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Confession and apolgizeing

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I needed to make this so i can get somethings off of my chest and explain why i am so immature. I am about to share something really sensitive about me and you guys might have mixed feelings. if you feel like this is bullcrap well i wish it was too, but sadly it is not. This story will explain why i am so immature and why i get really angry or bi-polar when they say certain things.


If you think this is an attention whore act well you should really reconsider. I am not the one to try to be attention seeking.


It all started when i was in 8th grade and it was during Christmas break, i was in a relationship with some girl for 14 months and i thought it would go on forever at that point. Well.....she ended up breaking up with me and my life started to spiral downwards from their. about 2 months after the break-up i was really heart-broken still and my "friend" noticed it and told me to do something that i have regretted ever since. He told me to do heroin for the pain and mistakenly i did do it and got highly addicted. For around 3 years i was a user up till the day my dealer died from an OD on pills. After his death i was really down and really wanted my high but never got it. My grades were going to shit and my parents lives where going to shit, my dad got addicted to pain meds and my mom could not handle me anymore and decided to stop taking care of/talking to me. I decided one august day to find a new dealer. That day i bought a whole shit ton for around $200 and injected it all. I had almost killed myself from an overdose on heroin and was only saved because my doctor shot an extra thing of adrenalin into my chest. I woke up and realized that heroin was not worth my life. I went cold turkey after that and luckily did not get sucked back in to the world of addiction. As a result of this though, my life was still socially bad. I decided that i should act stupid to be cool. My life is starting to turn around for the better and i have realized that my immaturity needs to stop, it is not making anything any better. My dads addiction is still bad but he has been checking into rehab a lot. My mom and i have actually been getting along now. In general, my family is actually becoming the family we have not had in about 5 years. I would like to apologize to everyone that i have been a douche to. And thank all the people who actually dealt with my immaturity and still actually talked to me even though i was annoying.


This community has always been great to me. This community and 2 of my IRL friends are the only ones who know about my homosexuality. I feel like i needed to explain why my immaturity was so bad. This is what i was talking about yesterday in teamspeak but i decided to say the full story here. Again thank you guys and i apologize for all my misbehaving and immaturity.

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can confirm i'm impressed. quitting heroin cold turkey is right up there with childbirth in things that are excruciating

I am still rehabilitating but it has been a lot easier for me then most for some reason, probably because I smoke e-cigarette now since it is a better alternative to it

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