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I Just Don't Understand.

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blame game? we are just discussing the problems that arriving in xG. That's what you do, you realize what's going on and see how you can fix it. If you think that's trivial then go ahead and think that. However, the fact diabeetus told me, a CL who is apart of these discussions that there are people gunning me for perms of petty reasons, then yes i damn well see a problem in it. Also i never once said that the CLs are bias? That was dethman who said that the CLs were cherry picking and that diabeetus was a big part of that which is why he wanted him demoted. he also fingered both you and dethman who thought the baby pictured warrented a perm.


I'm assuming you meant figured in the last sentence. I'm just saying don't start believing what people tell you, this whole situation is full of lies and assumptions.

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It was a serious conversation, people where looking at and responding to the thread. 2 cls looked at it before me and did not close it so why not tag them to close it yourself instead of waiting for others. Also i did not say "so they are right." I said "So it does make them look in the right" or something like that. Stating insulting them just makes it look like you insulting him makes you look in the right.

You don't need a CL to hold your hand, it was grave digging and the Cls probably didn't catch on or whatever. There are a million factors that can be said but again, making a thread for a discussion is more then reasonable then just continuing a 6 month old thread. we banned people for a day for grave digging.

I removed you off my friends list because i did not really want to talk to you, had some fudge going on plus i was tired. It was not a big deal since we still could have the conversation after. Also i was the person who responded to it last since it was going nowhere. Also with not telling you is because i did not really want to talk to you because i would say something even more ridiculous as my rabid comment.

Then say something instead of doing something like that say something like "look i'm tired, can we please talk about this later?" why is that so hard? or am i incapable of understanding? Also you didn't want to talk to me? you are discussing my ban, you are deciding whether or not i be permed. I mentioned in my first post that all this talking behind our backs is ridiculous and immature, and this is what i mean, instead of confronting a problem you ignore it.

Kitty was in november and brians fudgeposting was in december and yet brian was not permed from forums unlike kitty. I was not talking about recent in that, rabid was in the middle of a ban when this happened i think. Brian just started saying stuff that people know would piss off brits, then proceeded to insult them. Rabid was punished and did not do as much stuff as brian did.

how did that have any relevance? regardless of what happened if you banned brian or not is up to you guys and even then i don't remember him saying anything that bad at all, also these two situations is ludicrous as they are completely different problems. which is what led to a perm against kitty.

ut of context was because i thought pepper put something from mine and rabids conversation. Not yours, i clearly misread and do apologize.

thank you.

I have given more evidence of stuff that you clearly mocked, this is not kyparis profile but something else. I just gave it to cls so they can see if it valid.

you mean swift? you mean the guy who stalked me multiple times, tried trolling me multiple times? i asked nicely the first time but obviously didn't get through? the second time i was more agressive? then he proceeds to start tagging me in shit again, twice and proceeded to try and troll me in shout box after i told him to leave me alone? you mean that evidence? again, i mentioned before that swift has done this multiple times including impersonation of staff and nothing is done and yes i did talk to upperstaff and they wanted to see if he continued. and he didn't for a few months then all of a sudden he comes back to me.

I took that as you sounded like it was a bad thing, i mistook that and again, i apologize. The guy was clearly no good but people still +1'd for some reason. Even when there was a 15 minute demo of him insulting people and telling people to kill themselves which showed he could not control himself.

not your fault but thanks lol it's people who are dumb and actually +1 him thinking, oh this guy seems cool who think 4chan is god tier and anything in reddit and 9gag is fucking cancer.

I dont want to look like an out to get people kind of person, i just do what i am told and look like fudge for it. I will right a formal apology later.

you don't need to right a formal apology you just need to recognize the problems and learn from them. you aren't some damn politician who fucked 90 women in front of your wife on camera then blew your load on the camera and upload it to xhamster then when it comes out proceed to right an apology saying ye my b. just learn an you will get better

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You don't need a CL to hold your hand, it was grave digging and the Cls probably didn't catch on or whatever. There are a million factors that can be said but again, making a thread for a discussion is more then reasonable then just continuing a 6 month old thread. we banned people for a day for grave digging.


Then say something instead of doing something like that say something like "look i'm tired, can we please talk about this later?" why is that so hard? or am i incapable of understanding? Also you didn't want to talk to me? you are discussing my ban, you are deciding whether or not i be permed. I mentioned in my first post that all this talking behind our backs is ridiculous and immature, and this is what i mean, instead of confronting a problem you ignore it.


how did that have any relevance? regardless of what happened if you banned brian or not is up to you guys and even then i don't remember him saying anything that bad at all, also these two situations is ludicrous as they are completely different problems. which is what led to a perm against kitty.


thank you.


you mean swift? you mean the guy who stalked me multiple times, tried trolling me multiple times? i asked nicely the first time but obviously didn't get through? the second time i was more agressive? then he proceeds to start tagging me in fudge again, twice and proceeded to try and troll me in shout box after i told him to leave me alone? you mean that evidence? again, i mentioned before that swift has done this multiple times including impersonation of staff and nothing is done and yes i did talk to upperstaff and they wanted to see if he continued. and he didn't for a few months then all of a sudden he comes back to me.


not your fault but thanks lol it's people who are dumb and actually +1 him thinking, oh this guy seems cool who think 4chan is god tier and anything in reddit and 9gag is fricking cancer.


you don't need to right a formal apology you just need to recognize the problems and learn from them. you aren't some damn politician who fricked 90 women in front of your wife on camera then blew your load on the camera and upload it to xhamster then when it comes out proceed to right an apology saying ye my b. just learn an you will get better

I truly dont know what to do anymore when it comes to forums. I just do my mc discussion stuff and maybe a thread being commented on after it closes now. If not i am bitched at and people say i abused.


I should have, immature of myself to just outright block but when in the moment and i am tired i sometimes fuck up, and really bad.


Swift was not right for impersonating and ignoring your compaints to stop tagging you, but i think you could have handled it a little better then calling him autistic and saying no one likes him. I am not the one to force you to change but situations could be handled a lot better if that kind of talking is avoided.


Xerses thread proves that no matter what the membership thing is still fucked. Age rule or not.

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I truly dont know what to do anymore when it comes to forums. I just do my mc discussion stuff and maybe a thread being commented on after it closes now. If not i am bitched at and people say i abused.

if you don't know just ask someone if this is okay and they can tell you if it is or not. especially with upperstaff. then you can deflect all that crap to someone else.

I should have, immature of myself to just outright block but when in the moment and i am tired i sometimes frick up, and really bad.

we all do. no big deal

Swift was not right for impersonating and ignoring your compaints to stop tagging you, but i think you could have handled it a little better then calling him autistic and saying no one likes him. I am not the one to force you to change but situations could be handled a lot better if that kind of talking is avoided.

true i could have handled it better but the fact you hear this same kid doing the same shit for months on end in game and on forums, and going as far as to stalk you it gets infuriating and after you told the kiddo to stop and he doesn't then it get infuriating but yes i could have and i apologize to you for saying fuck off. but i don't apologize to swift because he im sick and tired of him trying to talk to me.

Xerses thread proves that no matter what the membership thing is still fricked. Age rule or not.

true dat.

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Seems relevant at this point




What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Finger Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret finger raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed fingers. I am trained in finguerilla warfare and I’m the top fingerer in the entire US armed finger-forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will finger you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Finger-storm, maggot. The Finger-storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking fingered, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can finger you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in finger combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Finger Corps and I will use it to its full extent to finger your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will finger all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking fingered, kiddo.

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What the frick did you just fricking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Finger Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret finger raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed fingers. I am trained in finguerilla warfare and I’m the top fingerer in the entire US armed finger-forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will finger you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fricking words. You think you can get away with saying that fudge to me over the Internet? Think again, fricker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Finger-storm, maggot. The Finger-storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fricking fingered, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can finger you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in finger combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Finger Corps and I will use it to its full extent to finger your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little fudge. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fricking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will finger all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fricking fingered, kiddo.

Not trying to be off topic but this just made my day

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The huge "Problem" I'm seeing here is the fact that what used to be a small, fun and friendly clan is now a huge community full of different people with different opinions and wants, and for some reason the amount of changes seem to have been surprisingly high for the oldfags since they are still wondering "what happened to the old xG mane"

Everybody knows, once something gets mainstream, it equally gets shittier.

For me, this clan is pretty cool since I've only been around since 2013 minus the 1 year lasted perma ban, but I'm sure I would've shared the same opinion with you guys if i joined back in 2010 or whatever.

From what I see the options given to you all who are in danger of getting banned is to either accept the new xG as it is and play nice, or leave entirely. (or get kicked out by the newfags)

but hey, this is just what i see when im completely netural on the whole thing

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I removed you off my friends list because i did not really want to talk to you, had some fudge going on plus i was tired.

heh, not the first time i've heard this.



The huge "Problem" I'm seeing here is the fact that what used to be a small, fun and friendly clan is now a huge community full of different people with different opinions and wants, and for some reason the amount of changes seem to have been surprisingly high for the oldfriends since they are still wondering "what happened to the old xG mane"

Everybody knows, once something gets mainstream, it equally gets fudgetier.

For me, this clan is pretty cool since I've only been around since 2013 minus the 1 year lasted perma ban, but I'm sure I would've shared the same opinion with you guys if i joined back in 2010 or whatever.

From what I see the options given to you all who are in danger of getting banned is to either accept the new xG as it is and play nice, or leave entirely. (or get kicked out by the newfriends)

but hey, this is just what i see when im completely netural on the whole thing


sure we have different opinions and reactions and crap to eachother. we started out on an entirely different division that suddenly died out, and i mean died out FAST. We went to other games. Same people, same reactions. Tf2 comes in halfway through and since there's no CSS, we interact with you through the same way we interact with eachother. It's normal but it's not being taken that way. CS:GO has very recently come up now so give it some time. we'll go back to "who are those tf2 plebs?" and probably end up ignoring eachother.


I think the main problem is that a person left us (referring to vector) to join you guys and you guys accepted him for a long time. suddenly somebody didn't like his reactions and he is now in this mess. if you read his posts in this entire thread, this is his entire attitude that i have seen through the 2 and a half years i've spent with him in this hellhole. he defends himself, calls people out and if you play nice, he will too. I have actually never seen him change from that through this entire journey in xG.

I want to point out how he's helped a lot of people with a various amount of problems and made a lot of peoples lives easier, and suddenly opinions of him change through my eyes. But of course, opinions of him change. Bad outweighs the good. Stuff like that. Gotta be careful around here the longer you stay around.

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heh, not the first time i've heard this.





sure we have different opinions and reactions and crap to eachother. we started out on an entirely different division that suddenly died out, and i mean died out FAST. We went to other games. Same people, same reactions. Tf2 comes in halfway through and since there's no CSS, we interact with you through the same way we interact with eachother. It's normal but it's not being taken that way. CS:GO has very recently come up now so give it some time. we'll go back to "who are those tf2 plebs?" and probably end up ignoring eachother.


I think the main problem is that a person left us (referring to vector) to join you guys and you guys accepted him for a long time. suddenly somebody didn't like his reactions and he is now in this mess. if you read his posts in this entire thread, this is his entire attitude that i have seen through the 2 and a half years i've spent with him in this hellhole. he defends himself, calls people out and if you play nice, he will too. I have actually never seen him change from that through this entire journey in xG.

I want to point out how he's helped a lot of people with a various amount of problems and made a lot of peoples lives easier, and suddenly opinions of him change through my eyes. But of course, opinions of him change. Bad outweighs the good. Stuff like that. Gotta be careful around here the longer you stay around.

I'm not just talking about the shit thats been thrown at Vector (along with the shit he brought upon himself), I'm talking about everything that has been going between CS:GO div and TF2 div, Matsi's complaints about how inactive most CL's are and a lot of people in tf2 div seeing some CL's unfit for position and all of that. Right now, the clan is seperated into 2 , the 2 active divisons. and it seems like both sides seem to disagree with eachother on most things which is causing a lot of problems.

anyway, like i said im gonna be 100% netural on everything that goes between cs:go and tf2, and my point is. This doesn't really feel like one clan at all and some action needs to be taken by the people who are causing the problem, otherwise this won't end up good for both sides.

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I'm not just talking about the fudge thats been thrown at Vector (along with the fudge he brought upon himself), I'm talking about everything that has been going between CS:GO div and TF2 div, Matsi's complaints about how inactive most CL's are and a lot of people in tf2 div seeing some CL's unfit for position and all of that. Right now, the clan is seperated into 2 , the 2 active divisons. and it seems like both sides seem to disagree with eachother on most things which is causing a lot of problems.

anyway, like i said im gonna be 100% netural on everything that goes between cs:go and tf2, and my point is. This doesn't really feel like one clan at all and some action needs to be taken by the people who are causing the problem, otherwise this won't end up good for both sides.

I was also mainly trying to point out the big problem here: the discussion of vector.

We can keep the differences in cs:go and tf2 out in my opinion. I haven't seen any disagreements atm unless you are now referring to the older members as CS:GO now. That's a different story.


Also the fact that everybody is flipping out over CLs and this clan not looking like a clan.. People are treating justice waay too seriously. Vector is taking his punishment. Rabid.. changed. People are complaining now giving examples about people who are not even around anymore crying bias. Thinking "why can't I be this rank?" or "why can't they get out? they clearly don't know what they are talking about" stirring up everybody around them.

We're a damn gaming clan for crying out loud. Play games, chat in teamspeak and have fun. Don't try to get on peoples nerves or cry something didn't go your way. Then shit like this will happen.


notpointingfingersatyouoranyonespecificallyjustwanttogetthatmessageout alsostopsinglingpeopleoutyoufuckers

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@Kypari is a crybaby.


Yeah but there's a difference between calling someone a crybaby and literally bullying them, and if he'd have said that on the servers, then he'd have a punishment for sure. Why are the rules there different here?.

Nearly all of the TF2 division and some of the CS:GO division treat me like shit just because I made up some age bull because I disagreed with the rule and I knew that it would cause a mass deplete in members. Then I became an asshole because of that.

I wish that everyone here would just accept other's opinions and how others are, and if you disagree, talk with them, debate or whatever; there is no need to make someone feel terrible about themselves. This community literally gave me paranoia because of a lot of you here. And you know who you are. That's why I'm still on the forums today.

That does make me sound like an attention seeker-ish or an emo (because of my hair), but this community definitely needs ridding of a lot of people or for those people to stop arguing with others and making a fool of themselves. I'm included.


I'm willing to apologize to everyone and hope to start fresh with them. I said this in my goodbye thread, but now I actually mean it.

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i literally got cancer, aids, diabetes I II & III, malaria, influenza, hiv, herpes, and the common cold reading this shit. vector and dethman clearly will not be friends, dethman is clearly searching the ends of the earth for anything he can try to use to get vector perm banned. vector is being a retard as per usual, granted not giving anything as evidence that imo amounts to the perm dethman is hunting for but definitely giving people a reason not to like him.


there is a lot of blame going around and assumption, and at this point i feel like i could write a scientific journal on the inner working of preschool playground fights because this last year or so has been a very strong learning experience.


if you want to know what is really wrong with xg, look in a mirror, and if you could say that you think you are an asshat, clown idiot or in general do something stupid as fuck. you are the problem.

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