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RIP Purple Drank

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Just found out from Rabid, man when I was co-leader he always had a million things to say.


My condolences to his whole family and to you and his friends. He just got mixed up with the wrong things, it's always upsetting to see someone so young die. RIP Drank.

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he had an accidental overdose. He was going through shit death god. Just like how you smoke weed. He had onlying been smoking when i was with him in t3k. He was a fucking awesome dude, who personally, i looked up to.

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i don't know this guy or anything but its still sad to see this. my sister died last year actually from an overdose, they didn't find her body for 3 days, no one checked her room in her dorm. i guess i'm just saying i kind of get what is going on. but this isn't about me. shits fucked and its sad to see stuff like this. i wish my condolences to his family and all the friends of him in xG. and deathgod your opinion is perfectly valid, i just don't think it was appropriate for this time. i don't mean to flame or anything just giving my 2 cents. anyway

TL;DR didn't know him but still sad. RIP

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he had an accidental overdose. He was going through shit death god. Just like how you smoke weed. He had onlying been smoking when i was with him in t3k. He was a fucking awesome dude, who personally, i looked up to.
I guess after talking to Peechis, that after t3k disbanded he got into more hardcore drugs'

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and death i understand that. I can respect your opinion. Its just so soon after, and he was as autumn said, a game changer. Im going to miss Frodo

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RIP Drank. I had my issues with him that really arose just before the t3k shit, but prior he was a pretty chill guy, I understand he had some drug issues when he was with t3k etc. but it is always sad for someone to be lost especially so young.

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Shit... I recall talking to him a few times in TS I believe... He was an awesome guy and I offer my most sincere condolences to his family. It is a shame that it had to end this way.

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I heard, it's really saddening and I hope all his friends and family are doing alright, he didn't deserve to go out like this. I may have picked on him all the time, but it was out of love, I had mad respect for him, he was a smart dude. RIP

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