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Criticism: Let It Flow

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Haven't checked back in a while. It's good to see everyone belting out their opinions and criticisms all around. Hopefully those of you who are treating this thread seriously are feeling a little better with getting things off of your chest :coffee:


And just to re-cap:


Any content within this thread should not be taken in an offensive manner as it is intended that the criticism be constructive in some way. Obviously this applies to those who, again, treat the thread seriously and not to those who are simply posting to get a rise out of people. With that said, I implore you not to take any information that applies to you personally. Take everything/anything said with a grain of salt, not entirely to heart.

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Pretty sure that this thread is a bunch of triggers just being pulled (ie. Moosty vs. Kypari), but I'll roll with it.


First thing that really could be dealt with is the people who harass people that are weeaboos, furries, and gays (Even though I don't really like furries, I don't harass them). Plus, people just getting bullied over their skill in the games.


Second on the list is the community in a whole. Including people who playing on the servers that aren't in xG. These cleansing threads that have erupted in the past few days really help. You can't really turn a blind eye on things that are

happening with players constantly.


Third thing to complain about would probably be to improve the voting system for members. Make it a bit harder for people to join. Examples would be getting a certain percentage of the certain division's staff that said person is applying to (along with +1's from xG members). Meaning if I was to apply for the TF2 division of xG, I'd need to get a few or so votes from the staff. Requiring the player to put more effort to join the clan would show that the person is mature enough to attempt and apply. Rather than just making an account and just asking random people to vote on his/her member submission.


Second and third aren't really complaints, they're just more of ideas that could be of use. And other than the bullying and childish people that are here I have noting more to say.


Keep up the cleansing plague, xG.

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16Y/O requirement to get in clan

18Y/O requirement to be staff

This :afro:.

Just… Why?


Anyways, feel free to criticise me whatsoever.


My turn: @CommunityLeader and @Barmithian play more tf2 with us. It was fun c:

@DivisionLeader y'all are doing a good job as well as the tf2 @DivisionManager.

-to be continued -

Edited by Rhododendron (see edit history)

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It makes me all warm and giddy to see that nobody really seems to have any issues with me. That's good, I suppose.


I, on the flip side, don't really have any issues with any of you either. Always been pretty straightforward with my problems if they ever popped up. I'm one of those personalities that knows when shit needs to be done, and is quick to please once I'm sure everything that NEEDS to be handled has been handled.


If I were to come up with an issue that I do currently have, I think it's with moderation as a whole. There are times when we can assess a situation on a server and let things just play out while everyone is being dumb and having fun. Such examples are when a server is full of xG members and we are just having a hayday, being stupid and annoying and just basically having a good time with one another. HOWEVER, while we have been known to get a bit carried away, I think we need to learn when we've hit our limit. Sure, it's important to have fun with each other on the servers, but we also must maintain a level of professionalism and control. At the end of the day, our staff isn't here to have fun, but to ensure the server rules are being administered so our patrons are having fun.


My number one goal as of now is to ensure that ALL of our staff know the ins and outs of our rules and can correctly enforce those rules when the time comes to enforce them. I don't necessarily want to turn into a rules Nazi, but I do want our staff to be able to discern the difference between subtle nuances that are coming about from everyone having a good time and people who are actually breaking the rules.


The biggest instance that comes to mind is the recent events that perspired that involved Moosty and myself in the TGH servers. Moosty was allowing light mic spam and another member basically jumped down his throat for it. Should Moosty have asked the rule breakers to stop? Yes. (And he did.) But from another user's point of view, it had gone on for far too long and he wasn't happy about the length of time that it took Moosty to act upon the offenders.


It's stuff like this that I want to mainly focus on. Not necessarily being the "No Fun Allowed" clan, but knowing the times when the rules should be rigorously enforced and when it's okay to slack a little. We definitely don't want to be so extreme one direction over the other, but we definitely do need to be able to put our foots down when necessary.


That's all I got. You guys are great. Thanks for keeping things so civil.

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Third thing to complain about would probably be to improve the voting system for members. Make it a bit harder for people to join. Examples would be getting a certain percentage of the certain division's staff that said person is applying to (along with +1's from xG members). Meaning if I was to apply for the TF2 division of xG, I'd need to get a few or so votes from the staff. Requiring the player to put more effort to join the clan would show that the person is mature enough to attempt and apply. Rather than just making an account and just asking random people to vote on his/her member submission.


:Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man:

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:Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man:


It makes perfect sense.

I'm also sorry for triggering you. :(

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