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Bad System.

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The system on how an member becomes xG has totally failed.

1. This guy got in on 24 minutes.

2. This guy didn't use his real Steam ID.

3. This guy haven't ever played on the server.

4. This guy's forum account was made a couple of minutes before the submission.


All that is really needed is to be cool to everyone, use a bit of irony and bam, you're in.

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Why would you make 2 accounts... people said they saw you, so I accepted. I don't check if the person actually has steam, as people apparently have seen them before, which is why they got vouches. This was really dumb, and I have no idea why you would even do it...

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Soiarn now you know why people hate you, you should learn to not be a ***, munch on so much ****, and find a purpose in life other than trololololing about stuff that is already known... Also you accent kills little kittens, -Love the rest of the world

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Soiarn now you know why people hate you, you should learn to not be a ***, munch on so much ****, and find a purpose in life other than trololololing about stuff that is already known... Also you accent kills little kittens, -Love the rest of the world
Why do people hate me because of another player? I am just showing off how fast he got in.


---------- Post added at 02:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 AM ----------


Why would you make 2 accounts... people said they saw you, so I accepted. I don't check if the person actually has steam, as people apparently have seen them before, which is why they got vouches. This was really dumb, and I have no idea why you would even do it...
When did I ever say I made Arash? I never said that nor did I write it. Also, go ahead and check if we're using the same IP Address, because we're not since we're not the same person.

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ya def need to reform member submissions and make it harder for ppl to join, more than i would like are trolling others and its ******* me off having to tell them to stfu and to stop trolling, perhaps we need more vouches for someone to get in, also make sure that they dont troll others

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go **** a goat.


Lol, stop. That just makes us look bad. At least try to handle this in a more mature manner. Soiarn, please stop lying about creating the account. We all know you did. And about the entire situation, I was really shocked when I saw you get in in under 30 minutes myself. Stop blaming the entire system, and blame the people who vouched for you. I hate to throw these people under a bus, but that is what TRULY decides when people get accepted. It wasn't Aegean's fault.... It was those who vouched you up, after not knowing you for more than one night. (grrr.....)

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Oh color I know it's a game but i literally hope he dies in a house fire, every time hes on its like jamming a stick thru my scrotom and fingering my urethra with a knife.

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Lol, stop. That just makes us look bad. At least try to handle this in a more mature manner. Soiarn, please stop lying about creating the account. We all know you did. And about the entire situation, I was really shocked when I saw you get in in under 30 minutes myself. Stop blaming the entire system, and blame the people who vouched for you. I hate to throw these people under a bus, but that is what TRULY decides when people get accepted. It wasn't Aegean's fault.... It was those who vouched you up, after not knowing you for more than one night. (grrr.....)
For the record, i only vouched because i talked to whoever this guy really is, and he asked me to go there, at first it was a -1, then i changed it to a plus one, because this person showed respect towards me even though i gave him a -1, and i find respect a big part of when i vouche, because why vouche for a troll or someone who's a pr*ck.

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Yeah, I vouch'd cause he seemed really respectful when I talked to him... but yea, it's Soiarn so we should probably forum ban Arash too.

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