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Vector - Team Fortress 2

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I, -1 due to past behavior on both servers and teamspeak, i witnessed him go off on both moosty and scootaloo almost two months ago with him making a commotion on the server to the point where the players asked him to stop and leave. oh and he came on bach's channel on time to start stuff with me and the others present there.

Flareon you were always present too but I always interacted with vector more simply because he was on the mic. it always seemed like vector always liked to play the game and kill people which helped him spot annoying things. Im sure you do to but vector was always very vocal about it (sometimes for worse).

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we really need our own CL's...

Christ, I am getting really fed up with you flareon. The moment someone doesn't agree with you, you proceed to claim major bias and proceed to insult the CLs because they do not agree with a view point of your own. What about hidingmaster? He's a CL who was CS and doesn't want me unbanned. Why are you straight up not looking at the TF2 people who actually wish to reduce my ban? it's not bias because they are in tf2? The fact you are so immature (called me immature lol) in not accepting other opinions and claim bias while insulting the CLs makes me fully understand why you were demoted. This is also coming from the same person who straight up said, xG should use fear to bring order into the servers, but doesn't like it when someone is mean to him. everyone has some hypocrisy in them but for god sakes, try not to make it so obvious.




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If you didn't play tf2 with Vector you have no context for judging how he was on the servers. If you didn't play CS:S with him the same is true. If you whine it doesn't help and makes you look like an idiot. Everyone stop whining and take the bitching to a convo. Any post not relevant to Vector's ban protest from here on out is deleted no matter who posted it.


CLs aren't the only ones with forum powers, so them not playing tf2 is irrelevant. (You guys totally should though).


Inb4 biased abuse of power.

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We've had our ups and downs, but I'm torn on this one. You knew how to do your job. None of us will argue that. But you are arguably the most toxic person in the clan. I think you can wait out your ban like any other person would. You've said multiple times you will NEVER change. So why should you get a reduction on your punishment? Since you're just gonna go back to your old self. Sorry boss, but Ima -1 for now

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I feel like half of the people in here need to (re-)read that thread I made in regards to personal opinion. Getting people to post their opinion without coming back and spouting off why they're right when someone offers their own opinion is like trying to convince the Pope that everything he believes in is wrong. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying you shouldn't reply at all, just that you can do so in a respectful manner. Obviously this doesn't apply to those who are intentionally trying to get a rise out of you. Just ignore those particular replies.


In regards to the Ban Protest, my initial thought is "his ban was reduced from a permanent ban already. Why is this even being considered?" But that's just me being my typical "rule nazi" self. Although I would like to point out the fact that one of the few reasons the ban was dealt was for Vector to develop a more "community-friendly attitude that doesn't involve overly-hostile or discriminating remarks". A quick look at his postings from May up until now does show little turbulence (there are a few moments where the attitude and arrogant remarks are seen) but a three month period isn't (in my opinion) enough time to determine whether someone has become more tolerant of others.


The biggest thing that's preventing me from giving a 1-up is Vector's attitude, nothing more, nothing less. The guy did a hell of a good job as a Staff Member when enforcing rules; the problem was that he did it in an unprofessional and albeit overly aggressive way. With that said, I'm not saying that every Staff Member is perfect, because there is no way I could know that as I don't play TF2 (let alone our Servers on there). The thing is that they aren't on trial here, so to speak.


Now, before anyone begins to get the idea that I'm judging based on what others have said, I'm not. I'm speaking from personal experience. I know Vector comes off incredibly blunt first hand. I would also like to clarify that I do not care what problems Members have with him. I am purely concerned with how his behaviour may affect XenoGamers as a whole. It goes without saying that people will be less inclined to play on a Server with someone who belittles or excessively abuses players; that applies to anyone and everyone who fits that category in general, not just Vector.


My only grievance is that Vector has made it clear that he doesn't want to change his ways, but this is only a problem to me because it can directly influence players on the Servers in a negative way. There are certain qualifications that Members (more prominently as a Staff Member) of XenoGamers should keep in mind, but it seems like those qualifications have just degraded and degraded over time. Being in XenoGamers means you represent xG, you stand for what xG symbolizes, for a lack of better words. As poetic as that sounds, it's true. There isn't a reason to belittle some people for not knowing the rules, for asking frivolous questions or for stating their opinion. Obviously this goes hand-in-hand with determining whether someone is just trolling or genuinely asking.


I really want to type out a TL;DR, but I won't because I'm pretty drained already. As always, I give a +/- 0 on this Ban Protest. @Vector just, try not to be too arrogant on the Servers bud, that's all I'm asking. Don't drive away potential Members or regulars by being too much of an áss hat.

Love you doe ;)


Gist of post is in red.

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Let's not forget that the whole reason ban protests are a thing is that to ask the question, "Does this banned person deserve to be allowed back to our servers?"

I can agree to second chances, but i can't say it's a good idea in this case.

I don't think he represents our clan very well


Every time a ban protest shows up, we should be asking this question. "Does this person represent the clan well?" Lets examine the posts on this thread. I'll give Vector the benefit of the doubt and give him three chances.


I'm not gonna lie and say i'm sorry for what i did/said because i'm not a chicken fudge and i won't tell you what you want to hear. I still to this day think i "din do nuffin" but that's up to you to decide. This is a serious ban protest and should be treated as such.


1. Explicitly says he will not change. If Vector was to be accepted back, will he better represent the clan? Answer: No

That's one favor of mine lost to Vector.


i haven't been warned/reprehended for really anything until i joined tf2*


You were demoted for your behavior. That seems like reprehension. You have NO reason to say you didn't know what you were doing was wrong.

Another favor.


uh? when was the last time i chewed someone out for not knowing the rules?


Off topic, but I think this is important. Vector doesn't even want to acknowledge the reason he was banned for. He should know up-front what he did to be banned before even making this thread. I fail to see that he actually sees what the problem is with his behavior. He doesn't see the need to change, so he won't want to. Just thought it would be good to bring that up.


Vector has made it clear that he doesn't want to change his ways, but this is only a problem to me because it can directly influence players on the Servers in a negative way


This is the most important point. If you were a potential regular on the server and Vector was unbanned, what if he didn't change? People would be driven away from the server, good and bad. Even I remained inactive on the servers for a long while because all of this bs was going on with Vector. The only reason I came back and stayed was because of other members of this clan bringing me back. The problem is that Vector can maybe someday return, but not without a change of attitude. Attitude of the moderators, admins, DMs, DLs, etc can have a HUGE impact on if people choose to stay. We should definitely consider this with all ban protests, not just Vector. Overall, that's the last favor.

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Obviously some people didn't read the WHOLE thread and only read the first page and skimmed through the rest. I'm going to respond to forest and banana shoes after work today. But I want to direct attention to when I said I guess I'll be less hostile to people but won't be straight up with them. People seem to think that because I won't apologized for what happened before means I won't change. That's a hunk of bull shi. It just means I don't think I did really anything wrong in my views. Your views can be different. Also banana shoes Obviously you don't know what I'm talking about when I mean when was the last time I chewed someone out? I mentioned that in regards of after being banned. So that whole "doesn't want to a knowledge the past" is complete utter nonsense. Also banana shoes do you understand what I am even typing? In the second quote I was talking about when was I ever a " problem" before tf2? Hidingmaster said years and I was questioning why he thought CSS was apart of it when nothing happened in that time.


Your misinterpretation of my comments generates negative views when you say you will give me the benefit of the doubt when you obviously didn't.


Like I said before I'll give a more analytic response to both when I get back from work.

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Also people I'm not permed from the servers I'm going to be unbanned September 26th but for some reason someone changed my ban back to a perm and I'm still waiting on diabeetus and Lee for an answer

Tbh, I'd rather he be unbanned on the 26th. I don't know who banned him but whoever did clearly didn't speak with the rest of us.

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... I know why the ban was changed...



Vector's ban will be changed from 6 months back to permanent, per the approval of Rhodo and Nom when it comes.



From the tf2 higher up conversation, about a week or two ago.


No personal attacks or shitstorm.


This thread will be closed for now to avoid a derail and so [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] can reply.


-closed for now

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... I know why the ban was changed...





From the tf2 higher up conversation, about a week or two ago.


No personal attacks or fudgestorm.


This thread will be closed for now to avoid a derail and so [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] can reply.


-closed for now

First things first, it should be discussed with ALL community leaders, not just nom and silence. I don't know why the ban was changed pre-empively, it looks like someone just wants to see Vector permed in my opinion.


Additionally, these secret conversations are kinda dumb. If you have something to say, especially if it involves something that was as disputed as Vector's ban, use admin discussion. We aren't a secret society, be more transparent about community issues. All higher-ups deserve to have easy access to all major community discussions.


Lastly, I'd like some more info about what's happening in this conversation. Was there an open debate about the status of Vector's ban, or was it leaning more towards a forceful imposition of one viewpoint. Screencaps of the conversation would be greatly appreciated (sent via steam or in a thread in admin discussion).

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