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Team Fortress 2

Previously a Member in xG:





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Time Active on Servers:

Pokemon trading server almost daily


it says im 13, i'd like to keep that a secret

Reasons for Joining:

Because I like the community, the servers I played on have been fun. I'd like to become more involved in the community.

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Blues is actually 8 years old. Kek


Other than that he's a decent guy in Pokémon. Didn't think he causes trouble than when he first came since now he knows the rules.



M: more than tatost (I let you decide what number that is)

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-1 because of the amount of toxicity and disregard for the rules that comes from him.



@Spoopy, you say that he's learned the rules when even just recently he was bodyblocking repeatedly after being told not to.


Not to mention the spam of binds.







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-1 Just recently muted you because you didn't heed a warning to not micspam your whole crate receiving thing, also maturity issues to go along with that.


A: 8/10

M: 3/10

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He didn't do anything when I'm on . And @grap_grop if you think spamming binds a minute or two is spam then I should be for "spamming" kek

it wasn't every few minutes, see the time also shows the second he posted. He used his "rekt" bind 14 times in about 23 seconds. Grape also posted a picture showing Bluez calling @Reiki a "piece of shit." The user is obviously toxic when not being around staff members. It's a -1 from me.

A: 8.5

M: 2

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i only seen him once and i don't really play pokemon, but it wasn't a pleasant one. He was trolling and being a real pain in the ass. He wouldn't stop talking over people and considering he has 7 mutes with varying from disrespect to mic spam to trolling i don't see how people can +1 him. @Ms.Spooks muted him right before i was about to.

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i only seen him once and i don't really play pokemon, but it wasn't a pleasant one. He was trolling and being a real pain in the ass. He wouldn't stop talking over people and considering he has 7 mutes with varying from disrespect to mic spam to trolling i don't see how people can +1 him. @Ms.Spooks muted him right before i was about to.

and for some reason the message didn't display my vouch




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Constantly spamming, trolling, and being a pain in our backside. Example: I muted him and he was saying "people can just mute me client side" then complained for at least a minute and a half about mhim getting muted.

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All of this is completely fair, and I do plan of stopping in the future, but I do need to say somethings.


A: I forgot who but somebody mentioned body blocking, I do know what they are talking about, a few days ago, a was standing close to the door, holding w+m1 as pyro to check for spys, however, this was not close enough for the spys to go inside me, I went out of my way to stop this after somebody told me I was doing this, however, I was not in the first place.


B: Toxicity: People on this server say those words normally, dig around in somebody chat log long enough and you will find a mean word or two, plus, you are not giving context for the situation. As for the spamming, yes, I have done that, but as you can see from the dates I have not done it for the week since, this does not make what I did ok, but still that is true none the less. As for when I played music, that was once, and though I should not have done that, I still stand by the opinion, that you can mute somebody client side.


C: Now that school has started, I'm likely to play tf2 less and less and now that I have a new game I can use in my free time (Splatoon 2), I'm now likely to spend less and less time with tf2. That is the only use for xG to me, so to anyone how says I'm "A pain in the back", you won't deal with me for much longer. I will log on occasionally, but that's it.


D: I would like to apologize for any and all problems I've caused on xG, thank you all, and I probably won't see you later.



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You have been declined from becoming a member, but you may reapply in a month!


Note: Well it's your choice to come on less, though if you do change your mind at some point just make sure to keep these things to mind and work on any issues should you decide to reapply someday.



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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