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Who's that College Student?!

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Finishing up my second semester here. :p But I haven't been focusing on school nearly as much as I should have been, but that has changed and I am focusing on my work a lot the rest of this semester, and will be getting fairly good grades at the end, and next semester I am planning on getting pretty much perfect grades.


However that being said there are some tough choices to make.


Like which classes should I take?


I am limited to 16 units by my school, and to go over that I need a 3.5 and have to discuss it with a counselor. so basically I get 4 classes... I must be full time, so if I take bare minimum of 4 seperate 3 unit courses I am there, however right now I am at a turning point as to my sciences, I must take one physical science and one life science and there is nothing I can do there. However I must also take a lab within one of those, so the question is, do i do a physical science w/ lab (Physics, Chemistry, the rest are irrelevant because those are the only 2 that mean anything to a math major) or a Life science w/ lab (Biology)? Asking for some help in here, basically why do you think it would be better to take x?


also, general college thread.

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So i'm in highschool...

Irrelevant to the question at hand of "Which lab should i take of my required one lab" and the general topic of "College" unless you were to put down I am thinking about majoring in x, y, or z. idk which college to go to, i applied to a, b, c, d or should i apply to e, f, g, h?

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I'd go with chemistry, just because i know that better. Other than that, chemistry requires you to work a lot, like writing down experiments, but it's more like Practical over Theory, which is better for me. I took Chemistry along with my drawing class.

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I'm planning on majoring in Bio-Chem or Bio-Physics, but if you are just a general math major, just take what fits what you are planning to be when you graduate. Biology fields are on a big rise right now, but it doesn't seem like a general math major would have much use for it. I suggest physics, as that is for sure the most math orientated and heavy on calc etc. Will be a nice pair especially if you have already developed useful math skills.

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Physical Science w/ lab. Is it a 200 or 300?

Elaborate, Physics or Chemistry, and entry level general. lets not get ahead of ourselves, I am at community first year finishing up now, barely got any classes. so it is 100s, physics 130, chem 107, bio 101 all of which the honors variant.


by math major i am being very general, mainly into statistics and data analysis with use towards poly sci as well as computer information systems (CIS)




Also should I take a macro economics class? and what language should i take? Japanese? French? Spanish (Formal)?

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I liked Physics but you're probably going to have a professor with a thick accent.

But now my brother just said that Biology is the easiest. Physics did take a SHIT load of math. And I expect chemistry to be close to that.

Bottom line, if you are interested, and only interested in physics, then take it. Otherwise go easier with biology.

I now noticed that I fucked myself over. lol.


And I never took a language class in college. I took that in High school.

Japanese is complicated but interesting. (Learning it on my own)

Spanish is easy if you know english. (Took that in hs)


And if they are 100's then who cares. That's like core classes. Take biology, get it done with.

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If i may add with GKOO, Japanese is complicated , but it's fun. Spanish is easy. French, that's a whole other story (even i have troubles with the french language and it's my first spoken language!)

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Well, depends on your major and what year are you on. What is your major and are you sophomore next semester? And you should think about at least taking 15 or 16 credits per semester to graduate properly.

If your major is like Engineering, well take Physics. (need to take both anyways)

If your major is like Science, choose what you like. Btw Physics lab is bitch slab.

So it depends.

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I personally loved Physics and Biology, Chemistry? not so much.


Biology would probably be the easiest. I loved biology because I love to explore the human body, I don't know what you might think of it, but to each his own. If you're more analytic then physics might be a better option as you dwell into the multiverse of fractional equations of the unknown abysmal fear that measures the holy gravity and the benevolent time with other things of course..


Plus, aren't you in community college? Will they still accredit you for University level courses or actual college courses? I'm not saying that you are, but i'm pretty sure you told me you were.I know that in Canada , if you go to a low tier college, you'll get roll-backed for university. An example would be, finish 2 years of community college in your designation and when you transfer to university, you'll be in either 2nd semester of the first year or 2nd year if you're lucky. Try to go into a designation where the scenario I provided doesn't occur, it saves a lot of time and a lot of money.


TL;DR kids, do your homework in high school and enroll in university.


No harm intended

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Will they still accredit you for University level courses or actual college courses?

You have to complete X amount of units (usually 9) in each section of GE before you can transfer, and then you transfer in as a starting junior

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