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Jb Rules

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I think the rules need to be redone as there are things just missing that should be there like no cheating during LR and Implied no detouring/no delaying for wardens orders aswell as no incell orders. its just missing things that make JB run alot smoother. If anybody else can think of stuff add em here so the higher ups can see them and add them if they feel they are helpful.


@Lithium @Snackbar @Chrono @Bleed @Owl @Tsuchikure @Sojodak @orangejuice @Cristo @Bonk @Hidingmaster @DrPepperPhreak(lel cant tag while hes banned apperently)

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General Rules

  1. Anything that is not in the MOTD is considered illegal unless an Admin says otherwise.
  2. Do not advertise on our servers.
  3. No cheating on our servers (this includes wall-hacking, aimbot, etc).
  4. Do not impersonate other members or admins.
  5. No using voice changers in-game.
  6. Do not bring up or make remarks to political stances, religions, leaders, nations or touchy subjects.
  7. No racism or sexism, using it in an insulting manner is not allowed.
  8. No abusing !call (already a rule, should be put in motd)
  9. No major disrespect to other players/staff (obviously based on judgement of staff, but if someone is being a huge dickbag and we mute/gag/kick he'll likely cry that it isn't in the motd blah blah. should be added)



Counter-Terrorist Rules and Regulations:

  1. Do not Freekill
  2. Do not break vents unless Last CT is in effect
  3. Do not Camp Armory Or Vents
  4. Leave Armory by 9:30 at the start of a round.
  5. Do not Bait or Gunplant the Terrorists
  6. Any Rebels at any point are considered Kill-On-Sight unless Pardoned by the Warden
  7. No Tarping (troll orders etc. to confuse the Ts) prior to 7:00 9:00 - this makes it so simon says is still playable before there's only like 3-4 t's left, but cts can't just major tarp for the first few orders
  8. If the warden dies, a new warden must be selected within 15 seconds or a Freeday will be automatically given
  9. As LCT, do not kill terrorists stuck inside a room without an exit (I.e. isolation) without first opening the room and giving t's 5 seconds for t's to escape. this could be removed, as we have the LCT countdown thing now
  10. As LCT, kill any ts you see immediately. (no favortism, already enforced, yadda yadda)



Terrorist Rules and Regulations:

  1. Do not Camp Armory Or Vents
  2. Do not Rebel during your 'Last Request' without using the option in the menu
  3. Do not Camp during 'Last CT'
  4. You may not have a 'Custom Last Request', you must use the menu. If you want to use a custom LR, ask any staff beforehand. (Plenty custom lrs are fine, with a staffs approval theres no reason not to have this. If its a stupid cheaty thing or will take forever staff can say no, if its harmless staff can say yes. Simple and fun.)
  5. Do not delay your Last Request.
  6. Being in armory (on a non warday), attacking cts, pointing guns at cts, and not following the wardens orders makes you an automatic rebel. (I'm probably forgetting about what else should be in this list, but I feel like this would help newer players significantly)
  7. No cheating in LR (obvious)
  8. No detouring and/or delaying is implied, if you are caught being slow to do orders or loop-holing, etc. you are an automatic rebel. Warden does not need to specify this. (also obvious)




Warden Rules and Regulations


  1. You can only do a special day every 3 rounds
  2. You can only play the same game every other round.
  3. You must have cells open by 8:45 or else it is a freeday!
  4. You must repeat once upon request, for the first order. (take a step out of your cell and guncheck freeze, etc etc) (this is heavily enforced already, I don't really understand why it isn't in the rules in the first place. Also, repeating once upon request for EVERY order would be suitable as well but I want other opinions)
  5. No in-cell orders. (also heavily enforced already, explains itself)
  6. No special treatment. (should be explained somewhere what this means, it's an enforced rule, should be written down somewhere)
  7. If you have an annoying mic, deemed by staff, you may not warden. (questionable rule, but I feel like it would be really helpful)



I edited the current MOTD a bit, with my own additions in red. Obviously this isn't the complete MOTD, and I want other opinions, but I feel that most my additions are already enforced rules and should just be added to reduce confusion.

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I've been considering updating the rules recently, there's a lot of rules that aren't there that are enforced. I'll go ahead and update some things, but some of the things you suggested will need some discussion to see if we even want them (moving tarp time up from 7, custom lrs, etc)

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@Lithium remember to include vents for the rebel thing cause owl is bad. and i think maybe bring the no tarp up to 8. Also unless we get what the tf2 div has can we just outright remove call and replace the advert with something that covers this so its alot more useful to us when we are on.

Admin Chat

This is used to talk to other admins online.

Type @<Writing> in team chat.

<TEAMCHAT>@chrono is h@x0ring ban him

(ADMINS) xG|DM Dontbleedpls #rebel: Chrono is h@x0ring ban him

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Noticed a few inconsistencies in it from skimming:


Counter-Terrorist Rules and Regulations:

  1. Do not Freekill
  2. Do not break vents unless Last CT is in effect
  3. Do not Camp Armory Or Vents
  4. Leave Armory by 9:30 at the start of a round.
  5. Do not Bait or Gunplant the Terrorists
  6. Any Rebels at any point are considered Kill-On-Sight unless Pardoned by the Warden
  7. No Tarping (troll orders etc. to confuse the Ts) prior to 7:00
  8. If the warden dies, a new warden must be selected within 15 seconds or a Freeday will be automatically given
  9. As LastCT, do not kill terrorists stuck inside a room without an exit (I.e. isolation) without first opening the room and giving t's 5 seconds for t's to escape.
  10. No favoritism as LastCT. If you see a T, you should try and kill them.

#7 ought to be under the Warden specific rules/regulations.


Terrorist Rules and Regulations:

  1. Do not Camp Armory Or Vents
  2. Do not Rebel during your 'Last Request' without using the option in the menu
  3. Do not Camp during 'Last CT'
  4. You may not have a 'Custom Last Request', you must use the menu.
  5. Do not delay your Last Request.
  6. You are an automatic rebel if you: do not follow warden's orders, are in armory on a non-warday, shoot or aim a gun at CT, or have a primary weapon out. Secondaries weapons are not automatic rebel unless shooting or aiming at CTs.
  7. No detouring or delaying is always implied. Wardens do not need to specify this.

#6 is a tad bit confusing. Why are secondary weapons allowed to be out (also, typo. Says "Secondaries weapons") while primary weapons aren't? Don't know whether this is really an issue on the CS:GO Server (I'll be honest, I haven't really extensively read the CS:GO rules so correct me if I'm wrong) but it looks like it would confuse any new players since primaries aren't allowed, but secondaries are.


Objectives as Prisoners:


  1. Follow the Warden's orders at any point, or be deemed a Rebel
  2. Outlive your fellow Prisoners so you may achieve your 'Last Request'
  3. Arm yourself whenever possible and eliminate CT’s
  4. Lead a Rebellion by working together with other Rebels

Looking back on this, I'm not entirely sure why I practically just repeated the same objective. Anyways, #3 and #4 are practically the same. You really only need one or the other.


- AFK Freeze

  • All actions are restricted except mic/chat usage. This may only be used during the first out of cell order.

- Gun Check Freeze

  • This is an AFK freeze performed directly outside your cell, facing away from your cell. Taking a step out is implied.

This mention may not be necessary, but because these are definitive explanations I would suggest having the note "Taking a step out is implied" under the terminology for "AFK Freeze" as well as "Gun Check Freeze" to ensure maximum clarity as opposed to just having it under "Gun Check Freeze".

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#6 is a tad bit confusing. Why are secondary weapons allowed to be out (also, typo. Says "Secondaries weapons") while primary weapons aren't? Don't know whether this is really an issue on the CS:GO Server (I'll be honest, I haven't really extensively read the CS:GO rules so correct me if I'm wrong) but it looks like it would confuse any new players since primaries aren't allowed, but secondaries are.


secondary's arnt insta rebel because people who havnt disabled auto swap to more powerful weapon can get easly killed and it should say its only for max like 5 seconds.


Looking back on this, I'm not entirely sure why I practically just repeated the same objective. Anyways, #3 and #4 are practically the same. You really only need one or the other.


they are very different one requires teamwork other requires one man with a plan. they seem the same but are very different points.


This mention may not be necessary, but because these are definitive explanations I would suggest having the note "Taking a step out is implied" under the terminology for "AFK Freeze" as well as "Gun Check Freeze" to ensure maximum clarity as opposed to just having it under "Gun Check Freeze".


AFK is a general term, as like take a step out face cell afk freeze. where the other is a full command by itself. Been a long time hasnt it forest go skim css rules babe ;)


ALso for the tarping it should be for all ct's not just warden.

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secondary's arnt insta rebel because people who havnt disabled auto swap to more powerful weapon can get easly killed and it should say its only for max like 5 seconds.

Totally forgot about auto-swap.

they are very different one requires teamwork other requires one man with a plan. they seem the same but are very different points.

I get that, but they're essentially the same thing for the purposes of the JB rules. Doesn't need to be two instances of "choose to rebel" is all I'm saying.

AFK is a general term, as like take a step out face cell afk freeze. where the other is a full command by itself. Been a long time hasnt it forest go skim css rules babe ;)

That's not what I'm referring to. What I'm saying is that one explicitly says "Taking a step out is implied" while the other one doesn't. On both accounts it should say "Taking a step out is implied", or just not say it at all.

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That's not what I'm referring to. What I'm saying is that one explicitly says "Taking a step out is implied" while the other one doesn't. On both accounts it should say "Taking a step out is implied", or just not say it at all.



I guess it could be added at the end of the day it wouldnt do any harm. Matsi is also right with having it in MOTD for trivia question/answers it should be typed out.

I get that, but they're essentially the same thing for the purposes of the JB rules. Doesn't need to be two instances of "choose to rebel" is all I'm saying.


Basicly they are both "Rebel to kill cts or get LR"

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Alright i totally skimmed through the thread, but if we're going to add minor things like typing trivia questions or rebelling during LR, do it with a "full" MOTD, meanwhile the one that was posted by owl can be a simplified version (like the one forest made for CS:S a long time ago) for quick access and ease of reading for the major rules that are often broken or not understood properly.



#6 is a tad bit confusing. Why are secondary weapons allowed to be out (also, typo. Says "Secondaries weapons") while primary weapons aren't? Don't know whether this is really an issue on the CS:GO Server (I'll be honest, I haven't really extensively read the CS:GO rules so correct me if I'm wrong) but it looks like it would confuse any new players since primaries aren't allowed, but secondaries are.

I've always enforced since early in the CS:S days that holding a primary out for more than 2 seconds makes you a rebel, while holding secondaries out requires a request to drop the gun. Any pointing at CTs will mean you are to be considered a rebel, though.

EDIT: This is because the secondaries are far less lethal compared to primaries, and are tossed around or picked up very often, making some situations annoying as the T may think he was freekilled and complain a lot more than usual.

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if we're going to add minor things like typing trivia questions or rebelling during LR, do it with a "full" MOTD, meanwhile the one that was posted by owl can be a simplified version (like the one forest made for CS:S a long time ago) for quick access and ease of reading for the major rules that are often broken or not understood properly.

Ironic given the fact that it is the Basic MoTD from CS:S, but with several revisions/additions. Though I agree, two versions (one basic, one indepth) would be the best approach if there's a need for detailed rules/regulations as opposed to just making one incredibly long one list; because we all know how well that went over in the late CS:S Division (hint: everyone always complained that it was too long and indepth).


I've always enforced since early in the CS:S days that holding a primary out for more than 2 seconds makes you a rebel, while holding secondaries out requires a request to drop the gun. Any pointing at CTs will mean you are to be considered a rebel, though.

Yeah, that rule was always in place which is why I initially brought up my earlier question. How it is currently 'written' in the rules just came off as "you can have a secondary out indefinitely" which didn't/doesn't seem right to me (given the late CS:S rules). But because I never really looked into the CS:GO rules (no "indepth" version that states otherwise), I wasn't sure whether they had changed it so that you could have a secondary out in the aforementioned way, which again, is why I asked my initial question(s).

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Ironic given the fact that it is the Basic MoTD from CS:S, but with several revisions/additions. Though I agree, two versions (one basic, one indepth) would be the best approach if there's a need for detailed rules/regulations as opposed to just making one incredibly long one list; because we all know how well that went over in the late CS:S Division (hint: everyone always complained that it was too long and indepth).

changing things up a bit to fit csgo properly whilst making a constantly updated motd for questions would be a nice idea instead of having to bring it up constantly with higher-ups and bug them to add it into the full motd with no notice to anybody about an update to the motd.



Yeah, that rule was always in place which is why I initially brought up my earlier question. How it is currently 'written' in the rules just came off as "you can have a secondary out indefinitely" which didn't/doesn't seem right to me (given the late CS:S rules). But because I never really looked into the CS:GO rules (no "indepth" version that states otherwise), I wasn't sure whether they had changed it so that you could have a secondary out in the aforementioned way, which again, is why I asked my initial question(s).

this is kind of hard to explain if it's taken like that. i'm sure nobody would bat an eye if you held it out long enough and a ct shot you in the face because everybody knows (or at least thought) you had a hostile intention. it's kind of an unwritten rule, or just can be considered part of the games nature.

but until i see a single case like this, i can't say too much about it because they always aim at a ct, or the cts go crazy yelling at them to drop their guns.


to be honest i'd rather enforce the rules to the extent that everybody will have the most fun possible* and not go too in-depth in certain parts of the game.




*: having fun while i constantly murder them on CT

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seriously i can see the good from having a massive wall of text on the rules but who honestly wants to do it? I And it's only helpful if people would read it, even having a simplified rule list like we do now people dont read it. so i say @Tsuchikure write it up since his mic broke anyways/

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For CT"S must stay close to warden in less warden tells them other wise. Basically don't just run off and jack off in a corner or something. Very rare on XG but I have seen it before where a kid will get on CT and start playing with the games and run off not helping at all or anything. Simple and short don't Troll

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