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Previously a Member in xG:






Teamspeak Account Synced:


Time Active on Servers:

300 hrs


16 (account claims I am a year older)

Reasons for Joining:

I have played on the team fortress servers for Around 250hrs and I really enjoyed the community. Once I stoped playing TF2 I went to Counter-Strike and also enjoyed playing on your servers. More recently I have played on your minecraft server. Throughout my exeperence with Xeno Gamers i have always noticed you have a really well put together community. Everyone seems very friendly and nice, and for those reasons I was hoping to be a part of the xg community. Thanks -Gavin

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Staying neutral for this one.


Plays a lot in the server and knows the rules but his maturity as in for asking for item and sometimes begging does seemed to question if he would his powers in a fair way.

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Staying neutral for this one.


Plays a lot in the server and knows the rules but his maturity as in for asking for item and sometimes begging does seemed to question if he would his powers in a fair way.

i can assure your that i don't abuse powers, i ask to trade sometimes i have taking it it too far, but i don't see how that could lead to abusing powers. I was within the server rules, was just trying to push someone to trade...

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Staying neutral for this one.


Plays a lot in the server and knows the rules but his maturity as in for asking for item and sometimes begging does seemed to question if he would his powers in a fair way.


I don't think we get "powers" as members, feel free to inform me of anything I don't know though, I don't really explore new things, and I barely understand how the MC server works.



Other than that, I don't really know if I should vouch considering I'm his brother, and the bias here is pretty obvious. He can be pretty immature at times, but he doesn't generally use the voice/chat systems, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. You'll probably basically only see him on minecraft or CSGO, maybe a TF2 server once in a blue moon. I honestly don't get why he's suddenly so compelled to be part of a group he used to barely take part in, but he must be really enjoying the minecraft server or something, in which case I'd say give him a shot. He's likely going to have major problems with vouches though, as nobody else probably knows him.


Hesitant +1

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Guys this is a staff app. Please don't spam it with useless comments.

Sorry bb. Also its member app but I'll respect that. My bad

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Note: Aside from asking for items time to time, it doesn't seem like there's an issue with him joining, so welcome aboard!

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