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Late Night Jailbreak - Suggestions/Comments/Feedback

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How do people plain on having fun if the admin is just going to slay them all countless times?

That's not what I is though, there was a lot of slaying happening, but the majority of it was at other admins/mods. They had fun because its funny seeing staff members kill the crap out of each other, plus any game is allowed so it brings a completely different experience to jailbreak. It's hard for me to explain, and im sure equally hard to image, but the rounds were actually kinda of fun and it wasn't all just abuse. For the first 10 or so rounds it was just mass rebelling, wardays in cells.. it was just a lot of chaos. After that the rounds started to take a little more shape and became games that weren't allowed normally. Its kind of pointless for me to go into detail about what went on, it just doesn't translate right over the forums.


And when the server went from 12 to 20 people in a matter of minutes, and lasted for an hour or so, I'd consider it successful. Only about 3/4 were members, but the rest stayed. Its rare that we have than many people on late at night (1-2am est)

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How do people plain on having fun if the admin is just going to slay them all countless times?

I very much agree. If I were a new member who came across this server, and suddenly was greeted by one or more rounds where an admin smites @all, why in the hell would I ever come back? I would just expect admins to be abusing every time.

You guys should really know as mods and admins that it's not enjoyable to some people if admins are smiting people.

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How do people plain on having fun if the admin is just going to slay them all countless times?

I very much agree. If I were a new member who came across this server, and suddenly was greeted by one or more rounds where an admin smites @all, why in the hell would I ever come back? I would just expect admins to be abusing every time.

You guys should really know as mods and admins that it's not enjoyable to some people if admins are smiting people.



That's why we started doing it at such a late time, to avoid making the server look like a mess. We warned the server many, many, many times about what was going on. Staff members did a good job on letting everyone know what was going on. And admins were not smiting @all every round. I wish you all would have some trust in your staff members, I think they all held themselves up very well and kept it under control. If they cant handle lenient rules then you have to question whether they can handle it when there are strict rules. You can ask Gkoo, who was there the entire time, and he will affirm that everyone was responsible and mature about it. The point of late night jailbreak isn't to necessarily gain a whole bunch of new people, but to create a friendly environment. You gotta keep the people running the show happy if you want to keep everyone else happy.


The rumors going around are skewed, people aren't all that sure about what ACTUALLY happened.


1) There was mass smiting, it happened 3 or 4 times. It was not excessive, nor did we receive any complaints.

2) There was a ton of slaying, again direct toward other staff members and a few regular members. It was for fun, nobody was crying over it.

3) Many of the people there will say that it was one of the best nights jb has had in a long time.

4) With the amount of times we said what was going on using @ and @@@, anybody there knew what was going on. We let them know that they could say something in admin chat if they thought something we were doing was inappropriate or excessive, we got 0 complaints.

5) Supposedly somebody was a little upset that they were part of the smiting, and again, its THEIR fault that they didn't say anything. We weren't doing it because we felt like abusing the hell out of powers, but rather because we thought it was fun. If somebody didn't like it they knew that they could tell us and we would stop.

6) Instead of accusing all of the staff members that were on of acting immature, abusing powers, and causing chaos, you need to understand the circumstance. Staff members were give FULL clearance to do whatever they wanted, if they wanted to smite @all every round then they could have without consequence. They could have banned people (btw nobody was banned), they could have kicked random people, but they didn't.


The staff members that were part of Late Night Jailbreak acted in a very responsible and mature way. They handled a lack of rules or threat of demotion in a better way than I would have ever imagined. Every member there deserves recognition for being able to handle their powers in a responsible manner. Good job guys.

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None of us are just gonna ruin everyone's fun by mass kick/ban/smite/yolo everyone, We let them know and they know, They can complain and we'd stop. We know better than to do those kinds of stuff..

Plus like Hiding said, Everyone only got smited very little, and those were 5-10 minutes at least apart

As long as people (Especially the staff) know what's going on, There will be hardly anything excessive or abusive going on..

It's just all to relax and have fun for a night, that's all guys..


And admins were not smiting @all every round


(And uh, just to an addition..)


Staff members were give FULL clearance to do whatever they wanted, if they wanted to smite @all every round then they could have without consequence


(I'd still kick the guy (since i can :D) who constantly mass smites, IF there is one who would do that, however)

It may be a day where we might be able to do anything (As i read.. i thought rules were just much less strict, not completely removed), But we can also use our powers to defend people from baddie badmins who do whatever they want :D[smite all]


TL;DR: your all gay

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Fuck, I always miss the good stuff. honestly I think that if the one this coming Saturday goes well, that we should do this every weekend, or even better every single night. +1 m8888te

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Staff was given full power to smite @all and/or mass freekill. But they had common sense to not do so.


New players joined the server and enjoyed it rather than complaining. They actually loved the environment of people.

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Stop spreading rumors!


This was a day without rules. If you have complaints, send them over to the proper authority. Be a man and do the right thing.

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This event was really fun, i do agree that there should be on some type of rules on powers. Hidingmaster, SnakeBoyEric, MegaRobin, did mention that it was a night of fun with less strict rules, the particimapates were told that if they had a problem that they should speak up, and there wasn't anyone complaining from what i saw. My friend, who was on at the time of this event, says that it was really fun and relaxing, but he did also mention that as more people came in, it got more chaotic, lol. From what i saw, it looked like it was LESS chaotic when more people came on to the server.

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Staff members were give FULL clearance to do whatever they wanted, if they wanted to smite @all every round then they could have without consequence. They could have banned people (btw nobody was banned), they could have kicked random people, but they didn't.

When were they given this right? please show me. I have several statements for this thread, even though I didn't join the server, because I heard what was happening. IMO you took my late night jailbreak (yes I say MY because back when I was only a mod almost 2 years ago, I as well as a select few were the ones who were staff on at late night. we had easily 15-20 people a day, all non members.) and ruined it. soiled it with what, based off what I see here from some statements, and what I heard, is an utter disgrace.

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I don't understand why people panic when they hear that the rules were pretty much non-existent. CS:S jailbreak is different now Chrono, its been getting ever more different since you left. We rarely can carry more than 10 people on the server after 11 pm est, and many times its clear out by 1am. I remember the days way back when you were constantly on, when late night jailbreak was always fun. But that was 2 years ago, things change. CS:S jailbreak is slowly losing its fan base, for many reasons, but one of them being the strict rules and lack of change. Late night jailbreak was the change many of us were looking for, it is a step in the right direction. In no way was it perfect, and I never claimed it to be, but for once we planned on doing something different and followed through with it.


Don't start believing that staff members were given complete lack of rule or control, that's not how it went down. What I was saying is that staff members very well knew that they could do almost anything with their powers (common sense tells you what they weren't allowed to do still), but they had enough maturity to not push the limits.


I know your judgments are better than most people here, but why are you judging what happened based on what you heard? I have been nothing but honest here, and those spreading rumors better post what they heard went on, or their rumors will remain rumors. I really don't appreciate you accusing me of taking something that you created (late night jailbreak) and "ruined it. soiled it". Maybe im taking it a little more critical than you were trying to be, but I find it rude, going on here to say that I ruined something (which you didn't attend) is not the right way to go about it. I would much rather appreciate that you came on here to discuss what happened, make suggestions to changes, and clear up rumors that you have heard.

Because people can't seem to understand that you have to take what you are told with a little caution in xG, let me clarify EXACTLY what occurred during the night:



Was there freeslaying?

Yes. How much? A lot, but nothing that ruined the game, hurt anyones feelings, or that was in a manner that was excessive.



Was there freekilling?

Yes. How much? Again, there was a lot of this. But a majority of it was directed between staff members, again in no way did it ruin anybodys game or was it done in excess.



Was there mass freekilling (3+ people)?

Of course there was, and it was fun. It happened 2 or 3 times. One of them because we were doing mythbusters, how many heads can an AWP go through. Don't even start to think that you haven't wanted to try this, and we did it because it was fun.



smite @all?

Yes, a few times. No, it wasn't necessary but again it wasn't in excess nor was it ruining the game. This will not be allowed next time.



ban @all?

Yes, and for those of you who don't know what this does it simply strips everyone of their weapons. I used this twice for 2 reasons: 1) So we could have a round where nobody could rebel, nor could the CT's shoot us. 2) It was constant wardays, we needed a little break.



Did anyone ban somebody?

From what I saw absolutely not, staff members knew this would ruin the fun for somebody and that it would be pushing the limit.



Did anyone kick somebody?

Yes, a staff member kicked another one for not wear the proper tags (had just gotten mod in promo demo and didn't know), it was out of fun not seriousness. I believe there were a few other occurrences at the beginning, but nothing more than a regular late night session.



Did the rules on sprays change?

Yes, although this was only used by one or two people.



Why did you ignore the complaints?

What complaints? There were absolutely no complaints in admin chat or regular chat. Feel free to check the logs.



How did you let people know what was going on?

Megarobin, myself, Gkoo, Snakeboyeric, and a few other staff members used: All chat, regular chat, and @@@ chat to announce what was going on. Players were notified to contact us if any issues were occurring or anything was happening in excess that would ruin their game.


I don't really think I missed anything, and as far as I know this is the entire truth. I was there the entire time, as was Gkoo who would have handled any abuse appropriately.

If you heard something different Chrono, by all means tell me what you heard either in another post, steam, or pm me.


This thread was put here for suggestions to improve it, and that's what I plan on doing. It is already decided that smite @all will not be allowed, and there will be normal punishments if it is used.


You may consider what happened an "utter disgrace" but by all means it was one of the best nights I've had on jailbreak, and im not alone in that statement. Don't come in here and throw some crap around if you weren't there, you're better than that Chrono.



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I just feel like it is wrong to take all the rules away, there has to be some point of it, back when we did it every day as per it should be, regardless of the game changing etc. because the newer staff are strict, we still followed almost every rule, we just didn't straight up ban people. we had some fun rounds too, we would all mass taze those who fucked up rebelling or some other shit, but we wouldn't let other things slide, like if there was a warday 2 times in a row etc. we would just say "hey no." and they would get it, remember the rules are still there but this is the time that we would take and be less strict on them. we followed them, but instead of ct banning somebody for a freekill (believe me i see it a lot more the newer the staff!) [we used teamswap in css back then as a warning to newer people... .something i think is on the decline in css] instead we would just be like yo that's wrong don't do that. but we wouldn't really slay, and as for using powers (freeslay [smite now]) we sould only use it between other staff members, never on others...... it just feels so dirty.

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