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In-Game Name:


Offender's Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

Flaming, Insulting, Disrespect, Continuation of previous problems.


I may of left xG but I visited this site everyday when I was in the clan and I still visit the site to check up on things and talk in the shoutbox, you can't simply stop visiting a site you have been visiting everyday for the past few months. I have left the clan and the previous problems against me should of stopped but that is sadly not the case.


Below is from the shoutbox log of yesterday. This should not be acceptable and that Forge also took part in it is even more unacceptable after he has already been punished before.






You may check the logs yourselves and see that I did nothing to start the problems.


Also I shall admit getting angry but who wouldn't? I thought all this "kitty is a 40 year old guy" immature bullshit stopped ages ago. To see some people are still at it is ridiculous. I did keep my anger in check as to not insult back and the picture Stumpy linked was one of those photostops from the previous protest thread.


Penguin was a witness to some of the messages as seen in the evidence. He also told both of us to stop in which I did but Stumpy continued.


In anger I rated Stumpy's posts as "fuck you" but it has been said time and time again ratings don't mean anything and if you care about them turn off the notifications. I have been getting negative ratings daily for weeks now and I simply do not care as I have turned off the notifications.


CLs please do as you see fit I will go with whatever you decide.

@Nomulous @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster @Gawd @diabeetus @DrLee

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Are you shitting me? No offence but kitty this is really just for attention. I mean welcome to a clan! Where people joke around even if it doesn't seem like it. Also getting negative ratings means it's not a good post. Can I -1 this? Kitty you said you left because of "problems" the problems were you didn't get Mod and now your attention hungry. If you hate it here as you said multiple times there is something called "Not coming" I mean I hate to be rude but really now this is just for pure attention... Quote me shitpost me idk.

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Are you shitting me? No offence but kitty this is really just for attention. I mean welcome to a clan! Where people joke around even if it doesn't seem like it. Also getting negative ratings means it's not a good post. Can I -1 this? Kitty you said you left because of "problems" the problems were you didn't get Mod and now your attention hungry. If you hate it here as you said multiple times there is something called "Not coming" I mean I hate to be rude but really now this is just for pure attention... Quote me shitpost me idk.


I fail to see how I'm looking for attention? I still like to talk to people in the shoutbox and maybe sell stuff on the trade section here. I should not have to put up with these kinds of insults. They are not "people messing around" they are saying these things to insult me. I know what a joke is and these are not jokes. As I said its hard to stop visiting a website you visit everyday for the past few months.

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I fail to see how I'm looking for attention? I still like to talk to people in the shoutbox and maybe sell stuff on the trade section here. I should not have to put up with these kinds of insults. They are not "people messing around" they are saying these things to insult me. I know what a joke is and these are not jokes. As I said its hard to stop visiting a website you visit everyday for the past few months.

Point of view taken and I can agree. Sorry about my stubbornness kitty :(

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Stop crying and accept the fact that the internet is not a nice place. It's actually pretty pathetic that you're taking these kids seriously and making threads LOL. It's obvious by now you're just doing it becwus pwepl are nawt giving you the attenshun u twink u deservvv :^)!!! Or... You have a learning disability and can't figure out that the internet is not a nice place.

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get a fudgein life m8. you took the time to rate literally every single one of my forum posts with a bad rating, and even after i get forum banned for a day for disrespect or whatever the fudge it was for, you then proceed to post a ban request? are you that big of a loser? holy fudge


seems you need a life insulting people you do not know.

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And I know shitrating is not a bannable offense.. but it was what instigated this entire situation.


Kitty started rating all my shit at 3:40, and I immediately replied in shoutbox. I did nothing before this to rustle kitties jimmies.


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seems you need a life insulting people you do not know.

Considering you took 45 minutes out of your own time to go through every single one of forum posts from the last 2 years, I think it's you that needs a life.

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And I know shitrating is not a bannable offense.. but it was what instigated this entire situation.


Kitty started rating all my steaming pantload at 3:40, and I immediately replied in shoutbox. I did nothing before this to rustle kitties jimmies.


are you serious? you randomly started calling me a guy and a fedora fag in the shoutbox for no reason and here you are trying to make it look like my ratings I did AFTER is what caused you to write those insults?


you really are low.

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Can you people stop instigating and exacerbating things, holy hell. Yes Kitty, you also are instigating something. Instead of choosing to ignore it or report it, you chose to take matters into your own hands and add fuel to the fire. While I can see why you would act out due to frustration, the only thing you're doing is making matters worse by doing what you did.


This goes out to everyone: If you're having problems with a Member/Player of the community, don't go and start a shit storm by stooping to their level. Ignore them, gather evidence of their abusive/harassing behaviour, and post a Member Protest. Be the mature individual in the argument. I'm not saying that Stumpy didn't instigate either, but everyone knows the guy can be an ass hat


Also keep in mind that (as others have mentioned) this is the world wide web. If someone is poking fun at you, the best thing to do is to ignore them altogether, or if you have the option, to report them. No one wins a fight on the internet. You can call them names, you can talk in all caps to emphasize your anger, but all you are doing is giving that particular person more reason to keep going, because chances are they are a troll: someone who makes it their sole purpose to feed off of the anger of others.


Closing this (because I can ;)) until a CL comes to the aid of this thread so as to prevent more shit posting.

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