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Gayporneon♥xg - Teamspeak

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The fact that you take what he says seriously might be a sign there's something wrong with you. I mean if you can't take a joke then I'd advise not talking to Dillon cause hes purely jokes. My point being is that obviously he didn't actually MEAN your boyfriend should shoot you. And apparently he said this while I was in the channel and I don't remember him saying that AT ALL. So before making a ban protest why not talk to the person first to settle butt fudge and then decide if you still want to.

I've had him muted for say.. about a month now? I've not said a single word to him nor try to contact him. I wasn't even the channel when this happened lol. @Liekos said he said it and @DrLee Said I could make a thread about it. So here we are.

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My point being is that obviously he didn't actually MEAN your boyfriend should shoot you.

Regardless, some things should not be said under any circumstances. Jokes or not, meaning it or not. There's been a few shitstorms around here with the "suicide" or "life-threatening" jokes.


I've had him muted for say.. about a month now? I've not said a single word to him nor try to contact him. I wasn't even the channel when this happened lol. @Liekos said he said it and @DrLee Said I could make a thread about it. So here we are.

Well, that's not good. Not even you yourself can be sure he said it, unless he sent you a picture (which for some reason you didnt add to the thread). So i think this entire thread is pretty useless.


I expect at LEAST 5 pages by tomorrow morning when i wake up. Kthxbye.

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Look I know Leikos wouldn't just start something like this but atleast try to talk to Dillon about this before trying to get him BANNED. Since you guys had shit before you guys should've talked about this YEARS ago when it first started instead of fighting like little kids and BM'ing eachother behind your backs. However, you're arguing over something that doesn't have any supportive evidence besides 2 people, which is clearly not enough. So please before going crazy and trying to get him banned get some evidence first besides 2 people.

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Look I know Leikos wouldn't just start something like this but atleast try to talk to Dillon about this before trying to get him BANNED. Since you guys had butt fudge before you guys should've talked about this YEARS ago when it first started instead of fighting like little kids and BM'ing eachother behind your backs. However, you're arguing over something that doesn't have any supportive evidence besides 2 people, which is clearly not enough. So please before going crazy and trying to get him banned get some evidence first besides 2 people.

I agree.

That should clear things up.

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I knew this would happen one day.

@Gr8_Butt_M8 probably doesn't like being known as xG's retard. I hated it.

When me and @FoRgE didn't like each other, he insulted me so I insulted him. Eventually, I just stopped going on teamspeak. Then, I went back on later and we were cool after that.

I do agree that @Gr8_Butt_M8 needs to stop being rude n' stuff. However, this applies to a shit-ton of people on the forums, teamspeak, the servers - there needs to be an end.

However, after that little story, I can't +1 or -1 as there's no proof, but this is typical of Dillon.

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I would really like to see some evidence of this, but if he's doing this usually then it needs to be dealt with.


I don't wanna see this sort of talk going on in the servers, forum, or Teamspeak ever!


+1 for ban

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The fact that your signature says "I don't like you breathing" clearly says that you not only want me to die, but you want everyone else who sees your signature to die. The fact that you would have something like this for everyone to see is vile and disgusting.




Facetiousness aside, like I said in the "Iggy is a neo-nazi ayyy lmao" thread, there seems to be a lot of pushed buttons recently. The stuff we say in TS is essentially one giant shit-hose that everyone just loves to spray on each other, but the second someone spraying the shit gets some of it in their mouth they freak the fuck out. While I agree that this is over-the-line, a lot of the stuff we (myself included) say is over-the-line. I'll talk to Gayporeon and make sure he understands that what he said was inappropriate and that he needs to tone it down or there will be serious consequences, however this same warning effectively applies to everyone else. Stuff like this is totally inappropriate and shouldn't be said under any circumstances. However, unless you can provide some form of actual evidence, I see no reason to seriously punish someone off of word-of-mouth. All in all, I think we could probably all benefit from turning down the cancer meters and actually listen to what we're about to say before we actually say it, and believe it or not I think we'll see the number of these incidents decrease.

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Me tell someone to kill them selves never..... come on bello.

Kill your self you worthless waste of space spic loving african. Down syndrome having homosexual.


Also who ever blacklisted me on the ts channel of losers of xG your If i had the money i'd fly to wherever you lived dig your grandmothers grave and butt fudge in her skull. frick face homosexual.

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Seriously. May as well ban every teamspeak user then. Including myself @Vector and tons of others.


Everything aside there's no evidence regardless or not if "it's how he is" and you're going off what others have told you. Not something he's said directly to you. Magical thing mute buttons and block buttons are. Or ignoring. Or being in channels they aren't in.


>inb4 not a member


Idfc I can say what I want,



(Also find it funny that you say "we're all tired of this" yet I find gayporneon to be a chill ass dude and others can vouch)

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I am so fucking confused and i apologize if i come off the wrong way but what bach said, if we ban him, ban every sing person who comes on to teamspeak. Yes, it is not right to say stuff like that but most of us have said some stupid shit on teamspeak. There is no evidence and i am not vouching on a he said/she said premise. This is ridiculous honestly, stay out of rooms he is in or completely mute him if you don't want to hear what he says.

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