, i wanted a game to play that would captivate me as much as Persona did. A game with good story, great characters and fun gameplay. I first heard of the series from @Kyuubey and he wanted me to play it really badly after i was discussing games i wanted to play. It turns out multiple friends of mine had played it and really enjoyed. After some convincing from @Sesh, @Kypari, and @Kyuubey i said fuck it and started playing. It was a pleasent experience and one ride that i was glad to be a part of, with some minor bumps in the road.
    Gameplay and Story:
    The story tells of students who attend a school named "Hope's Peak Academy". In this school, you must be the best of the best in what you do, for example, a student is given the title "The Ultimate (activity here)" these include The Ultimate Lucky student, The Ultimate Pop sensation, The Ultimate Programmer, and so on.

    Your main protagonist is Makoto Naegi, a student who is selected at random to join Hope's Peak academy, allowing 1 random student who has no special ability to join the school thus deeming him the Ultimate Lucky Student. Soon, you are found unconcious after walking a few steps into the school and you meet your main antagonist, Monokuma, who says they must either live there forever or kill someone, and not get caught and convicted in a trial by your peers to leave the school (the rest of the students who fail the trial die).

    The gameplay of this game is divided between the free time, investigation, and class trial. Free time, is essentially that, free time you can use to either go to sleep to get to the next event, or you can use to spend time with your fellow students and get to know them more. After perhaps your favorite student dies you will be given time to find ALL evidence relevant to the trial whether it be how the victim died, what the perpatrator used as a weapon and so on. Do not worry about not finding any evidence, the game will not proceed to the trial until you found EVERY piece of evidence relevant to the case.

    Class trials are where you use your evidence to uncover who the killer is in your group. You use truth bullets (your evidence) to fire bullets at statements to counter the story when you notice a contradiction in their statements. The trials have a few mini games, including the one mentioned before, and the game brings more and more challenges to said mini games as you progress through your deadly school life.

    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    The game's art style is really unique. Everyone looks like they are made of cardboard and while that may sound like a negative it really enhances everything and is quite refreshing to look at.

    The soundtrack of this game is also phenominal, when executions happen you really feel the dread of certain people who are sent to their doom (i won't post for fear of spoilers), and even after completing the anime, the game, it's sequel and prequel/sequel i have it stuck in my head.
    The gameplay can be either very fun or very frustrating depending on the case however it really requires you to use your head and that is refreshing. the closes comparison i can think of is Pheonix wright.
    Most of the characters are interesting. Some you may start out disliking, you could be missing by the end of the game or they get better as the game goes along and that is very rare, especially for characters who might seem a bit boring when you first meet them.

    There is a lot of story and a lot of content including a School mode included in the PC version and Vita version. Essentially this is a What If? story that's non-canon and is unlocked after completing the first game. It's pretty much a resource gathering/Dating Sim where no one dies and is just there for fun. So have fun trying to bang your waifu while creating dolls for Monokuma.

    Cons: (At least 2 reasons)
    After a case is complete, new class rooms open up such as the Dojo, Piano room, Etc etc and they are obviously there for future cases. Many of the rooms you see you will never return after completing a case. For example, in chapter 3 you can go into the rec room, and it's very important in the next case, however after that, there's no point in going in there. I wish there were some activity in each room rather than just being there just to further the next case. The washing room is never used, not once. (at least from what i can remember), it's just there to be an explanation for why kids keep their clothes clean (some don't even use it).

    I don't even know why you need certain gifts, nor do i really understand them. Basically you can give gifts to people you hang out with during free time to boost their relationship with them to get new skills that will be useful in trials later on. But even then, when you give a gift to someone, there is hardly any difference especially when you give them a gift they love and like and even then i believe you can still get the skills by just hanging out with them and not giving them anything. Keep in mind this criticism is for the main game, i'm sure they mean more in school mode ( i haven't played it thoroughly but i will eventually).
    As i mentioned before, you have to be very precise on what you use your truth bullets on because while in your head the certain counter point may make sense in your head, chances are they aren't. While you can argue back and forth about this being a con, my only complaint is that some of these bullets can sound correct but in the end are wrong so you have to keep guessing. Be very careful.
    Final Thoughts:
    You will get frustrated. Especially if you see a character you like die very early, but keep moving forward! its very much worth it in the end. By the end of the first game i was hooked and i had to play the sequel, the prequel/sequel and watch the anime. And as i said before THIS SERIES WILL FRUSTRATE YOU. Just remember to have fun with it and when you beat the game, you can play school mode and hang out with your favorite waifu or bro.
    Thank you for reading my review. Hope you enjoyed the game like i did.
  4. Like
    james8470 reacted to hongkongatron in Remove trade_sylux_oubliettev2   
    I'd like to first apologize to you personally for the assumptions based around the argument this thread, and apologize to the other responses in this thread to make it seem like you were plagiarizing the map, and secondly clear some stuff up.
    This started when a poketrade regular had the initiative to want to make his own pokemon map for the server, and was browsing the workshop. They discovered the past workshop link and then brought it to me which I then pointed it out to higherups. I was also trying to base this thread more so around the like-dislike ratio of the map than the "look at this guy he STOLE a MAP" scummy callout sort of thing. It came off as responses being +1's because of the callout rather than a formed opinion around the map. I agree that this thread was based upon assumptions that hadn't been researched before being said, and I also agree that the thread could've been more competently made. I agree completely. To clear up why I removed you, the word choice you used were pretty aggressive and I'd have loved it if you pointed out that what I was saying was incorrect in a decently respectful manner rather than calling me an autistic dumbass. My last point is that the place where (I assume) the "textures from HK" sign is stated is unreadable, as seen below, which is why I, again, simply only made assumptions off of what I thought was reasonable evidence.

  5. Like
    james8470 reacted to Sylux in Remove trade_sylux_oubliettev2   
    I can't go offline for more than 2 weeks without some drama. :rolleyes:
    Basing your whole thread on speculation is your biggest downfall, this is all just assumption and haven't 1) talked with me, 2) talked with the workshop author, 3) checked the map formatting. Firstly you continued to make a thread which is embarrassing as hell for you when basing with just assumption. You removed and didn't responded to my message on steam so

    is a LIE. This was mentioned to @Tatost not you. 
    The fact you failed to keep me added and discuss/ hear the other side and just flat out remove me to post on forums shows to me you only want drama. HMK is only my friendlist and from day 1 I have said HMK is the texture man, nearly all are by hk in-which they are called 'hk_tree' etc.
    This map has been through several variations following player input and thus was changed to 'open' which makes it obsolete from being a route, the map doesn't have a proper name as it's not finished and the final various were still in the works.
    It's such a shame when you do nice things for the community and people try and piss all over it, espcially from someone who I thought was mature, very odd behaviour kid you should get that drama fetish fixed.
    - @Bello @Vexx @virr
    If you need any proof etc that the map is fine to use please let me know.
  6. Useful
    james8470 reacted to Elcark in Tf2 Server Map Files   
    So here's a little something thought up by @Natsu to hopefully convenience some people. Basically the purpose of this thread is to have all
    the maps on our servers accessible as single compressed files as opposed to downloading the maps one at a time whenever joining a server.
    Hopefully it serves as a more convenient way for people who don't frequent certain servers as much to not have to wait extensively each time they join or the map changes to be able to play, and instead can just have all the maps beforehand. This was considered especially for staff who haven't frequented certain servers when responding to calladmins.
    Anyways, if you have any thoughts or comments let me know, I might try to keep the files up to date as maps are added/removed and maybe do other servers such as zombie fortress. Feel free to let me know if any of the files are screwed up or missing maps. Otherwise, if you think it's a neat-o thinga-ma-jig be sure to give a thanks to our man Sora, and if you think it's a stupid waste of time, I at least had fun doing it (even if uploading the files killed my wifi).
    TGH maps
    Pokemon maps
    Deathrun maps
    Freak fortress maps
    Surf maps
    (updated 8/22)
  7. Informative
    james8470 reacted to Amymaniac in Minecraft Statement.   
    Me and Hina have decided it is best we close the Minecraft server for the time being while we work on resolving the issues the server is having. Thank you for playing and we hope to bring you the server back soon working and fully updated. Your current accomplishments, currency, towns and equipment all remain safe and I will be taking the extra step of saving a local backup to my computer.
    I will post an announcement when Minecraft is working to the standards we are Xenogamers should be providing.
    Thank you.
  8. Got It
    james8470 reacted to Kypari in You Americans have got me saying Vacation instead of Holiday   
    Going on vacation, will be gone for a week starting Monday :waving:
    Should still be checking on the forums with the terrible internet there
    @Vexx @Sesh @Bello @mrnutty12 @virr
  9. Agree
    james8470 reacted to hongkongatron in You Americans have got me saying Vacation instead of Holiday   
    have fun i guess
    kypari is pretty smelly though
  10. Agree
    james8470 reacted to TBOHB in You Americans have got me saying Vacation instead of Holiday   
    Have fun on holication!
  11. Like
    james8470 reacted to Thorax_ in The Great American Solar Eclipse   
    The solar eclipse is less than 24 hours away! Are you excited?
    This is the first Solar Eclipse visible across the whole United States of America in almost 100 years!
    Remember to be safe when viewing the eclipse, Safety | Total Solar Eclipse 2017
    Sunglasses will NOT protect your eyes, not even putting 5 on at once will protect.
    This thread is where you can share comments you have about the solar eclipse.
    Do not take pictures! It can and WILL destroy your light sensor on your camera.
  12. Informative
    james8470 reacted to Amymaniac in Minecraft Bug Report!   
    ok guys I am going to have a long chat with silence sometime soon about this I am pretty sure the problems that keep cropping up are related to how we do the permissions, instead of editing the permissions config directly we go though a gui which silence made. I am sure theres an issue with the gui syncing with the server somewhere which is messing up peoples permissions. It could also be related to why people have their gold reset to 0 but that could be another issue related with a mysql database not syncing with the server. I'm not very tech savvy and this method of doing things for minecraft is all new to me since previously I have only worked with editing config files directly.
    but still I am sorry there is little I can do with the current problems with permissions. Believe me I am trying I can't see a thing wrong on the gui so it must be the connections, I will talk to silence and see what we can do.
  13. Like
    james8470 reacted to Aegean in Minecraft Bug Report!   
    @james8470 I'll fix that when I get on from work, thanks!
  14. Friendly
    james8470 got a reaction from Thorax_ in Schedule Adjustment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   
    This is informative rating farming, pls ban! :U
    But really, I hope you enjoy organizing packages. :P
  15. Informative
    james8470 reacted to Thorax_ in Schedule Adjustment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   
    I have applied to Amazon Logistics and my start date is pending.
    My hours are "most likely" going to be 1:00AM - 6:00AM Sunday - Thursday and on [[saturday I have college (starting September)]]
    My activity should not be affected, but the time frames that I come on might change quite a bit.
    I don't see it affecting how many hours I am on the server.
    Just wanting to put this out there so it doesn't seem like I dropped off the face of the earth again because I probably won't be on the servers as late as I have been normally and usually more people are on later times.

    Higher-ups : If need be, delete this thread and just keep this info noted. I just didn't know if I should of made a thread for this or not, so what happens to this thread is fully up to you. @Rhododendron @Aegean @virr @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @Bello
  16. Like
    james8470 reacted to Ct_QuantumStar in Member of xG? Need your tag in game? Post here!   
    Minecraft Username: Ct_QuantumStar
    UUID: ec0e734d-a045-4a9b-aacc-5955380a84df
  17. Funny
    james8470 got a reaction from Kypari in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
    I just realized that at 0:54 in the video you can hear the Russian guy saying: "Please ban @Kypari"
  18. Funny
    james8470 got a reaction from yesstergi in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
    Screw necrobumping!
    Which language is your favorite?
  19. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Vacindak in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    I didn't know that :0 ... I think we need to put this information into the donators rules to avoid future problems.
  20. Informative
    james8470 reacted to virr in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    No its not. You are not allowed to color yourself normal while in friendly.
  21. Feels Bad Man
    james8470 reacted to yesstergi in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    i was shooting you for a funny meymey now stop bullying me
  22. Funny
    james8470 got a reaction from Vacindak in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Wait a sec I just checked and it's actually 200% after all. :rolleyes:
  23. Disagree
    james8470 got a reaction from Thorax_ in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Except it's not because I use
    >!colorme normal to remove the translucent effect.
    People would only know I'm friendly if they shot me and realized I didn't take any damage, or I shot them and they noticed they didn't take any damage. I usually takes them like 5 seconds for them to realize the trick.
    That's still OK?
  24. Disagree
    james8470 got a reaction from yesstergi in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Something I like to do is use the following commands:

    >(Change class heavy, no items or cosmetics (except fists of steel) !friendly !colorme normal !resizeme (200%) !robot
    Essentially I look like a giant robot who's attacking people, but I'm actually in friendly mode. Now, because of how big I am, and keep in mind I'm not translucent like I would be normally (colorme normal). It's loads of fun to make people thing a giant robot is shooting at them when I'm really not.
    Technially, I'm not breaking any rules and I've done this with staff literally right in front of me (and even fooled @sick41057 :P).
    Now, I just want to open this up for debate, because as much as I like doing it, it does have some questionable parts to it.
    1) I'm a giant, I kinda block people's sight lines, especially on smaller maps.
    2) People actually think I'm attacking them (until they realize they're taking no damage)
    3) Basically, I'm a distraction. Now, while many donator commands are meant to be distracting and cosmetic, I'm a giant!!
    What do you guys think? Is this still OK or in a gray area or should we disallow it from now on?
  25. Funny
    james8470 got a reaction from TBOHB in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
    Screw necrobumping!
    Which language is your favorite?