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Hello Xenogamers, This Is Your Co Leader Aegean Speaking

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Literally has nothing to do with what I said. Stop making a fool of yourself


Everyone makes mistakes, but you seem to be pretty mad when I try to show you your mistakes.


L YOU L gtfo faggot.

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Everyone makes mistakes, but you seem to be pretty mad when I try to show you your mistakes.


L YOU L gtfo faggot.

Theres literally nothing wrong with what I said there LMAO you seem like the one upset here.

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@PiNoYPsYcHo If you're going to talk shit at least make it somewhat original and funny instead of throwing a bunch of big boy words around like that.


THErez LitTERAlLY NoTHInG WroNG wiTH WhAT i SaiD ThERE LmAO yOu sEEM LiKE ThE Oneee UpsET HerE.


Lots of spelling mistakes here btw, might wanna fix those.

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4:3 m o n i t o r


dont say ew why to me when you have a white background theme fr34k

I changed it because I had my screen brightness down last night.

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