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Begging Like A Bitch

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Server:Pokemon Trade

Bug or Suggestion?: Begging for items is against the rules

What is your bug/suggestion?: I GET BEGGED FOR SHIT CONSTANTLY.


It was so ghey. It happens at least once a day everyday and i'm tired of it. I'm sure that there's other people who get shit like this that happens to them too. If there could be a rule implemented that makes it so begging for items is against the rules that would be great, +1 dat shit if you agree




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If they constantly beg over mic, just mute them. If they resort to spamming chat, you can either gag them or warn them to stop. If they start randomly trading, then kick them. No reason to take such drastic measures.


Is there no local mute function in this game?

You're asking children under the age of sixteen to have common sense.

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+1 Always happens, it's pretty much an unwritten rule imho.

@@African Who's that F2P?

"It's my birthday[again], can I have free items?"


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