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A Few Things I've Noticed

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I'm going to list a few things I've noticed have come up as problems recently. There is more than one section in this post.


(ALL) Chat Abuse

So recently, I've been getting multiple complaints about some of our Mods and Admins abusing certain powers.

The most thing I've been getting complaints about is the abuse of (ALL) chat. A large part of the abuse seems to be coming from our moderators.


Here is what was suggested be done as a precaution to the abusing (ALL) chat:

Restrict (ALL) chat to Administrators and up


Would prevent our Mods from abusing


Mods wouldn't be able to use text to be able to communicate with rule breakers or others

Mods wouldn't be able to call Freedays using chat.


Taking away (ALL) chat isn't something I want to see happen. Private Chat or Muting/Unmuting yourselves would be the only way to communicate with alive people.


What do I recommend for this?

Well, I propose that we punish the mods/admins who abuse (ALL) chat excessively. Once or twice isn't that big of a deal, but having a 5-line conversation in (ALL) chat isn't acceptable.



If you are caught excessively abusing (ALL) chat, here are the steps I recommend should be done as punishment.

  1. Ban the Mod/Admin for 1-hour.
  2. Ban the Mod/Admin for 1-day
  3. Demote to the next rank down


Mod/Admin Disrespect

Another thing I've noticed is the fact that a lot of our mods/admins have been disrespecting players, and then acting upon anything negative in return.

Here's how I see it, if you're going to disrespect other members and users, DON'T expect to get treated nicely in return. Don't try and punish someone for you being a dick.



If you're going to punish someone for replying negatively to you being a dick, depending on how it started, you should be punished

Steps for punishment?


  1. Kick as a warning
  2. Ban for 1-hour
  3. Ban for 1-day
  4. Demotion to next rank down


Teamspeak 3 Activity

So we had a discussion about this subject. It is now REQUIRED that you be on Teamspeak when our servers if you're a mod/admin or higher.

I know a lot of you have argued that we can reach you in game, or on Steam chat, but if we have to get in contact with you quickly, Steam and in-game chat isn't good enough.

The rule for Teamspeak is be connected to it. Being in the AFK room or in the Waiting Room counts. As long as you're connected to the server.



Here is the punishment that already has been decided upon being handed out if you're not on Teamspeak when on the servers.

  1. Give a warning to get on
  2. Ban for 1-hour as a warning.
  3. Ban for 1-day.
  4. Demotion to the next rank down

Basically, be on Teamspeak, or else you're being banned and demoted.


-Dis fur fag DarkWolf6052

@@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@serbiansnaga


Should probably tag our staff if I can remember some of them.

@ShdowSpy @@orangejuice @@Hidingmaster @@ItsAaron @@TurdWig @@Warriorsfury @@SonicRainbow @@MegaRobin @@John @@daddiodoug @@Cristo @Vector @@snakeboyeric

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Mod/Admin Disrespect

Another thing I've noticed is the fact that a lot of our mods/admins have been disrespecting players, and then acting upon anything negative in return.

Here's how I see it, if you're going to disrespect other members and users, DON'T expect to get treated nicely in return. Don't try and punish someone for you being a dick.



If you're going to punish someone for replying negatively to you being a dick, depending on how it started, you should be punished

Steps for punishment?


  1. Kick as a warning
  2. Ban for 1-hour
  3. Ban for 1-day
  4. Demotion to next rank down



FOR FUCKING REAL! I hate this shit...it's been like that for a long time!

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It is not REQUIRED that you be on Teamspeak


be on Teamspeak, or else you're being banned and demoted.

Contradiction here, just a heads-up!

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It is not REQUIRED that you be on Teamspeak


be on Teamspeak, or else you're being banned and demoted.

Contradiction here, just a heads-up!

Sorry, fixed, derped

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I guess i'll start from the top down:


All chat abuse:


Restricting it to only Admin+ would be a terrible decision, it is a very useful tool that is used quite often. It needs to be available to all mods+, otherwise there will be a lot of issues with resolving rule breakers. The way you state it (one or twice, but not excessive) makes no sense to me. Who will be there to judge it? What is considered spam/abuse?


All chat has always been both a tool for moderating as well as a fun resource to interact with the community. When used in proper ways (using it for moderating AND to create a fun experience) it makes jb a lot better. It is incredibly rare when someone abuses it, and when it people complain about it, it seems like they are just in a bad mood that night. We are in leadership positions for a reason: If you think someone is spamming/abusing it in a way that detracts from the game THEN TELL THEM. Its as simple as that, theres no reason to change it as it has never really been an issue.


I will continue to use it as I always have, if something doesn't like me using it in the game and they tell me so then I have no issue stopping it. If this is an issue, and we are restricted to using it only for moderating, then you can expect to see me step down. It's getting to the point where the fun in jailbreak is being slowly taken away because people can't act mature about situations and confront each other like adults.


Mod/Admin Disrespect


I really wish this was never a problem, and there shouldnt be a need to go this far, but alas it appears it needs to. It comes down to the fact that people get butthurt WAY too easily, and don't do anything to solve their issues but complain. If someone is disrespecting you, tell them they are and ask them to stop; if they continue, get the proof you need and go to the forums. I didn't think this was a hard concept to grasp, but people have issues acting mature.




I understand the reason behind this, but it is a ridiculous request to be on at ALL times when playing. A lot of times I will be on Skype with friends and decide to hop on jailbreak to help out, but I'm not going to get on ts3 (ts3, skype, jb.... too many voices). Only once have I ever been contacted by a higher up on ts3, almost always I get messages in steam or on jb itself. I make ever effort to be on when im playing, but there are sometimes when I will not be on due to personal reasons or something else. Making it mandatory is not solving any issues. You may say that I can just go in the AFK room, but what is that helping? I'm not going to hear anyone talk to me, its just wasting my time being in there. And seriously, banning someone for not being on it? If someone hops on the server to help out for a while, and they get banned because they werent on ts3, good luck keeping people in leadership. IMO its the wrong way to go about it.




TL DR: Keep jailbreak and CSS fun, don't be putting all of these obnoxious restrictions on people in leadership positions. Mods and Admins are in their positions for a reason, give them a little trust in that they will do what is right and attempt to report what is wrong. Rules don't solve everything.


I don't know what has been going on lately, but there have been a lot of questionable decisions in xG (punishments, rules, demotions). It seems that those who are the most active on the servers are being ignored, and never have input into what changes. Its getting excessive, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that its getting annoying. I want to retain my admin status, but when these things are going on without anybody informing us/me it makes it very hard for me to want to continue doing what I do.

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+1 props to @@Hidingmaster for everything he said, especially the TS3 stuff. I'm gonna get banned eventually under the new rules simply because i honestly forget to get on TS every time. Just today I was playing CSS for a few hours relaxing from work and realized I hadnt logged onto TS.

I dont know why everyone is being so anal about TS anyways, if I sit in a room with the sound muted (which I am often) the only way to reach me is through steam chat (or in game).


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i have literally only been told to stop using all chat by 1 admin and every other admin (as well as players) do not have really any problem with the All chat system being used to communicate. i have seen other higher up players just use it for shits and giggles while still using this power to find the rule breakers. -1


disrespecting, staff members should learn how to take shit from regular players especially since this is the internet. +1


TS, i see the benefits of both sides so i don't really have an opinion, i'm always on ts when i'm on jb. 0

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-1 for not tagging me


And yea I agree wif hiding. The All-Chat. I never saw it's been "abused".

What's the consequence being All-Chat abused? Nothing much really.

People would just say "ABUSE" and just pass the thing.

Nobody will be bitch about someone using All-Chat about 4 lines.

And I never saw admin/mod use All-Chat more than 3 lines continuously.

And Like hiding said. It really adds fun to JB. Like a lot.

And you really cannot determine the "All-Chat abuse". Or you will have to come up with the rule about it.

So I am -1 about punishments about "All-Chat abuse"


And +1 to the punishments about Disrespecting.

There are some mods/admins who really disrespect other player+mods/admins.

They think they are trolling us but they need to know there is a line that they have to keep.

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-1 to everything other than the disrespect. Like Vector said, problems with allchat abuse are pretty few and far between. The last time I can explicitally remember a staff member get warned for allchat abuse was mike, and as we all know he isn't going to be a problem on servers anymore. If a staff member is abusing allchat, just warn him about it and if he continues, just give him a kick. To be honest, a staff member should never get demoted for "allchat abuse", or really even banned for it, unless he's causing other kind of problem. Plus, if a staff member has the intent of abusing for malicious purposes, there are much better things to do than allchat abuse. Truly abusive staff aren't going to do stuff like this, they'll probably just freeslay/freesmite and eventually just Mythic it up and smite @all. It would just be stupid to demote a potentially good staff member just for abusing allchat.

Regarding the whole "be on TeamSpeak whenever on xG servers" thing is pretty fucking stupid. There are plenty of ways to be reached while playing on our servers other than TS. There's admin chat, PM-ing the player using admin commands, just plain old typing out in chat, messaging on steam, etc. In my opinion, you shouldn't have to be on TS while playing on xG servers. The only reason that I could see you not being able to be reached while playing would be if you were afk. However, you'd probably be afk on TS as well, so the purpose of being on TS is pretty much negated.

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im confused why you have to be on teamspeak if you are playing on servers. I did it once and it was near impossible to hear warden or warden, because of all the TS people speaking in the background.

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im confused why you have to be on teamspeak if you are playing on servers.

The rule only applies to staff, members and non-members do not have to be on TS while playing on xG servers. You can always mute your sound on TS too if you need to.

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